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Status Replies posted by RainCode

  1. i got a question, what can we post, and what can we NOT post in our status updates?

  2. i got a question, what can we post, and what can we NOT post in our status updates?

    1. RainCode


      The rules link is in the header. Use that if you're not sure.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Come watch the live stream of the death of the fine bros.

    1. RainCode


      They removed their REACT world and update video. lmao

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Google maps just scared the crap out of me: http://i.imgur.com/fpxNIo7.jpg

    1. RainCode


      Whoah. That really changed. Perhaps a branch got in the way of the cameras? XD

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. time goes fast its almost a year since I joined MLP Forums. I've met so many lovely friends <3<3<3<3<3<3 I certainly wouldnt be this happy and feeling good without this forum <3 I love all my friends here <3<3<3<3<3 I'm happy everyday when I'm able to communicate =)

  6. So, I guess this is my very first status. How's everyone's day so far?

  7. F̤̮R̤̮E̤̮E̤̮ C̤̮A̤̮K̤̮E̤̮ F̤̮O̤̮R̤̮ E̤̮V̤̮E̤̮R̤̮Y̤̮O̤̮N̤̮E̤̮!

  8. So, I guess this is my very first status. How's everyone's day so far?

    1. RainCode


      Awesome. The link is on my profile if you do want to see it so far. (It does feel like I'm boasting. How nice. XD)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. F̤̮R̤̮E̤̮E̤̮ C̤̮A̤̮K̤̮E̤̮ F̤̮O̤̮R̤̮ E̤̮V̤̮E̤̮R̤̮Y̤̮O̤̮N̤̮E̤̮!

  10. F̤̮R̤̮E̤̮E̤̮ C̤̮A̤̮K̤̮E̤̮ F̤̮O̤̮R̤̮ E̤̮V̤̮E̤̮R̤̮Y̤̮O̤̮N̤̮E̤̮!

    1. RainCode


      Oh no! She's going to reverse-engineer the cake to try to figure out the secret formula and then use it for her sales!

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  11. So, I guess this is my very first status. How's everyone's day so far?

    1. RainCode


      I'm feeling great. I'm just working on something that really shows my side of things (so that the curious also knows more about me [creepy, I know]) and it's really looking good so far. :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. F̤̮R̤̮E̤̮E̤̮ C̤̮A̤̮K̤̮E̤̮ F̤̮O̤̮R̤̮ E̤̮V̤̮E̤̮R̤̮Y̤̮O̤̮N̤̮E̤̮!

    1. RainCode


      Well, it does seem legit... I'll take it!

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  13. F̤̮R̤̮E̤̮E̤̮ C̤̮A̤̮K̤̮E̤̮ F̤̮O̤̮R̤̮ E̤̮V̤̮E̤̮R̤̮Y̤̮O̤̮N̤̮E̤̮!

  14. Wow, i love the new GTA banner. :D

    1. RainCode


      Funny enough, I was thinking of posting a status saying that it looks awesome. Looks like someone got there first!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Experiencing the opposites is essential for you to grow and move forward in your path. After uniting the opposites in you you can reach the perfection and start over.

  16. hello=)

    1. RainCode


      Whoah. Looks like I'm not the only one who stays up. Haha.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  17. hello=)

    1. RainCode


      Earlier today when I ended up being in group 'muffin', I was thinking about setting an avatar of Derpy looking down so that it looks like Derpy is looking down at the muffin that would show in forum posts. XD

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

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