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Status Replies posted by SolarFlare13

  1. Well, I'm happy to say we'll get the vaccine in February, so we only have to wait for a month. :mlp_icwudt: Originally, they were goin to distribute the vaccine in March. We'll either get the Pfizer vaccine or 'AstraZeneca' :ooh:


    That's good. ^^ I hope this will have a dramatic effect and this will reduce the number of infections, and hopefully, they'll ease some of the restrictions. I refuse to wear a mask and I ain’t goin out ‘til masks are NO longer mandatory. I cant go anywhere with these restrictions. Honestly, I don’t think it’s necessary that the whole of NSW should wear a mask. :bea: 


    They need to have a plan if they wanna contain / stop the spread of the ‘virus. What I reckon they should do is all return travellers should get a mandatory vaccination BEFORE boarding the plane and when they arrive, they should conduct another test and then make 'em self-quarantine for 14 days.


    …or send ‘em to a remote island (similar to what they do with refugees) and make them self-quarantine for 14 days to stop the spread of the virus. Otherwise, they should keep 'em locked up in the country they're in. they pose too much of a risk. 

    If you want my honest opinion, they should STOP the flights 'til we have a definitive vaccine. There's a Mutant version of the virus in the UK and we cant afford to have something like that in Australia.

    Honestly, I blame the government for allowing international flights to enter the country in December A.K.A the busiest time of the year. That’s WHY we have COVID19 in Australia. Back in November, we had NO infections.

    It's a good thing we're getting the vaccine next month. we cant afford to wait any longer. If they were gonna allow international flights to enter the country, they should've done it in JANUARY, NOT in December. :dry: Well, at least we're getting the vaccine. 
    Look, I know we dont have a definitive cure for the 'virus, but it's better than nothing. :) So yeah, that's something to look forward to ^^ 

  2. Everypony doing okay? :adorkable: I don’t know what to talk about. :blush:

  3. Princess Celestia... rolling around... on MY bed?! :wub:


  4. My little Pony. :ButtercupLaugh:


  5. *I leave you a muffin*

  6. Decided to put up a mlp wallpaper on my laptop. :twismile:


  7. cute or creepy? O.O :catface:


  8. Well, that's ruined my plans for this month. F*ck you COVID19. They made masks mandatory in New South Wales. No. I Refuse to wear a mask. If I have to stay in-doors for the next month or so, I will. I'm not gonna go out and make myself look as if I'm sick 'n infected.

    F*ck the government and their stupid rules. You cant stop me. That cluster in the Northern Beaches is YOUR fault because YOU thought it was ok to allow international flights to enter the country when we had NO cases in Australia back in November. F*cking bring the vaccine here to Australia. Seriously, they're a bunch of clowns and they're running a circus. Not gonna lie, this is a TERRIBLE way to start the new year. what a load of f*cking sh*t. I went through the WHOLE of 2020 WITHOUT wearing a mask. 

    My new years was, meh. we didnt really do much. everyone was still pretty tired after stayin' up for the fireworks. (the fireworks display was...meh. they DID make a heart-shape. sadly, there was only one it was pretty small. they had a couple of multi-color fireworks. Honestly, I would've stuck with that. Honestly, it looked exactly the same as last year, except it was 7 mins shorter due to the restrictions) we went over to my auntie's place for New Years. Sadly, my cousin Ethan was unable to come due to the family gathering restrictions (I would've liked to have seen him piece a gundam *sighs* man, that sucks :sunny:). they said only 5 people are allowed to be in one household. Well, guess what? we had 6. I just played Final Fantasy 7 for the entire day. What's funny is, me and my cousin Kev came pulled into the driveway at the same time XD yep, it happened again. 

    Luckily, I have A LOT to watch this month. I've got the Gulf 12 Hours, The Dubai 24 Hours, the Abu Dhabi 6 Hours and the Daytona 24 hours, so I have a race every weekend this month. On top of that, my cousin has got me into gundam (thanks Kev and Ethan) ;), so I've got that to watch. :) 

    Sorry if I was a lil' bit salty there. I hate how New South Wales is turning into Victoria a couple of months back when they had a massive amount of infections in their state. I think the government is goin a lil' over the top with some of these restrictions and I think it's a whole lot of sh*t. 

    The only way my day is gonna get any better is if Kelly Racing announces David Reynolds is the replacement for Rick Kelly. Now, I'm in doubt that the V8 Supertest that'll happen in February will be open to the public and if the Bathurst 500 will happen, at all. Not only that, my mums birthday and my cousins birthday is in february. I hope they lift the restrictions by then. We dont have up til march to wait for a vaccine, just BRING IT IN NOW!!! jesus...

  9. Goodnight everypony! See you all tomorrow! :fluttercutehat:

  10. Hey every-pony :laugh: ^^ how are we all doing today? :catface: (it's the last day of 2020 here in Australia) :) 

  11. Hey every-pony :laugh: ^^ how are we all doing today? :catface: (it's the last day of 2020 here in Australia) :) 

  12. Finally got to play the worst Pokemon game of all time. :toldya:

  13. My Pony Town Creations.  :blush:


  14. Merry Christmas, everybrony! :yay::mlp_yeehaa:

  15. Merry Christmas Every-pony!!! :D ^^ :catface: (it's the 25th of December here in Australia) :mlp_icwudt:SXzw01K.jpg


  16. Anypony here use Pony Town? :dash: I just started using it last night. 


  17. Anypony here use Pony Town? :dash: I just started using it last night. 


  18. Anypony here use Pony Town? :dash: I just started using it last night. 


  19. got the motivation to shave

  20. XBOX





  21. "My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever" is my favorite special while "Hearth Breakers" is my favorite

    Hearth's Warming episode from the show itself.

  22. Midnight Glow! What does everyone think of my OC?


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