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Status Replies posted by Bronium

  1. Movie, code, fried chicken, cheez-its, mountain dew... all is well in Evilshyville (Eville?)

  2. People need to understand...I'm not a plumber dammit! I'm a handyman!

  3. You know what I hate? Game title screens. Yeah, I know what game it is, I clicked on the icon.

    1. Bronium


      True, true. I wonder why they have Title screens.Console players? Who are casual and hence can't remember the game they put in?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why does Steam have friends lists? None of my friends on there do anything.

  5. I want someone to make a play on words which have a play on words in it's title so I can say it's a play on words whilst my sentence also being a play on words

  6. Should we do anti-resolutions? So when we break them, we get better? Or if we don't break them, double win, since you kept your resolutions and the resolutions were really easy on you.

  7. half hour break.

  8. Happy New Year Everybody! I'm a bit late to the party. Dad reminded me though. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great year.

  9. I'm going to pretend that the holidays are actually school days. Let's see how long that's gonna last.

  10. Lol. The criteria of my English essay for a low grade "Do we really need to go there" It means the piece doesn't even show knowledge of the text, or material covered in class,even with the teacher's assistance. It probably features a loose discussion with the prompt with an attempt to fit in a few ideas you vaguely knew from the text. Quality of the writing is pretty average or poor too. The best part is, juxtaposed next to the other criteria (all fancy with bulletpoints and w...

  11. Got 39C/102F degrees fever... fuck my life... :(

  12. No one is online to play Borderlands with :c

  13. No one is online to play Borderlands with :c

  14. It's official. I'm sick. Baaahhhh...

    1. Bronium


      Official? Did you tell Feld0 about this? Because he has to confirm the officialness of everything, right?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Moving tomorrow.. That means i won't have access to the internet for a while ._.

  16. Just played AC3 for the first time......... *fangasms* <3

  17. Ugh, life is so hard when you have a 1GB memory stick! D:<

    1. Bronium


      Could be worse if you had a floppy. Never pleases anyone.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Parents forcing me to ask for a new comp for xmas -_____- I dont even need a new one! My old laptop works just fine. Why get another one when I can always use a 2 Ghz laptop from 2010 >.< my parents need to think before forcing me to do somethng

    1. Bronium


      What's the new computer like? I could be really shit for all we know. Are you parents tech savvy?

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  19. Mass Effect 1 and 2 is 10 bucks. All of you buy it NOW. Then tell me how awesome it is.

    1. Bronium


      I've heard. It has to be a prequel. It has to be. I think they can pull it off though. Just ignore the fuck out of the reapers. That was Shepard's thing. And that's it. I love the ME universe and I just want a game where you can pretty much explore it. Also, I wanna be a quarian.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. Parents forcing me to ask for a new comp for xmas -_____- I dont even need a new one! My old laptop works just fine. Why get another one when I can always use a 2 Ghz laptop from 2010 >.< my parents need to think before forcing me to do somethng

    1. Bronium


      I understand what you mean. It's so they can guilt trip you later.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  21. Mass Effect 1 and 2 is 10 bucks. All of you buy it NOW. Then tell me how awesome it is.

    1. Bronium


      Morality systems suck in of it self, but you should totally buy AC3. It's pretty decent. Buy it on sale though. Not worth the whole price, in my opinion. Maybe half price. But the ending doesn't ruin the game. It's just rushed into a sequel. And it's so obvious.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  22. Mass Effect 1 and 2 is 10 bucks. All of you buy it NOW. Then tell me how awesome it is.

    1. Bronium


      The game is fantastic. The ending is absolute shit. Is just as bad as the ACIII ending. Oh my god. That has the worst ending ever.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. Mass Effect 1 and 2 is 10 bucks. All of you buy it NOW. Then tell me how awesome it is.

    1. Bronium


      at the end of ME3. I was like OMFG. There must be a secret ending or some shit, because this is bullshit.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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