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Two left hooves

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Status Replies posted by Two left hooves

  1. But. Most ponies have 2 left hooves. O_o

    1. Two left hooves

      Two left hooves

      OMG I can't believe I just realize ponies DO usually have 2 left hooves, because ponies usually have 4 hooves

      in total. O_o gosh I feel so silly. XD thank you for pointing that out.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Loving the new banner! Luna is so happy :3

  3. New and slightly confused

    1. Two left hooves

      Two left hooves

      oh ok thank you melon blitz and kyoshi you guys helped a lot :D


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. New and slightly confused

    1. Two left hooves

      Two left hooves

      yes my profile i can't figure out how to edit it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Welcome to MLP Forums Two left hooves. I hope you have a great time here /)

    1. Two left hooves

      Two left hooves

      Thank you for the Welcome Buffy. I think I will have a great time here. :D

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