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Everything posted by chaosprincess

  1. Hello I saw your thread and I love your art so if your still accepting I thought I would place my ponysona Laurel information on her will be below I do have a picture of her which is a headshot and thank you if you do choose to draw my ponysona. Type: she is a pegasus Body color: she is a light tan mane and tail: her mane and tail have curls which the picture will show what her mane curls look like and its the same for her tail. mane and tail color: her mane and tail is dark brunette Eyes: she is a twinkle eyed pony which means she has gems for eyes which her eyes are brown the picture shows it in detail Eye color: she has brown eyes Height: she is a small adult pegasus. cutiemark: Her cutie mark is a closed book with vines covering it with roses on it a picture of her cutie mark will be down below.
  2. Hello everyone sorry I have not posted the video yet, but I wanted to give everybody a small update I will be recording the lines this Sunday due to it will be a better time for me to record and everything so the video should be completed sometime next week if you have any questions or worries your more then welcome to ask or let me know I hope everybody is doing good and thank you again for being patient have a good day/night.
  3. I chose my avatar due to its my ponysona Laurel not giving out my real name so chose that name for her my cousin PrincessofCompassion drew it for me and chose my profile picture due to my other ponysona Chaos and it has my username on it that was made by Randimaxis.
  4. I do agree that Twilight does get a lot more attention then the other mane 5 members and now Starlight Glimmer is taking that spot from Twilight so your not 100% wrong she does get more attention then the others, but the others do get noticed in other ways and live out their lives/dreams.
  5. Well the other mane 5 have their own lives, but they have their spots within the castle and the cutie map calls on 2 individuals in which Twilight is not always called like when Applejack and Rarity were sent to solve the issue with the play, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were sent to help the griffons and Applejack and Fluttershy were sent to Viva Las Pegasus etc so Twilight is not always the shining star the others do have their spots and recognition.
  6. I am going to be closing this topic so that I can work on the voices that have been requested it will take a while for it to be completed since I am doing different voices and doing different takes plus the editing, but I am going to be working on the voices that were requested so no worries on that and thank you everybody for requesting and for being patient.
  7. Telling me makes you pause the video and take a second look to check to see if you saw what you think you saw in this case it was seen she was a baby alicorn for a short time.
  8. I was watching the song Let's Not Take a Nap which the song is from Escape from Catrina, but I noticed in one scene from the song baby Surprise gets a horn I took a picture of different scenes and took a picture of what she normally looks like which she is a pegasus so the first picture will be what she normally looks like and the others are of her as a baby alicorn. I did screen shot the pictures so I ended up cropping them so my computer is not seen so some parts of the pictures maybe cut off.
  9. She's a cute little filly I would not mind seeing her as a background pony or she could even make an appearance with the cutie mark crusaders she could be looking for help finding her cutie mark and went to them and she looks like she could be the daughter of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst her color scheme sort of matches Starlight Glimmers so she could pass off as their daughter.
  10. This may sound odd, but I was really happy seeing that my tobacco moth emerged today it took a long time for this little moth to break free from its cocoon hornworms will remain in their pupated stage for months so was really happy when it finally came out I got this moth due to I bought some hornworms to feed my leopard gecko and well he ate some and I decided to leave some to pupate so more could be made once they emerged, but one died in its cocoon so I had 1 left I decided to make it a pet and well it emerged today its so small and cute I don't have an actual picture of it, but I will post one that I found so all of you can see what one looks like.
  11. Sure I don't mind taking another one I'll give her a voice.
  12. I will give her a voice and I thank you for the picture I will be using the picture to visualize her character strange I know. OK everybody I will get started on giving each character a voice it may take a while to do each voice I will be saying their voices different ways so they'll be different takes all the voices will be placed into one video which will be on youtube now my voice is not perfect so I do apologize a head of time if the voice I give is not the one you foresaw for your character now the video may or may not be completed this week since I don't want to rush any of the voices I want them to sound as good and accurate as I can get them and I am not to good with accents so I apologize if voices that have one don't sound like it, but always willing to learn so I see this as a learning experience and a way to give back I can't say when exactly the video will be completed it will either be this week or next week I appreciate all those who have chosen me to give their character a voice and for your patience so thank you.
  13. Sure I will give her a voice and I will say both lines instead of choosing just one because why not. If you want to put some information down about her I'll give her a voice I don't mind voicing humans. Sure I will give her a voice I'm not to good with accents I know that is a fail, but I will work on it so the accent is there it may just take a little more time. Sure never voiced a ghost before, but why not I'll give her a voice. I use Audacity in which every file is saved as a MP3 file and once completed post them onto my youtube channel then will post it on here and sure I will give her a voice now I may not be able to sound exactly like Joy, but I will try my best I have seen the movie before so I do have a concept of her voice. but I will give it a try.
  14. @WiiGuy2014Glad to see everybody is happy about the voices it will take a bit to get the voices completed especially with editing that takes the longest, but the voices will be completed this week so Maple's voice will be heard along with others.
  15. I can't do male voices lol so sticking with females, but thank you I thought I would lend my voice to those who are unable to give their characters voices and it will be fun. Yes I can and yes I can have her say that thank you for choosing me to give her a voice.
  16. NOTICE PLEASE READ: I have decided to re open this thread, but I will only be accepting 3 OCs/ponysonas I will be choosing which ones I want to do so Its not going to be a first come decision and no repeats if I have given your character a voice already then it will not be accepted thank you for understanding and choosing me to give them a voice. Hello everyone I love to voice act and have been in different projects and have also made my own videos voicing some of the characters from the show so I thought I would open this request shop to help give your OC or ponysona a voice I will only be voicing females with that said I will be writing somethings that are needed down below. Requirements 1.List your OC or ponysona 2.Let me know the personality of your oc or ponysona 3.put down what you would like your oc or ponysona to say and if you would like it said with a certain emotion please do list it 4.I will not make your oc or ponysona say anything that's not safe for work so please don't list it 5.I will only be voicing female characters Well that's pretty much it looking forward to voicing your OC or ponysona. OK everybody I will get started on giving each character a voice it may take a while to do each voice I will be saying their voices different ways so they'll be different takes all the voices will be placed into one video which will be on youtube now my voice is not perfect so I do apologize a head of time if the voice I give is not the one you foresaw for your character now the video may or may not be completed this week since I don't want to rush any of the voices I want them to sound as good and accurate as I can get them and I am not to good with accents so I apologize if voices that have one don't sound like it, but always willing to learn so I see this as a learning experience and a way to give back I can't say when exactly the video will be completed it will either be this week or next week I appreciate all those who have chosen me to give their character a voice and for your patience so thank you.
  17. It could have been taken over by a group of either ponies or creatures just as humans do the area may have been destroyed and the field just ripped up to make space and some flowers that were important may have been taken to re plant and sell so the land may have just become one big profit. Or the land itself may have just changed over time so a rock slide could have happened, storms etc the earth is naturally always changing so it would not be uncommon if the world there also went through the same changes.
  18. This brings me back to the horrible live action of Disney now not saying that every live action was horrible, but a lot of them were and Hasbro should not have ever thought of live action it would ruin any generation of my little pony I mean look at the Smurfs and the Chipmunks they were pretty bad in my opinion why must live action take over the world a lot of movies and cartoons did not need live action they were perfect the way they were so hopefully Hasbro will never think of live action again.
  19. chaosprincess

    request shop trash's request shop

    Hello I was just wondering if you had some more room for another request if you would not mind doing my ponysona Laurel? I only have a headshot of her, but she is a twinkle eyed pegasus I will leave some information about her and a picture below I thank you if you are able to draw her. Species: Pegasus Eye color/type: she has brown twinkle eyes (which twinkle eyes were a generation 1 line they had gems for eyes which twinkled I can show you a picture if you need any examples) cutie mark: Her cutie mark is a closed book covered with vines and roses picture will be below Height: she is a small adult pegasus mane and tail type: she has a curly mane and tail mane and tail color: brunette coat color: a light tan If you need anymore information let me know. H
  20. @WiiGuy2014He's all yours have fun with your new snuggle buddy. @PrincessOfCompassionGood *evil laughs, but ends up coughing* I'll give you one as a snuggle buddy your very own baby changling and by the way your welcome.
  21. @WiiGuy2014 I'm glad you like my gif choice here is a gift something you can snuggle for life.
  22. @PrincessOfCompassionBanned for being an amazing artist.
  23. @The_GoboWell good sir banned for banning me for non snuggles o and by the way.
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