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Everything posted by @lpha

  1. I just noticed I love Dark Souls and yet haven't beaten a single play through on either game

  2. Hmmm, nostalgia... One moment. *stares at game shelf* TES IV? Oblivion's mah jam :3 I would say Halo but that's too popular More stuff I liked from my deep past: Galaga GTA San Andreas (I know someone already mentioned it)[the original BTW, not the revamp] COD Big Red One & Finest Hour Assassin's Creed, even tho that may be too recent? ..... Pac Man :3 Hue hue
  3. I got rid of an F today =U= I am now allowed to be sane! Hooray!

  4. Thinking about making my display name something a lil' better than "@alpha"

    1. @lpha



      I hate auto correct

  5. I am 100% out of moderately funny jokes to put here... HOORAY ._.

  6. I just forgot everything I thought about in the past 2 minutes, hooray!

  7. I'm fairly sure a man by the name of "Walt Disney" started that, and then came a flood of cartoons featuring anthropomorphic animals such as The Looney Tunes, everything in the world of mickey mouse, and MLP. So to recap, I'm fairly sure furries are the spawn of a cartoonist This better have helped, I don't like feeling like an idiot
  8. Wish I could stay busier on mlpf, but not much really seems to be happening for me to be more active. Oh well

  9. What did the minecraft comedian tell the crafting table? "I'm out of material"

    1. @lpha



  10. I dislike the fact that she's a hotheaded narcissist, but I guess that's just her character :/ Edit: tbh she's not nearly as bad when she's not completely focused on herself, such as some parts of the pilot and "tanks for the memories" (just naming a couple off the top of my head)
  11. What did one sausage say to another sausage? "you're the wurst!"

  12. Am Sleepy. Such Game. so geometry. very hexagon. hard

  13. [Witty joke]

  14. [Witty joke]

  15. [Witty joke]

  16. [Witty joke]

  17. Bad and late valentine's day pun incoming: what did the torch tell the fire? "You light up my life"

  18. "You're Fired!"

  19. One wonders why I used an @ symbol instead of an A. I'm just that speshul :3. Also my "status updates" arent really status updates, if ya think about it, but if ya think even more, they are, "I feel like entertaining people" hence the jokes :3 boy wasn't this explaining useless. BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHE-derp... e.o

  20. 34 replies and not a bit of flak, what is this, a Eutopia? Anyhows, dae okay, I mean I'm likely one myself, God knows. I like the art most of all, and some of the fur suits actually look great, if the artist can pull it off right, I've seen some fur suits that disgust me tho so, dae good peeps, for the most part
  21. I've considered it, but don't like the idea of swinging a sword at someone 2 feet away and missing, I like the oblivion & Skyrim way better, if only there was a hybrid, wouldn't that be fun Also gg, quoting my post to open up for your own ;3
  22. (Nvm I found one, albeit bad) what did the shoe say to the twig? "Aw snap"

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