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Bogrick Grey Mane

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Everything posted by Bogrick Grey Mane

  1. Hello there 'Alpha-Mango' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  2. It's really nice to see that you haven't forgotten about us, and drop in once in a while for a quick chat
  3. And this is the reason I need more shelf space Quote from Yahoo on new Crystal Empire playset: My Little Pony Explore Equestria Crystal Empire playset (Photo: Hasbro) The two-story castle set will retail for $39.99 and comes with Princess Cadance and Baby Flurry Heart figures, dress, tiara, earrings, comb, and other themed accessories. It features a rotating throne — a necessity for any true princess, obviously — and spinning crystal closets. Plus, a little press on the heart and the floor lights up with cutie marks!
  4. And the merch of the new princess is out there already I'm going to need more shelf space for my collection
  5. Another reason for the supposed drop in S5 viewing figures was the bad timing of the release and airing with it falling in the summer holidays. This is something that Hasbro is apparently going to address, and may result in S6 being split into two sections, one to be aired early this year and the second to be aired closer to the Xmas period.
  6. Hello there 'huxord' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends I'm also a big Derpy fan
  7. Hello there 'Final Sunshine' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  8. Hello there 'crispy fries' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  9. i used to have, we had 3 colts and a filly together, but that has all ended now. It's been 5 years now, and it never gets any easier, in fact it gets harder day by day. So all you colts and mares out there who have a special somepony, please look after them. Love and respect them, even in the hard times.
  10. Nice work, your vectoring is neat and tidy, proportions are good, but back ground shading is done the wrong way around, When shading backgrounds colors should be bolder / more saturated and darker in the foreground, and becoming lighter / less saturated as they recede into the distance But other than that I like it. keep up the good work
  11. No, I read posts if the topic looks interesting, inspiring, or just catches my eye and awakens my curiosity. And do I read the post in the avatars voice, ní Léigh mé é sa guth
  12. Cool.... an armored Pony,,,, and a cute one at that. Smudges ???? what smudges ??? I can't see them, or maybe I'm mistaking for speed lines Well done Moonlight,, keep up the good work
  13. Tea is the solution to every problem xD

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Adamgreen


      I drink hot tea every day in the winter

    3. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      @ Adamgreen,,, I drink it all day every day xD

    4. Mythical


      Tea is the meaning of everything.

  14. Hello there 'Elemental Moon' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  15. Hello there 'Tech Hoof' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  16. Hello there 'Pancake' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  17. Hello there 'Frosted Wing' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends If you like RP then there is a great RP section here that I'm sure you will enjoy
  18. Hello there 'Shining Romance' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends You are among friends here so I wouldn't worry to much about hate, I have seen none since I became a member
  19. Hello there 'Leave a Whisper' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  20. Hello there 'Moonstone Quill' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  21. Good aftermorn from a cold wet and windy Emerald Isle. Just the way i like it xD

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      [inserts the inserted insert thingy in space meant for inserting inserted insert thingy] xD

    3. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      XD [hits Delete and removes all the inserted thingies ] xD

    4. Catpone Cerberus
  22. As a rule I generally don't, but I did post one image here and now look at what's happening to the servers, they keep going down
  23. Hello there 'Lisztomaniac' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  24. Hello there 'AuroraMist' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
  25. Hello there 'TheCozyPon3' welcome to the herd and welcome to our wonderful forums I hope you have a really great time here and make plenty of new pony friends
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