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Status Updates posted by DwhitetheGamer

  1. *lurk lurk lurk: Leaves an obligatory, yet very belated, "Thank you for so much RPing help" note.*

    *lurk lurk lurk*

  2. Suddenly profile post!  Hi.

    1. Literally Snails
    2. DwhitetheGamer


      I did send you a couple PM posts a day or two ago.

  3. *leaves a  note saying that you placed the wrong version of EQE Copper in the archived/retired characters section and asks politely to put it back.*

    1. Randimaxis


      I... did?

      Let me get a look at that; I'll get back to you.

  4. Leaves you a reminder that my OC is redone and is in Second Approval.

  5. I gots my Social Security Disability through, guys. Now my family and I can live somewhat easier.

  6. Banner: 0/10 Needs Copper.

  7. Wish me luck for tomorrow. I'm gonna attend my first hearing in order to get my disability benefits.

  8. Attention music artists! Submit your Hearth's Warming Songs on Pony.FM right now!

  9. Wow. I offer someone a chance to be featured in someone else's game, and i get denied without being given a chance.

    1. Skylord Nexus

      Skylord Nexus

      Who the hell would turn an offer like that down?!

    2. DwhitetheGamer


      Someone who hates me.

  10. Thanks for adding me as a friend! I really appreciate it! :D

  11. Quote from a Discord server I'm in: "Trump (or any ruler for that matter) will not be able to maintain hold on functional power if they try to do anything too outrageous. Without the support of their key supporters, they won't be able to actually do anything. FFS Obama lost half his key supporters and by the time he was 1/2 way into his 2nd term, he couldn't even invoke his presidential authority to nominate a court justice without getting shut down."

    1. DwhitetheGamer


      Also, short term leave was uplifted by the person who made this quote.

  12. I'm taking a temporary leave from the forums. I will return, for singing purposes in MCM.

  13. Too much toxic in the forums. This needs to end.

    1. SynBassilicious Pony
    2. DwhitetheGamer
    3. Luigi


      And here I am trying to pretend it never happened.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snow


      ^ go back to sleep sheeple, hail trump (OuO)/

    3. DwhitetheGamer


      It is just an election, no need to go ape shit about it. Do words speak louder than actions today?

    4. Connie


      Libturds are mad

  15. What Sir Hugoholic said. Also, apparently words speak louder than actions.

  16. Who here played One Winged Angel yesterday on YouTube?

  17. I haz updated my OC in the Everfree section. Take a look if you're interested. https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/copper-strikes-r9599

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DwhitetheGamer


      I never heard of Pony Squares.


      But sure, I can RP with you.

    3. Barpy


      Where do you normally RP at? I rp mostly on that site or skype

    4. DwhitetheGamer


      I usually RP here on the Everfree and Equestrian Empire sections. I'm currently making an account on Pony Squares right now.

  18. Huh?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monsoon


      I have no idea what's happening right now I just don't know how to life

    3. DwhitetheGamer


      I was waiting for someone to reply about me saying that. I would've said the new banner.

    4. Monsoon


      Seems legit the banner won't even load for me

  19. Well, great. The drama bullshit that happened yesterday has resulted in members leaving. To those who have argued about the matter, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DwhitetheGamer


      I hope it'll get fixed.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I might leave too if it isn't sorted.

    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Placing blame only serves to enhance the problems, it does nothing to help fix them.

  20. Why did a simple thread about Kou turn into a full-blown argument? I'm THIS DAMN close to ending it.

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      We went from colorful horses/unicorns/pegasus, to this....


      Yep, what a weekend.

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Scary stuff been going down.

  21. I had me some pizza for lunch. Next on the menu is Chicken wings as I watch, or listen to, the Denver Broncos taking on the Indianapolis Colts!

    1. Unicorncob


      Sounds like a plan

  22. Happy birthday to you and your adorable avatar. c:

    1. Eloquence


      Hehe, well thank you! :)

  23. That was an intense game last night.

    1. Luigi


      Sure was. I thought the Panthers had it until I checked the score this morning.


      But it turns out the Broncos CAN win without Peyton Manning.

    2. DwhitetheGamer


      Is it always about the QB? I mean, hello? Don't forget the Defense, Special Teams, and running backs.

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