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Posts posted by reader8363

  1. Rose's ears perked up and she said after she took a sip of her drink, "Sounds you like his style, any free tips on fighting him, so I don't end up as a bloody mess, or do I have to watch his fight to figure it out?" She noticed that alcohol has an effect on Topaz, so it might be useful info later in the years.

  2. Rose said as she looked down at her drink, "Thankfully, I don't have to fight the team leader. Just the shadowy imposter that talk bad about my dad." She started trying to figure out ways to stop his pet completely, it probably couldn't be killed, since it's made of shadows, but maybe it can be overfilled.

  3. Rose nodded and said as she placed her drink on the table, "I have the opposite problem, my dad doesn't protect me from anything. I'm grateful that he trust me with his job, but he expects me to learn like he did." She smiled and said quietly while not being completely serious, "He could pay me and give his bodyguards a break. I know the underworld like the back on my claw, sorry, hoof."

  4. Rose said, "Thanks, and I wanted to, but was taught not to. With all serious, I'm not like the others, which might be something you hear a lot, I really was just coming in for get drink before training. I didn't know you would be here. So I decided to ask if ya wanted to chat. I'm sure he won't mind, unless he's one of the protective ones. " Her ear shifted slightly at the thought of some info that she didn't know, nor did her father.

  5. Rose shook the bottle next to her hip and said in a quiet voice, "Came for a drink and though I'd ask if ya wanted a friendly chat. We can do it later if ya like." She could see Rail out of the corner of her eye, but didn't show any sign that she acknowledge him

  6. Rose entered the bar and sighed as she requested a bottle. That's when she noticed Topaz. She decided to ask and if not, she can train. She headed over to her and asked in a friendly tone, "Mind if I have a seat or are ya preceding to be alone at the moment."

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Rose nodded and said, "i know that my dad will be fine. When he attacked me, he said that he thought my father would show up. So he would have been targeted if he was sent here." She walked out the door and headed to the bar to grab a drink before getting back to training.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Shadow  and Rose sparred since early morning. Shadow called ad he blocked on of her attacks, "that's enough for now." They sat down on the grass behind the school, panting heavily due to sparing everyday. They both had bruises from each other. He said as he got up, "Go get ready, and I expect you to be in class." Rose ran off to her room, leaving Shadow on the grass. He picked up his cane's Handel and made it solid, then he headed to the teacher's lounge to cool off before class started. 

    Rose winced with each step. Even though her dad went easy and pulled his punches, he still packed a punch. She got to their room and took some pain relievers and got out of her workout clothes. She looked dug through her drawers for her school outfit and headed to her first class. She wished that they could spar with weapons, but he forbid weapons at school.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @Dynamo Pad @Unicorncob

    Rose said as she slipped her blade out of Zerra, "Hey Topaz, when I get better, want to get a drink?" Her vision swam and she fell backwards on the arena. She pushed her entire self to the brink of dying. She closed her eyes and tried to use magic to heal, but sadly didn't work.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Rose did what came naturally to her. She painfully lifted up her wing to stopped the bolt. It blackened her wing more, then she rolled over to grabbed her sword and thrusted it towards Zerra. She felt an known magic pour into the blade, where she had none. Her body was hurting from the pain of the fight and her pushing her body over it's current limits, but she needed to finish it quickly.

  11. Rose was surprised at Zerra wanting to fight more, she stumbled back and was ready for, but a pole of magic popped up front of the bolt. She stayed down and said as she got over the pillar coming up from the ground , "Do you seriously want to fight, till you bleed out

  12. Rose said as she sat down, "I wasn't bluffing. You will die more by the puncture in your chest. Now, if you lay on your back at my hooves, I'll make it quick, painless, and left with dignity. Or we can talk until you die of blood loss. It's up to you." She shook her wing and the knife fell out at Rose's hooves. She didn't want to show it, but she is on death's door. It took a lot of energy to sit up, she only had enough to move her hoof to plunge the knife

  13. Rose flipped Zerra onto her back with her left wing, almost falling over and said, "Lets see, should I finish you off, since my dad couldn't, or should I be merciful to you. She turned to Topaz and said, "Just hold off on the counting."

  14. She said as she struggled to stand up with her pride, "You were keeping me at bay, when you forgot I had magic left, and I said I wasn't going to die alone, that I'll take you down." Her vision blurred a little, but she shook her head to clear it up.

  15. Rose screamed as she got pierced through her right wing and front hooves. She felt the electricity stop and wanted to sleep, but she knew that she couldn't. She wanted to fling her knife, but her body didn't want to move

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Rose felt the electricity getting through the shadow and saw it was moving to slow. She poured all she the magic had left and the shadow into stabbing everywhere, including the area she was in. She collapsed to a laying position. As the dome fell in around them. She hoped that this works, or she will die by both magic and the electricity.

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