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Mentis Soliloquy

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Posts posted by Mentis Soliloquy

  1. "Hmm?..." She looked around for the voice that was addressing her that she thought it was anyway, which it was. She turned to face a dragon... "Oh hello? Um no I did not win anything, I had some fun though. Balloon pop? Um sure sounds fun, maybe I will win something this time at least." 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Aqua threw her last ring and yet again failed to hit anything. "Aw..." She was disappointed that she'd not even managed to ring at least even once. She stamped a hoof in frustration and made way for others to have a go. She'd not really noticed the young dragon at that time as she looked around for something else to do.

    • Brohoof 2

    (For refresher reasons, Aqua is this post-35804-0-80288800-1490184069_thumb.png


    And her disguise is this post-35804-0-39814900-1490184079_thumb.png


    Aqua and the skin she is wearing do look quite young about teenager, so should be fine for young Dracul.)



    Aqua had not been in Manity for very long, and she was not entirely sure if she wanted to stay in a city of ponies, on top of that a city filled with vampiric ones who'd kill her probably if they found out what she really was, fooling such creatures really was taking all the magic she had at this stage.


    However she hoped today would be different and she'd not have to worry about anything and decided to go to the carnival that the city was hosting, she could easily blend in with the crowds and just have some fun on rides and with some of the games. 


    She was closer to the castle at one of the games where she had to toss rings around unicorn heads, she thought it a rather good joke at the expense of unicorns and the owner (a pegasus) had a rather beaming smile on his face wherever a unicorn huffed as they passed by. She may of been in view of a young curious dragon...

    • Brohoof 2
  4. "Come in!" A rather booming voice called from behind the door. 


    Once Glacies had entered he was met by two sights; firstly a rather busy looking Pegasus guard and a spotless officer except for the desk the Pegasus was at which was completely covered in papers and looked a total mess. He looked up at the Unicorn. "What can I do for you?" His voice still holding a amount of authority even with a more quiet tone. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Yeah, it started as a PArc thing so people could talk to the gaming staff instantly but from what I've been told we're gonna turn it into a general Poniverse Discord server, you'll find quite a few staff there already, everyone is welcome to join and chat.


    Long and short of it, yes we have a Discord sever. :)

    • Brohoof 3
  6. This is a place for ponies, getting into arguments over SJW and those who oppose it, well honestly should be discussed elsewhere. (I mean in my humble opinion) there are ton of places to argure about the subject and no one will check your arguments.


    I personally for a better word hate SJW's and got in trouble for saying so last year here on our forums, I told a joke in poor taste and paid the price. But I agree with Yellow Diamond, if you think there is a rouge mod overstepping their bounds report it to an Admin they police the police.

  7. He arched an eyebrow. "Hmm, ok then come in and go see the Lt. He'd be in the second office on the left." With that he moved aside for the unicorn to pass and went back to what he was doing previously before. 


    The unwitting guard he was to be assigned to was actually in the hall talking to a earth pony. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. (@BloodDrops) "jach SoH SoSlI' vaj neH ghob bet Sargh QIp. (Stupid horse, bet you would be crying for your mother if you were in a fight.) "If that will be all doctor, I will depart!" With that he left without a chance for her to respond.


    (@Miss Reaper) "I am sorry I do not know that phrase, I assume it is meant to be witty?" Nonetheless the two had a good talk for several hours comparing notes on the various members or the Romulins that were attending that their combined Intel had told them. "Thank you for the delightful conversation Lunar, I look forward to us working together in the future, nice jaj vanbogh tochlIj ghaj." (Have a nice day comrade.) With that he departed back to his own quarters.


    (@Shadow Dancer) He watched the footage with interest. "Well I do say that is not bad, not one of my men but still I am impressed." They made their way to the mess talking about everything from combat maneuvers to recalling famous battles they were in. Eventually the Klingon retired to leave Indicus to it.





    (@Raven Rawne) He looked to his chief engineer. "Crystal I'd go get the doc to look at your implant if that is occurring maybe something is going wrong with it?" He seemed concerned. (@Once In A Blue Moon) He looked to his helmsman. "You will do fine." He gave them both a smile, still saying Crystal should see the doc as he left with Misty both of them moving off to do their own things...


    Add Break...

    We come back to the Klingon and Federation ship now at the meet up point 12 hours later, the Romulans where not to be seen...


    Mentis, Misty, Indicus and Lunar were on the bridge. "Well this is the right position where in the heck are the Romulans...?" 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @@Raven Rawne@@Moon Dancer.,


    "I'm up for what ever I mean I am on holiday I have no time schedul but 'have fun' written in my diary for the next 2 weeks So sure, and I don't mind cooking I mean I can eat just about anything so yeah you'll have not complaints from me if we end up eating." Ember just nodded to The Mare's comments but hurried to finish of the food she had been neglecting. 

    • Brohoof 2
  10. @@Raven Rawne, @@Moon Dancer.,  


    "That is cool about the plow there Crystal, fancy having all the craftponies names on that thing, I would of blazed my name in the side of the engine like a signature I'd want everyone to know I made it. But that's just me and I don't build trains." She giggled. "Well you are more than welcome mare who has a silly name." Sticking her tongue out in a rather childish manner, but there was no malice behind her actions merely play.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. The door was opened a little bit later by a rather large earth stallion, somepony who looked like he could pick you up and carry you to jail like a parent carrying a foal. He was chewing something Glacies could not make out. "Can I help you?" He said in a gruff tone, he did not stop chewing as he waited for a response. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @@Raven Rawne, @@Moon Dancer.,  


    "You'd be surprised how much work I still have these days, heck I do almost everything from smithing amour for nobles to making keys for doors, you name it I've built it when it comes to metal." She said in a rather happy tone. Looking to the other mare. "Well I hope you figure out what your make means, that sounds really sucky not knowing what it means." She then went back to eating.

    • Brohoof 2
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