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Status Updates posted by Metzger

  1. woo ponies and stuff lol I'm back I think

  2. that feel when realizing you're getting older :( lol

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      That feeling sets in at 22, so you're due for it.

    2. Metzger


      Well I just turned 22, but I kinda wanted to stay 21 for a bit longer at least. haha

  3. Happy Holidays and such

  4. Getting ready for my flight to England. :D

  5. That Twilight banner :3

  6. What does user CP mean anyway? o.o

    1. MrL0LZ


      User Control Panel.

    2. Metzger


      Oh, right. lol

      Didn't realize that, it just says that whenever I check my notifications.

  7. Woke up not long ago and I'm feeling sleepy again... I think I'm getting sick. o:

  8. Was finally able to beat Metroid Other M's Rhendogian in hard mode. lol

  9. dat banner stare

  10. lollipop lollipop oh lolli lolli lolli lollipop

    1. Literally Snails
    2. Neikos


      Voldemort Voldemort Voldi Voldi Voldi Voldi Voldemort

    3. Metzger
  11. Almost 12 hours stuck counting votes and when I come back the internet is still not working right. Yes, I'm mad.

  12. "I love going on message boards and complaining about games I've never played!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToridAkbolto


      Almost as much as you like enslaving overweight salesmen for selling you broken radios, am I right?

    3. Spock
    4. Metzger


      An all knowing kitty guard door:

  13. Who is Pinkazoid? http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/70803d7138090562237ec2c4cf601752/12157 - Pinkazoid artist:foxyfennec freakazoid pinkie_pie.jpg wat?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metzger


      lol I can see why :P

    3. Jokuc


      I have seen that already :3

    4. Filly Pinkie Pie

      Filly Pinkie Pie

      I leaned backwards in fright.

      I personally believe Pinkazoid is a human cracker.

  14. summertime, do you know what that means?

  15. Morning :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metzger


      Everyone is still asleep though, guess it's time to watch some MLP. :D

    3. Pinkazoid


      I still haven't watched MLP since the end of season 2

    4. Metzger


      I'm still in the middle of season 2.

      Though some times I watch season 1 reruns on TV, which take a while to get aired here.

  16. Scoot-scootaloo! Happy Birthday :D lol

  17. Pickle-barrel, kumquat. Pickle-barrel, kumquat. :3

    1. Jadefire


      Chimicherrichanga! :3

    1. Metzger
    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      That's a good use for all the shitty common and uncommon cards.


      I usually just rip 'em in half.

  18. Oh wow, I'm a cupcake now? lol Time to draw cupcakes :3

  19. Time to party? It's always time to party. :D

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