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Posts posted by IAmArtsDesire

  1. Absolutely Adorable!!! I rediciously love baby Luna!!! <3333 Rarity is beautiful as always! You did a great job and I can't wait to see more!


    Thank you! Glad ya like my work! More shall come!

    Wonderful job friend. I especially love how their eyes look. Also, fine use of shadows especially on Luna. The shadows really brought out the characters' depth and accented them really well.

    Thank ya! They eye are always one of my favorite things to do. Glad ya like the shadows too, still working on shading. :) Glad you like 'em both!

  2. They both look so cute and adorable, in my opinion. I like how the both of them look and I like how the mane colors look on Luna. :wub: Great work and keep it up. :)

    Thank ya! Glad ya think they're cute! I shall definitely attempt to keep it up!


    Awww, very cute as always ImArtsDesire!

    Thank ya! Glad ya like 'em!


    This looks really cute :). Good job on your drawings :D. They always look amazing :D

    Yayz for Cuteness! Thank ya!

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Your art looks really good. I like how the ponies look here, especially with the shading. Great work! :D

    Thank you very much!


    Yay! Even more of your splashing pony art! :yay: Good job! :grin2:

    XD Yayz Indeed! Thanks!


    You do those two quite often :). Are they your OCs or? They look very nice :D

    Yes I do, the other times I did them, I had been commissioned an DeviantArt to do so. These two ponies are not my OC's but belong to 2 of my friends.


    There are very little things that can be improved on from where you are. From what I can tell, I can't see the horn as being in the correct place on the child's head and the cross necklace does not have straight sides, you are doing an excellent job my friend. Your work is near perfect. I had to search to see these things which says a lot about your skill.

    I wish you skill on your next project friend.

    Wow, thanks! And yes, I can see your point.... The foals horn isn't in the correct place, and the necklace is a little lopsided. XD Thank you for pointing that out for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hopefully y'all will recognize these two ponies, but you may not recognize the third. This was a gift for a friend. A Possible Future, you might say, for this pony couple. I also have my second speed paint, with this picture! So, here it is! Feedback is highly appreciated.




    • Brohoof 5
  5. Awww, they're so very cute! I love them all so much! Great job!

    Yayz for the Cuteness! Thank you!


    Those look awesome :D. I especially like the Celestia one :3. Good job :D

    Thanks! :) The Celestia is my favorite, as well. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Nice work! I love them xD. Currently in the process of drawing an anime Luna myself haha

    XD Thanks! And that sounds Fun!!!


    Ooh :ooh: That is really good! =O You are too splashing amazing! :D :D

    Thank you very much!

    • Brohoof 2
  7. These are really good. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more!

    Thank you and I shall!


    I never understood why they made Empress Celestia look like a Ice cream pony. Nonetheless +1 for good drawings.

    XD Well thanks for the +1 for good drawings. 

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I am back, again, to bring some more art I drew today! Today I went with Princesses. One Flaming Twilight, One Luna, and one Tia. I hope you like how they came out. Feedback is always appreciated!










    • Brohoof 6
  9. I just wanted to share how I felt towards Artist, I don't feel I express enough how much I love them. I love all of you, you're all great people in my life and I will never forget any of you. You deserve to be put on a star in hollywood and made into statues to promote the right values in life and the right way of going about life in general. Keep strong! And keep drawing!

    Thank you again. :)


    Those are quite excellent, friend! :squee: Colourful and very cute, really can't fault those much at all. Keep at it!  ^_^

    Thank you. I most certainly shall. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  10. You deserve it, you're the stuff of legend in our Kingdom! You're the Shakespeare of our culture, you're the builder of fantasy and reality! You're the conveyer of our great great fandom, you must take our fundamentals and you must spread them through your artistic talent. You must continue to make dreams reality, you must continue to fight for our cause using not weapons of mass destruction but the simple ability to convey emotion through the work of Art. Art is your weapon, it's the weapon of the future, it's powerful and it has impaction on our mere little shells deep down inside that connects us all as human beings of this lovely lovely planet we have shared for many many years!

    Your... making me so happy with these words. Thank you so very much. I am actually crying right now. That is how happy I am and I thank you with deep gratitude. You have just made my day.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I understand, it is not important so don't worry :) I love your art it keeps me smiling whenever more of our fandom is released to the internet. It's like spreading propaganda and attracting more possible members! You don't understand how vital you are to the fandom, you could be the very reason someone decided to join or check the show out in the first place from pure interest in your work! You're the revolutionary scroll of our time, keep spreading that sweet sweet freedom!

    Now that was inspirational. Thank you for those kinda and cheerful words! I shall definitely keep it up and continue to spread that "sweet sweet freedom" as you say. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I have a deviantart account and looking for more MLP fanart there, and this art i never saw it before O_o this post deserve brohoofs

    Oh. XD Well, thank you. 


    Those are so awesome :D. I love those :D :D :D. Good job :3

    Thanks! Glad ya like 'em!


    Ooh these are fintastic! :pinkie: I am excited to see more of your splashing art! :yay:

    Yayz! Thank you!!! Hope to have more up soon!


    Wow, such inspirational work! Could you do my OC? It's very lacking in the OC department and this is pretty much the only image I have of her drawn by a dear friend of mine. And the cutie mark is a camera on a cloud to represent the camera person side of me. I have a bigger picture on my profile and it's the orange one.

    Glad it is inspirational. I might could draw your OC... I just need some time to draw for myself right now. Been busy lately. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I am not great at titles... can ya tell? Anyway, I drew 2 more ponies today, was working on third, but I have yet to finish that. Anyway, these to are both part of art trades one with a DeviantArt friend and another who is on here and on DeviantArt. So, here they are. :) Hope y'all like 'em and feedback is always appreciated!







    • Brohoof 8
  14. Yay! That makes me flip my fins with joy! :D

    XD Yayz!


    Lovely as usuall :) Great work, Adorable drawing ^^


    I'm really looking forward to see more :)

    Thanks!!! I am hoping to have three pictures posted later tonight, but it might just be two. XD

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Ooh yay! :yay: I just simply love your art :wub: You're such a fintastic artist! I think I'm always going to look forward to seeing more of your art ^_^

    XD That it wonderful thing to know, I guess I shall keep posting on here then. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  16. He looks pretty cute here! :)

    Good job!

    Thank ya very much!!!


    Best princess, No doubt!


    Amazing drawing, Looks great ^^ Your style is really nice to :D

    XD Aye! Thanks, glad ya like it and my style! :)

    • Brohoof 2
  17. ooh =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) this style looks more bouncy =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) happy style happy ponies 0))==)=)=)=)=)=) yAY =)=)=)=)=) makes me happy too =)=)=)=)=)!!!!! Awesome drawing =)=)=)=)=)=)!!!!!

    Thank ya! Glad it makes you happy!!!


    Another gorgeous drawing! :lol: Well done!! :)

    Thank ya very much!!!


    They look so adorable <3. They are awesomely well done :3. Good job :D

    Yay! Adorableness succeeded! Thank you!!

    • Brohoof 2
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