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Status Replies posted by MarionEtte136

  1. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      I'm no better; I use Pony Creator, and asked my girl friend to sketch mine...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      And, likely, false... Not an artist by ANY stretch of the imagination... So, take anything I say on the subject with a grain of salt...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      Personally, I have no issue with the character... Except maybe the color choice. I think that a bit of fading of the color COULD make it a bit more appealing to the eye, but that's just my opinion. :)

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  4. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      In regards to the hooves, we've been shown similarly physical impossibilities... Like Applejack playing the acoustic guitar flawlessly as a filly in The Mane Attraction.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  5. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

  6. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      To argue against the time period Equestria appears to be in, how do you explain the arcade machine the background character commonly referred to as "Button Mash" plays during the episode, Hearts and Hooves Day, during the musical number that features my favorite character in the entire show (Jelly Pony)?

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  7. Anyone got any suggestions for what my Cutie Mark should be?

    1. MarionEtte136


      A Cutie Mark should appear to you at a vital moment of self-discovery, and be a symbol of it, so you shouldn't make any real decisions until that moment. I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to help you in Cutie Mark creation, nor am I at all a decent artist to craft you one. I apologize for lack of assistance in that regard, but I hope what I had to say helped you in any way. :)

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm a crystal pony now! *shines bright like a diamond*

    1. MarionEtte136


      *Smells hair.* *Me gusta face.* My cringe is the cringe that will PIERCE THE HEAVENS!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. I'm a crystal pony now! *shines bright like a diamond*

    1. MarionEtte136


      More for Starlight-senpai! :D *Rests head on shoulder, hugging a bit tighter.* Awkward enough, or more awkward? :D

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. I'm a crystal pony now! *shines bright like a diamond*

    1. MarionEtte136


      What's going on over here? :D *Awkward group hug.*

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Getting grossed out by my RP buddies!

    1. MarionEtte136


      As long as you keep on going, living your life the way you want and need to, I shouldn't have cause to worry... :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

    1. MarionEtte136


      When you said that it was getting too much to handle, I got scared... I didn't want to lose a friend...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

    1. MarionEtte136


      Just, please, don't pull that again... It really got me to panic...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. I hate my life currently, I might not make if through guys, so incase I do something stupid, it has been great knowing everyone here. For once I actually felt loved and welcomed be other people, it was a nice feeling in my life while it lasted. But I feel my time is growing short, I just don't have the strength for this life.

    1. MarionEtte136


      I swear, Lunar Echo, if you do what I think you plan on doing... By the Gods, I'll slap you with an elephant!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. My new strange love for Twilight Sparkle. I get the feelings that the Voice Actor of Twilight Sparkle deliberately sexualises her characters because she knows of "that side of the fandom". I could just be sticking my head in the clouds though, what are others thoughts? Might make a thread soon so keep your eyes peeled.

    1. MarionEtte136


      Could just be the fact that I'm a clopper, but I can see where you're coming from.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. He got an idea... An AWFUL idea... A WONDERFUL, AWFUL idea!

  15. He got an idea... An AWFUL idea... A WONDERFUL, AWFUL idea!

  16. He got an idea... An AWFUL idea... A WONDERFUL, AWFUL idea!

    1. MarionEtte136


      A live action movie adaptation of... Let's say, A Canterlot Wedding...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. He got an idea... An AWFUL idea... A WONDERFUL, AWFUL idea!

  18. Returned from my Fallout 4 binge! What a great game! I recommend it to anyone interested in End of the World type games. Anywho, I should be resuming to my typical pony self on these here forums! I missed you all lots and hope you're all doing well! I also didn't want to spoil anything Fallout 4 had to offer to stayed off for a long time.

  19. Returned from my Fallout 4 binge! What a great game! I recommend it to anyone interested in End of the World type games. Anywho, I should be resuming to my typical pony self on these here forums! I missed you all lots and hope you're all doing well! I also didn't want to spoil anything Fallout 4 had to offer to stayed off for a long time.

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