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Everything posted by Pinkazoid

  1. I like to look at things from the whole "Either everything is okay to make fun of, or nothing is" Tolerance to jokes as those are found plenty, and it shouldn't really be surprising, sure they're not the most ethical or moral of jokes, but no one can rid the world of them for the sake of a couple of people, it's not the brightest thought, and there are plenty of reasons for them to be offensive, but if it exists for a reason, in which case it's that people find them humorous, the best others can do is avoid them.
  2. Want a siggy but too lazy to ask for one ; n ;

  3. There's one friend of mine who tries to turn everyone's problems into her own, really annoying actually, especially when she drags me with her. Then there's the people who jump from fad to fad so they can "fit in" The hipsters who will hate everything that you enjoy, and who just happen to suck the life out of every conversation and then there's the annoying one who says weird stuff when trying to act cool to impress people she wants to hang out with (me, no seriously, it's me ; -; )
  4. They never stated when Mrs. Cake was pregnant though, there's a possibility that she was pregnant before the show even aired, or she was pregnant the whole time. Anyways, it cant be just a year, there's been 2 winters already, then again, who can understand how things work in Equestria
  5. You told it how it is, the reason I adore Lauren is for what she brought, and what she so very marvelously created, but not for her amazing stories, and the engaging plots (lel) Meghan McCarthy and Dave Polsky M.A. Larson's horribad "Magical Mystery Cure" was bad enough for me to denote him from second favorite to third :V
  6. I miss the brony badge :c

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Smarts


      unicorns pffft. Changelings are where it's at.

    3. Pinkazoid


      I guess so, but it was a pretty cool achievement, I used to like the pegasus badge but the brony badge encouraged me to keep posting :3

    4. Smarts


      Heh, the changeling badge encouraged me to post. Now that I have it, I just don't know what to do anymore. :/

  7. I wish I could be some super awesome and hilarious pony like Pinkie, but I'd probably be some unimportant background pony like AppleJack :v
  8. Crab People will unite to fight the never-ending pony avatars :v
  9. Narwhals, it's like, battle of the gods, except not :V Talk about crab people, crab people are always a great subject
  10. For refusing to join the crab people in their attempt to take over the world
  11. I once saw a middle age man buying several pony toys from the pink toy aisle, I swear, Wal-Marts are full of weirdos these days...
  12. Same ; -; Only difference is that my dad will be there to make fun of me for watching a grown man show I'll make nutella pancakes to celebrate tomorrow
  13. The thing about being a kid and watching cartoons was how they could throw in obvious stereotypes at your face and you seeing nothing wrong with them, I loved that show as a kid, I still love it too, i didn't ever see anything wrong with it. I can see how the others are the Token characters, but not Raimundo, I dont see anything wrong or stereotypical about him xD Oh yea, Jack Spicer was the best, I think he's the biggest reason I still watch the show xD
  14. Generosity does not only apply to situations in where materialistic objects are involved, generosity means by all needs putting others in front of you and willing to sacrifice your own needs for others, and Rarity might not show this plenty, but I considered get episodes to always have the best lessons. "Sweet and Elite" and "Sisterhooves Social" both had similar lessons, while Rarity through out the episodes was somewhat selfish, the endings were what she learned out of it, so she does improve episode after episode. In "Sweet and Elite" she risked her social status for her friends, after going through the hard work of impressing others and living what she always dreamed of, but in the end her friends were far more important, and in "Sisterhooves Social" her annoyance with her little sister was something people with younger siblings can relate to, and she solved it doing something that not that many people would be willing to do. So, no she's not selfish, and her generosity is definitively there. *The auto correct on my phone is sent from hell to make me miserable.
  15. I tried to listen to parts of the songs, they didn't really get my attention, they seemed to cheesy to me, there's something about dancing and singing teens I just can't stand, sure its cute when they're ponies, but it was just odd as teenagers :v
  16. Notification box keeps saying I have a new notification everytime I refresh the page even though I don't, dammit, I fall for it everytime

  17. Princess Celestia's horn is detachable and can be used aa flotation device

  18. Nah, it sounds more like "tumb" like if there was no h, people just say that it's because of my thick accent, and I agree with them xD
  19. Welp, here's my OC Sugar Rush, had to dig through the character database to find it, good luck with the project and all, hppe my OC is of some use. Http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-rush-r355#
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