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Everything posted by Cheval

  1. I feel cheated by "adzuki beans." Artichoke?
  2. Everyone here going full existential, and I'm over here reveling in dadaist absurdity saying 'I thought the point of life was My Little Pony.'
  3. I got banned for my first post on this forum. Tried uploading a personal anthology of online arguments over mlp. The first line was from an "anti-brony" using some very profane language. I emailed the staff trying to explain the situation, and they let me back on. I think I'm still perma-banned from the "debate" sections which sucks.
  4. I dreamt last night that I lost my luggage in another country, and I was so pissed off that I told myself it was all a dream and woke up. Does that still count?
  5. I'd event a sky paintball game where pegasi could dogfight like airplanes, meet up with Zecora and start a personal marijuana farm, party with DJ Pon-3, and join Celestia's royal court as a diplomatic adviser. I've given this some thought...
  6. Bit long winded here: I am currently perusing a website called Encyclopedia Dramatica in order to find out a bit about Jerry Peet's cavacalade of controversy. The whole thing is ridiculous. I refuse to delve any further. But I followed the site's hyper-link to the Brony page. It has the usual pedophilia, basement-dwelling, furry kind of stuff. I have found that no one on this forum would bat an eye at such things, but it did get me wondering about a quintessential aspect of my love for this show - something I have repeatedly expressed on these forums: One of my favorite things in the world is smoking some marijuana, popping a bottle of white wine, taking a swig straight from the bottle, propping it up by my foot, and reclining on my living room couch before starting a new mlp episode or movie. The show doesn't even need to start, and my heart is racing. Everything just feels right. I spend the duration of my viewership making commentary and laughing at imagined subtext I could only ever impose as an adult. I care not for lore or congruity. And it is scarcely a matter of recapturing youth, as the Encyclopedia so broadly paints. I find it to be a ritual and a pastime that remains an exciting prospect even on nights when I'm alone and have nothing to do. I was curious: does anyone else have a way of getting themselves oriented before watching this show or any other brand of media? Am I alone in my method of enjoyment?
  7. Being a contrarian does not make you right.

  8. Hey, to anyone still interested, I wound up debating someone who actually makes videos on the Flat Earth. He had spent almost a week responding to anyone who brought up science or logic to call him idiotic. I took a different approach, and now I'm wondering if I drove him into an existential crises, because he still hasn't responded. I'm the black text. Why are you doing this? Awareness. The globe is the map of a region shaped into a ball to give you the illusion it is the only region of land and resources available. People are in denial in a religion of self-loathing where they believe they are accidental specks of insignificant dust lost in space. This is by design since a population empowered realizing there is more than materialism and they have purpose as well as divine right to the land and resources with the entire universe moving around us is not part of the program for those few that control this region...this would scream intelligent design. What fixture in your conscious life relies upon the shape of the earth? This is merely a stepping stone for people to realize their actual empowerment. The goal is for the exploration of space. Not the space above us where we cannot explore, the outer space around us circumnavigating south to North in a straight line. Has never been done.  How can anyone be sure you are not attempting to empower yourself at the expense of others? That unless people agree with you they are lesser? Somehow unworthy? If mankind is susceptible to deception, does the allure of "truth" or "awareness" manifest its own form of oppression - little more than a changing of hands while the masses remain crushed underfoot?  The message of my research is "let’s explore" as we have a divine right to all resources and land available. Let us explore to be sure we have access to all land and resources. This is not about me. You are posing a deeper question. Were we to find more land and resources, who would have that right to ration it out? Definitely no one would have the right to more of a share than others and the aim should be to utilize all land and resources in a renewable manner to be continuous.  Why should we "explore," if the only answer achievable is, itself, a finite world that they have already discovered? Does that not pose the same quandary? Rather than being minuscule specs of dust in a 3-dimensional universe, we become minuscule specs occupying a minuscule island, and are, therefore, insignificant compared to the totality of our surroundings that we have just barely begun to comprehend. How is this in any way distinct from an infinite universe? What are you achieving by demanding that others explore…only to deny the discoveries of any who explore and reach a contrary verdict? Is that not a redundancy? A forced imposition of perpetual ignorance? One no more transcendent or significant than saying we are minuscule?  What is this assumption based on? Is there a citizenry group for the checks and balances of all claims? Who has gone south come back North and continued back to their original location. Has never been done. What is the threat of a citizen accounting of all claimed lands...?  If someone did, would you believe them?  Millions if NOT more have circumnavigated East West on planes and ships..yet North and South we do not have the access to do so.. No, it would convince me. An exploration to the citizenry for an accounting of the land and resources available would be adequate. We do not have free travel. To leave land you need a passport from one controlled air space trip to another. We do not have free passage and these areas should be open access to citizens who are equipped to brave these climates. "No, it would convince me." This is quite literally incomprehensible. Which is it, yes or no?  If one person claimed to do a southern circumnavigation such as the cousin of The Queen, I would not believe them. If one person claims to have seen a unicorn would the be proof for you? Or if all citizens had access to view the unicorn and over time build a preponderance of evidence of the unicorn? I am the latter. Prove that you exist.  I cannot. I can only take my firsthand accounts as well as thorough secondhand sourced documented accounts of others as an experienced existence. Where my life is a mosaic of these experienced sequences in the order of sunrises and sunsets I've existed through Whatever is not experienced firsthand and cannot substantiate through thorough cross witnesses secondhand accounts may be ruled out of actual existence. This is why I want a preponderance of evidence. What a prolific question!  People use their personal experience as well as second-hand reports, mathematical equations, and 6,000 years of human astrological documentation, compiling a mass of evidence that is publicly and readily available to anyone today... to conclude that the Earth is a globe. As you so astutely answer, I cannot prove this. I can only convey information I have heard or seen, filtered through my individual perspective, and transmitted through the written language we share to purport the presence of any of these things. Since I am but one person, I can, at no point, prove my own existence or the existence of anything else. My cognition is no more tangible than the Earth below my feet, and yet I continuously marvel at its beauty, contemplating infinity not as my own relative obscurity, but rather as an immense and awe-inspiring gift to be beheld and cherished. I find something so juvenile as shape to be an irrelevancy, concocted and disputed and fought over solely to impart one's ego. I find that you are no different. I find you unexceptional in your ability to conjure up doubts regarding the existence of things. And I find it easy to demonstrate that your own standard for objective affirmation gradually and inexorably dilutes all that exists until one is left inquiring as to whether he, himself, is real - thus creating a more sardonic sense of minute, fleeting insignificance than any who might achieve temporal joy in their own ignorance of the true state of the world. The enormity of our condition and the incessant badgering of a curious mind does not create truth. It is rather intrinsically aware and prodding - and thus can only be inhibited the moment an individual ceases their inquiry towards themselves and towards their own conclusions. You have proven yourself to be resistant towards information conveyed by pre-meditatively unacceptable sources and have therefore confined your waking hours to a self-imposed prison of certain uncertainty - a grandiose and self-righteous enclave in which all other minds must ascribe to the same standards of thought you yourself harbor, or they will be condemned by an enemy you yourself have created for them. Your choice of what does or does not constitute a preponderance ultimately represents the same daft, innate, and instinctive categorization of your surrounding environment shared among all beings that have dared eat the fruit instead of the tree. And no history or physics lesson you conjure up can ever prove otherwise. *mic drop
  9. Okay, I finally got a reply on the comment chain. Here's the Flat-Earth Guy explaining his motivation rather than the "science" behind his theory. Why are you doing this? Awareness. The globe is the map of a region shaped into a ball to give you the illusion it is the only region of land and resources available.. People are in denial in a religion of self loathing where they believe they are accidental specks of insignificant dust lost in space.. This is by design since a population empowered realizing there is more than materialism and they have purpose as well as divine right to the land and resources with the entire universe moving around us is not part of the program for those few that control this region..this would scream intelligent design. What fixture in your conscious life relies upon the shape of the earth? This is merely a stepping stone for people to realize their actual empowerment. The goal is for the exploration of space. Not the space above us where we cannot explore, the outer space around us circumnavigating south to North in a straight line. Has never been done. 
  10. I agree with you. But in the current political climate, I feel obligated to point out that dogmatism is not reliant on the topics or ideas being proposed. It can come from anywhere, regardless of veracity or good intentions. "SJW" has become a bit of a punching bag lately, but having lived exclusively in post-9/11 America, I grew up thinking "patriotism" was the sole culprit. It shifts depending on the circumstances. And now-a-days, I actually feel somewhat alone in my love of country. Truly ironic. Btw, to anyone interested, this is the video whose comment section is giving me the updates: I recommend you do not comment or participate. You'll get nothing out of it other than a red notification bell.
  11. I dream of retiring in a quiet, green, hilly enclave somewhere in the American Midwest where I can shoot guns, smoke weed, have warm cocktails by a fire, and write until the day I die. And if it isn't too much, I would love to own horses there. (apparently, ditto to the two 'Muricans before me)
  12. The superiority complex is always the part that fascinates me about conspiracy theorists. I am sure there are more proper and lengthy ways to talk about it, but the way they conjure up classes of people lower or less 'enlightened' than them strikes me as being the most dangerous. It leads to dehumanization. It is the same sort of self-righteous, utopian elitism that has led to widespread and even state-sanctioned atrocity, and they are incapable of realizing it....because they are right and we are wrong. It is a profound lack of self-awareness coming from those completely obsessed with their sense of self-awareness. But, mind you, I do not believe this is exclusive to a derivative political ideology. I think it it is symptomatic of ideology, generally.
  13. I am getting non-stop youtube updates from a comment thread discussing the possibility that the Earth is flat. The proponents of this theory appear, to me, to be supremely confident in the veracity of their "logic" and condescending towards any and all alternative viewpoints - even as people call them idiots and apply scientific methods and articles towards their refutation. There is a prominent community dedicated to this theory's proof and publication. And most adherents seemingly attribute spiritual and political significance to it, tacitly implying that amorphous "elites" have fabricated all of the scientific achievements of mankind in order to impose celestial worship among atheists and enslave people, either because satan or because profit. Why has this become so prominent? How can you debate someone who has decided to ignore your reality?
  14. The Ace Combat 5 mission where you are suddenly an aerial photographer. Got me stuck when I was like, 7 years old. Never saw the ending to one of the greatest air-combat games ever made until I was a teenager.
  15. I picked up on this show during one of the worst times in my lives - parents fighting all the time, crushing anxiety, relentless school work, and an over-bearing existentialist resentment of the world generally. I know thousands, if not millions, of naive, angsty teens have drudged across the face of this planet, and I felt at that time, as most have, as though I was alone in the world, standing on the precipice of death or, even worse, apathy. When I found this show during yet another blazed, drunken night, I found something sincere and optimistic. It did not 'carry me through' or relieve my depression or any of that stuff. But it gave me something to mill around in my noggin during the day - even more so when I began to debate "anti-bronies" on all sorts of public forums. I could vent with assurance that people were on my side. And have even more fun destroying people when they were not. To this day, I keep 80 pages of online mlp-themed arguments saved on my computer, and I consult it every now and then for research papers for my classes. I always blow away my professors with the degree of depth procured by such a seemingly simplistic form of entertainment. I found this forum when I tried to upload this little anthology. Got immediately blocked because of the gratuitous obscenity on the very first page But I'm still here. And I still feel fairly independent in my preferred method of watching this show: I am not reliant, but I use mlp as an excuse to get high, pop open a bottle of wine, and laugh my butt off at the antics of a bunch of magical cartoon horses. It's one of my simple joys in life. And I will never forget it.
  16. I still think Celestia is a stoner. https://mlpforums.com/topic/159365-princess-celestia-is-a-stoner/ (not sure if this link will work just trying to exceed character limit why is it 20 there we go)
  17. COLOR, ARMOR, FALL, BAR, FRIES, SOCCER, and 1776 AS A GOOD YEAR GENERALLY This took way longer than I thought it would....
  18. FRENCH FOR "HORSE" I do not speak french, but my family is French-Canadian. It is the absolute most generic thing you can call yourself on a pony-themed forum, made fancy because France.
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