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Posts posted by Vennax

  1. Me and my friends played a game called Ninja Bags, (Nothing to do with Ninjas at all), basically we swung our bags around and flung them at each other. It was fun  at first but we ended up hurting two non-participants and cracking a window ( I never actually broke a window or hurt the two people myself)... We were all given detention for about a week and put on Senior Report status.


    Ah, good but stupid times...   I've done a lot of maturing since then

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Dragon Ball Z, or more specifically the character Raditz (Hence the profile picture), History(Especially the Roman early expansion era) and playing the Piano.


    I don't spend as much time on the Piano as I used to as I'm usually playing games or hanging with friends.


    Oh Yeah and Rome II...









    That's why I spend a lot of time of Rome II :wub:

  3. I can speak English fluently (First Language), I can speak Welsh quite well (Secondary) and Im currently learning Spanish in school.


    I wish I could speak Welsh fluently (as it is my country's language) and Japanese, it sounds so cool but so hard to learn :D


    EDIT: Oh and Latin! That would be great to confuse others in a normal conversation!

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