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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I've never been banned from anything. I don't think I'm interesting enough for that. I used to be on Equestria Forums and occasionally got a bit outspoken, but it was too stressful and I realized that wasn't the way to go. I came over here to get away from my old self and I like the new me a lot better.
  2. Getting up in the morning is a big one on the list. If I could wake up in the evening everything would seem more natural. But really anything that I have to do is tiresome. So I'll just toss in going to the bathroom; it takes time I could be using for other things (like sleeping).
  3. I was always afraid of mannequins. I still don't like them. They seem weird and lifeless, yet so lifelike. And the headless ones...don't even get me started there!
  4. I had a big black lab named Danny. My family adopted him after finding him abandoned in a ditch near our house. We had him for twelve years until he passed away a little over a year ago. I don't know if I could handle having another pet. I love animals but I don't think any pet could follow Danny.
  5. I'm Catholic. Always have been, and it's a perfect fit for me. I love my religion and I'm glad to take part in it.
  6. The working conditions aren't as bad as all that. Many exaggerate the downside because they think of the job as a paycheck and little more. It may not be the highest paying gig in the world, but there are lots of cast members who wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Like any job, there are drawbacks, but there are also perks that most other jobs don't have.
  7. I don't mind a bit of adult humor if it's done subtly. Most cartoons these days beat the audience over the head with it because their writers never matured past grade school and rely on the easy payoff of fart jokes dirty humor. Animaniacs and Tiny Toons from the early '90s had the right balance. Most of the sly humor would go right over the heads of the younger kids while still appealing to the older demographic that also liked the shows. It would be nice if someone could get it right nowadays, but so much of the lower-grade garbage gets such a following that it seems inappropriate humor is here to stay. Very unfortunate.
  8. I saw the show. It was interesting because I like to know about different cultures, their religious beliefs, and how they compare. It seemed the show had a respectful approach to the religions it was exploring, so that's good enough for me.
  9. Well, good boobs don't last forever. I guess if I had to pick something, that might qualify.
  10. This may seem strange but I've never been to Five Guys. I must live a sheltered life. I guess I'm a Burger King kind of girl.
  11. Yes, there are long lines, high prices, screaming kids and so on, but the same could be said for pretty much any amusement venue. The world is what it is and unfortunately some very good things get diluted by these aspects. But it's important to remember that there are also a lot of truly wonderful things as well. As a venue that's been in business since 1955, there is a lot of history there, for the guests as well as for park itself. Some adults go to relive their past and seek the nostalgia of their first visit from when they were kids. Others want to find their childhood again or see the park through the eyes of their children. And kids just love it because it's freaking Disneyland! The dedication of the park says it all: "To all who come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here, age relives fond memories of the past and youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America--with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." When Walt said these words he meant them. He was an artist, and it wasn't about the greed so prevalent in the world today. He wanted to create a great 'show'. A lot of good things get colored by a few negative aspects, but one shouldn't let them ruin all the fun (after all, they're a fact of life that aren't exclusive to Disneyland). There are also many positive things that stem from Walt's sincere original vision that just can't be ignored. I will never forget my first visit to The Happiest Place On Earth (or any of the hundreds of visits since) because, all cynicism aside, it's a wonderful place to be. Where else can you rub elbows with the icons of cartoon greatness? Explore the cosmos? Pioneer the old west or step into a world of total fantasy? There are loads of positive things, one need only take a look. But be warned, once you take the plunge, you may never want to leave its borders again!
  12. I'd like to speak German. I started with Rosetta Stone a while back and was making excellent progress but I had to change to my current computer which has a faulty sound chip and I couldn't interact with the program. Everything ground to a halt. I have Duolingo in my iPod but I don't like it quite as much. I'll get back to it someday, I hope.
  13. I work at a well-known amusement park in Southern California (the name begins with 'D' and ends with 'land'). I'm not allowed to go into much detail, and that includes compensation, but I do love what I do and it's not really about the money anyway. I consider myself a collector of happy faces and maker of memories. I work a morning shift most of the time (unfortunately, since I am NOT a morning person), but it has it's perks. I get to meet the guests bright and early, before they're too tired to see straight.
  14. Kickstart first, then you'll be awake enough to enjoy the Green Label.
  15. I love the original Fantasia and it's cel animation is among the best out there. I'm a fan of 2D cel animation and far prefer it to other styles like CG, Flash and so on. Just in terms of the effects animation in these old classics, the quality of the art is staggering. Take a look at the bubbling lava in the Rite of Spring segment and you'll see poetry in motion! Not to mention the character animation where the movie soars to a whole new level. Comparing the original with Fantasia 2000 I can say both are visually beautiful. Fantasia 2000 is more polished because it has all the benefits of modern tools and technology. But the original is all done by hand, without the benefit of years of experience and teaching from those who have gone before. These guys (on the original) were still pioneering the art form and look what they accomplished! I love all animation, whether it's modern or all the way back to Gertie the Dinosaur. But whatever your tastes are, it's hard to deny that these old classics were anything short of phenomenal works or art, technology and pioneering spirit. I don't like to compare anything directly because everything has its own merits for its own reasons. But for its own merits and reasons, Fantasia will live forever as a major accomplishment.
  16. I like Zootopia and always enjoy it when I watch it. I love Nick and Judy and think they're great, well-realized characters. The plot is solid without being overwhelmingly brilliant; it's just a nice detective story. It has its twists and surprises but nothing that puts it in the stratosphere. As with all things from the Disney end of the spectrum, it slows down when the board room throttles the audience with not-so-subtle messages, political statements and those oh-so gentle lessons we've all come to expect without fail. If we could get away from all that extraneous stuff, Zootopia would be a lot more fun and entertaining. No matter what your thoughts, beliefs or opinions are, beating the audience over the head with them is bad art, even if you agree with what it's saying. So, spare the subtext and keep the good stuff coming. There's plenty of good stuff there if they just let it flow.
  17. I like it about 72 degrees F when I'm indoors at home. I love hot temperatures when I'm outside, but when I get indoors I like to cool off and relax in the air conditioning.
  18. I'm the exact opposite of this. I used to eat very slowly, savoring every bite until I was the last one to finish dinner. But now I'm used to eating on the go; making sure I get some nourishment into my system before I have to run to the next item on my schedule. Even in my downtime, I eat faster now, I'm just so used to eating fast when I have no choice. I wish I could eat more slowly. I like to eat and enjoy myself. Food is art, beauty and can be a great experience if one can take the time to savor it.
  19. I like nice colors like those little colored jimmies. Even crushed up M&Ms are good. Sprinkle these over a butterscotch topping and we're good to go.
  20. I hate it when people don't get along and start arguing. Growing up, my brother and sister used to argue a lot, and I was always the one stuck in the middle who had to keep the peace. Being the youngest, it didn't seem like it should have been my problem, but I always had to play the grown-up. Nowadays I just try to avoid confrontations altogether. On the rare occasion when I get wrangled into something, I try to keep it civilized and work it out intelligently if possible. If something involves me personally rather than me trying to settle someone else's dispute, I try to walk away from it before I say or do something I'll regret later. Few things really set me off, but when they do it's best I don't let myself go and get too nasty. The only way to win an argument is to not argue. It seldom if ever changes anything so I don't like to waste my time and emotional effort.
  21. I eat veggies out of a sense of duty. I figure I should have something to balance out my diet of potato chips and cookies, so this is the price I pay. I don't mind a salad from time to time, and I like veggies mixed into other dishes, but on their own...urrrp. Not a huge fan.
  22. Yes, I blush when I get flustered or embarrassed. I don't really like it because I don't always want to tip my hand as to what I'm feeling, but there it is.
  23. I only wear reading glasses when I'm drawing or painting (not for reading though anymore). So I guess I have a bit of difficulty with really close-up stuff. I don't use glasses for anything else. When my eyes get a little blurry and I think I'm losing my sharp focus, I exercise my eyes by staring at something detailed a short distance away, then a little farther, then farther and so on until I can see details at any distance. It's helped a lot and so far I haven't had to get regular glasses. I absolutely would not wear contact lenses. I couldn't stand the idea of having something sitting right on my naked eyeball. Yuck!
  24. For all the backstory my OC/ponysona has (which is very little) I'd say she's a reflection of me; a heterosexual female.
  25. I like any color that compliments the rest of the facial features. But if I had to pick something specific, maybe blue. Hard to say.
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