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Lucky Shot

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  • Birthday October 25

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  1. Cloud? Really? Not anyone from the 6 FF titles that were actually on a Nintendo console???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Script Dangles

      Script Dangles

      In my opinion, FF III (US) is only rivaled by Mass Effect II as the greatest RPG in videogame history.


      I would have FAR preferred that in lieu of VII. -_-

    3. Lucky Shot

      Lucky Shot

      FF6 was pretty awesome yeah, and has the benefit of having been in both nations. I think Cecil would have fit into Smash more readily than Terra or Locke, though, and I'd rather have "yet another switch character" than "yet another big sword character".

    4. Script Dangles

      Script Dangles

      If they HAD to go the sword route...they should have used Celes. She was always a favorite of mine. That opera scene remains one of my favorite moments in gaming history. :)

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