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Blueberry Paint

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  • Location
    Cloudsdale, EQ
  • Personal Motto
    "Why you ackin' so cray-cray?"
  • Interests
    I like MLP (Duh), Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Dog With a Blog, and We Bare Bears.

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. Hey, everypony! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been too busy doing productive things. *Teen Beach 2 Soundtrack plays in Background*

    1. Blueberry Paint

      Blueberry Paint

      What can I say? I... gotta be me. ;) Only true Teen Beach fans will get this reference.

  3. Well, to be honest, I've always liked Rainbow Dash ever since the first episode I've ever watched (Rarity Takes Manehattan). So... yeah. Although, if you want to know which episode made me like Rainbow Dash even more, it would probably be Sonic Rainboom or Rainbow Falls. In Sonic Rainboom, I kinda felt bad for Rainbow because it showed that with Rarity stealing the spotlight, Rainbow was scared that she wouldn't be as good. In Rainbow Falls, it showed how Rainbow Dash had a chance to have everything- She was going to be a Wonderbolt, everypony would see how great she was, etc.- but instead she decided to be loyal to her team, even though Team Ponyville wasn't really that good (Sorry to any Fluttershy or Bulk Biceps fans). So, those are the episodes that made me like her even more.
  4. Okay, seriously, I know it takes a while for RP's to get popular, but at this rate, Dazzle Diamond's practically dead. (A reference to my RP.)

    1. Blueberry Paint

      Blueberry Paint

      Psst! You can help me out by following this link! Ask to join the RP in the OOC. https://mlpforums.com/topic/160497-the-great-canterlot-mystery/#entry4757433

  5. Zephyr Breeze. He's super irritating, I hate his man-bun, and he interferes with my Soarin Dash ship. He's gotta go.
  6. There's one thing that I really, REALLY don't want to happen, and that is Princess Flurry Heart becoming the most powerful alicorn princess in Equestria. But this is already kinda happening, so...
  7. Now, I'd probably let Rarity design it herself, or it could turn out like The Art of the Dress, but if I could choose... I'd want something that resembles modern clothes. Basically a dress with leggings and boots designed to look like regular, everyday clothes. Here's an idea of what it might look like.
  8. I may have left some details out, and the color palette may look a bit off, but here you go.
  9. Okay, so this is most-likely not what you were looking for, but I had this base that I created a while back, and I was wondering if you wanted this.
  10. I'm not sure if I'd ever actually leave the fandom, but believe me, I've had some close calls: 1. Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn Princess. 2. Hasbro making the Equestria Girls Movies. 3. Princess Flurry Heart being born. 4. The Changelings looking as if someone just pressed the Random Button on General Zoi's Pony Creator. If any of you liked any of these things happening, I'm not gonna get in an argument with you over them. I mean, I guess I could see how some people would love how Twilight became a Princess after all of her hard work, or how Shining Armor and Princess Cadence finally had a baby, but these are things that I never really liked.
  11. I'm So Sorry. XD (Also, I accidentally added an extra A and Y in the Speech Bubble.)
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