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Everything posted by Pinkazoid

  1. Pinkazoid

    Ban Zoop

    Ban Zoop for his bald head, it distracts people.
  2. Nickelback, i enjoy some of the songs, but they never seems to change their style, I like the band, honestly, i can understand why people dislike it, though.... and not the mention the Fanboys/Fangirls. I don't see that much hate for Creed, not sure what to say there s:
  3. Pinkazoid

    i made a OC

    Behold The most accurate GIF as a responce in all of MLPForums
  4. Actively looking? Ehhh.... No. She has standards, you know, she had a crush on ONE pony for who knows how long, she doesn't seem to look for anyone.
  5. No. Why Rarity? Why not AJ? Why not Dash? None of the characters should have boyfriends. Rarity, i don't see why she'd be the only one to get a boyfriend, honestly.
  6. Just got the Rarity comic ; v ;

    1. Yamato


      That comic was, like, extra groovy, man... I loved it.

    2. Pinkazoid


      I need a pinkie one asap x:

    3. Yamato


      All in good time, amicus mei, all in good time...

  7. Destroying it's biggest money source? Geeez, i know they do pretty bad choices all the time for the sake of earning a few cheap bucks, but they wouldn't go THIS far :3
  8. Hm seeing you drew the statue, just wonderinnnng could you maybe draw my OC staring into the statue's eyes? Flying and all. If not, maybe if i get someonet to post an OC so i can at least be drawn next to 'im x:
  9. Bweh, not sure if it's too late in a hurry better post fast xxxxx: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-rush-r355 here's my OC, Sugar Rush, just in case x:
  10. But the posts they bweh how?
  11. lolno The Smooze was amazing, and that song too, I loved that movie ; n ; Worst Movie? I honestly don't know. One movie was really bad, but the stupidity and jokes made up for it. "Dude Where's My Car?" Favorite Worst Movie x3
  12. Oooh~ maybe you should draw a giant Feld0 statue on the middle of the park, you know, because Feld0 :V
  13. Cool, an oldie Pony fan I still watch the MLP Movie, Smooze song is always on my head too :3 Welcome to the forums~
  14. Nightie Forums ~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ActFast231


      Night. Sorry again for raping your notifications.

    3. Pinkazoid


      it's okay :333


      Thanks guys x3

    4. duidamasterXD


      Night Pinkazoid!

  15. Lol, that's not her fagit :3 It wasn't all because it was an alicorn, i used all the horrible mary sue traits for a bad OC ; n ; THE MANE WAS EVEN THE SAME STYLE AS RD'S and the pic was always made on the pony creator :V
  16. On my first month as a brony, i made an OC, it was an Alicorn, and the color scheme was Red, Black, and Grey, and it was also a lost sister whatever ; n ; I learned from my mistakes and made a new OC only a week after getting yelled about it c:
  17. I just realized the amount of OC's I've made, i somehow still love Sugar Rush more than the others x3

  18. Pinkie... as a cheer leader? Why do i not think that's a bad idea? I can't come up with anything for AJ or Flutters. Maybe somethin' to do with agriculture, in my school, the agriculture thing, is more of a course rather than an after school activity.
  19. I like gum ; v ;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      Green Apple Big League Chew nom x333

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      I have a pinkie pie, and I will throw it at you >:|

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      i like gum too :D

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