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Status Updates posted by Chrylestia600

  1. Any other Undertale fans here?

  2. Just had the equivalent of a mental breakdown... I could really use some encouraging words. Anyone have any?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PoisonClaw


      Oof... I've been there before and it's not nice... I know it might not seem like it right now, but things will get better soon. Right now you need to focus on what's most important: You.

    3. imawesome


      Sometimes everything will be alright, sometimes it won't. No matter what, though, if you manage to push through it stay strong, I'm sure you'll be fine. 

      There is a solution to everything, you just have to find it. 

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I had a lot of mental breakdowns when I was young. It gets better.

  3. Still have a Halloween pfp... I really need to change that.

  4. Hey guys. Sorry I’ve been inactive, just trying to get things in order is all. How’s everyone?

    1. Widdershins


      Well, super tired! New land to live in, new job to put up with! Not much!
       Haven't been around too much myself!

  5. So I left the psychiatric hospital yesterday...

    1. CypherHoof


      Working or attending?

  6. Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Merry Christmas, My Friend! :pinkiecutehat:

    2. Widdershins


      Merry Chrystmas!! :oneheckofahat:


  7. Does anyone here still have any contact with @The_Gobo? I can’t message him on Discord and I’d really like to talk to him. If you do, please either tell me how I can get ahold of him, or please message him for me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      He did the same to me. Maybe you can get his attention in a channel.

    3. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      So that's why I didn't see any slime avatar around lately :ooh:

    4. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      I saw him at Bronycon and shortly after he left the forums.

  8. Hit pretty hard by the news of Stan Lee’s passing. Marvel was my everything as a child. I grew up with those characters and they will always hold a special place in my heart, and that’s all thanks to this man. I’m going to miss him dearly, and I hope he rests in peace.


    Thank you for everything, my friend.

    1. Widdershins


       Well, he led a hell of a life! Don't know much of him, but he sure felt like a friend to everybeing who ever heard of anything about him. He put his heart & personality into everything he was a part of & was the founding father of the comic book industry & creative endeavors as a whole! 

       Aw heck, think I've heard of him routinely voicing parodies of himself on things like Robot Chicken where they sure didn't curb their sick humor on his part. 

       Kind of like everybeing  lost a grand-uncle... sigh... reminds me of when Terry Prattchet died. So many worlds of creativity lost... but you know they led such a magical life!

  9. Thanks for the follow! :-D

    1. Crimson storm

      Crimson storm

      Your mighty welcome :mlp_yeehaa:


    (AKA Nightmare Night!)

    Have this absurdly adorable Chryssie to celebrate!!!


    1. Crimson storm

      Crimson storm

      It’s too cute

  11. Um, is it just me or is brohoofing kinda wacky right now? When I do it I don’t get any options for reactions and the brohoof doesn’t even show up until I refresh the page.

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      It seems like everything is really wacky and slow right now...

  12. I’ve come to realize I love ravens.

    1. Widdershins


       Passed one today. It genuinely sounded like it was intentionally laughing as pronouncedly as it could.

       "HAW. HAW! HhhhHAW!!!"

      They're pretty high up on the list of birds I'd like to pat! They're kind of up there with Macaws, Grackles & Magpies as natural born avian trolls!

  13. Man... wake up one day on top of my problems and in a relatively good mood. Wake up the next day and it’s back to being swallowed alive by depression. Sigh.

    Still holding out hope that someday this will end.

    1. DivineMist1000


      The Madness! It’s... maddening!

    2. Widdershins


       Would you want it to? If things came easy, would you still want to play the game?

        Keep skipping entire nights worth of sleep & going batty at my body not, like, working with itself or whatever. Still in a decent mood about it though. Today. When that happened yesterday I fell completely apart.

       Positives & Negatives do not cancel each other out. They can highlight each other or overshadow, but it's all about balance. 

  14. When did you become part of staff? That’s pretty cool!

    1. Ganondorf8


      Almost two months ago. I was the last to be interviewed for the Event Coordinator position.


    *Cricket chirping*

    Well, anyway-


    (I know, I’m shouting a lot today.)

    1. Widdershins


      Yaaay! Welcome back, Crickets! Was so quiet around here without you!

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :balloon:


    P.S. Sorry I didn’t do this yesterday, I didn’t think to get on the forum and the whole celebrating on a separate day thing confuses me. :P

    1. NightmareLuna800


      Thanks! That’s awesome! And no problem. :D

  17. Hey! Somehow I missed the PMs you sent me. I’ll get back to you on those! :P

  18. Losing @The_Gobo is losing an important part of the forums to me... but I wish the best for him of course, whatever he decides to pursue. He was a dear friend to me.

  19. Between you and I becoming almost entirely inactive on here, @The_Gobo leaving, and season 9 of FiM probably being the last, I’m starting to get that same sad feeling I got when my time on Scified ended. It’s really depressing. Am I the only one who feels like I know where all this is heading?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrylestia600


      I would brohoof that but I’m not sure what the Rarity boot means. Lol.

      Yeah, inactive and the fact that we might end up leaving it.

    3. NightmareLuna800


      I think the Rarity boot means brohoof.. I think??

      Yeah.. That’s unfortunate, if it does come to that in the end.

    4. Widdershins


      Then you realize the Ends don't really matter. In the endless reiteration of a randomized universe, what once died shall live again.

       It matters not the outcome, as does the memories. If you had fun times with another, keep your heart open & another will come to mean the same to you, yet slightly different enough to provide yet more adventures. You know the old adage, eh? Better to have lived & loved than to have never at all?


        Besides, several sections of these here forums are dedicated to the older, first three generations that are about as dead & buried as you can get! 

       Love, Hope & Faith, my amorphous internet entities~!

  20. After seeing that my friend @The_Gobo left the forums... I’m really considering going ahead and leaving it myself.

    Thats not the only reason though. With my decline in mental health and the fact that season 9 of FiM is probably going to be the last, I’m kind of losing any reason to stay.

    Not making any decisions just yet. We’ll see.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrylestia600


      @Sparklefan1234 Don’t worry, after some consideration I’ll probably stick around a little while longer. I can use all the free hugs I can get though. ;)

      @Widdershins You and I both. I became a fan around the time I joined this forum. But, it’s almost a guarantee at this point that season nine will be the end.

    3. Sparklefan1234
    4. Widdershins


      Admittedly, becoming a brony reviewer long after the original run does sound so anachronistic & so me. Besides, y’all know a cash-horse like this ain’t gonna stay unridden!

  21. Tasty.


    1. Widdershins


      I know this bears ill for my intelligence, but...

       If I had that, everytime my response would be: “Hey! Hey, no! My drink, Mine!!! …wait... that’s the glass, again...”

  22. Didn’t you post a message on my profile a little while back? Just curious, but where did it go?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Widdershins


       Hmm... I think it might have been my attempt at complimenting & encouraging you... and it mighta came out a bit creepy, perhaps.

    3. Chrylestia600


      So you think it might have been deleted by a mod or something?

    4. Widdershins


       /shrug ponimoticon 

       Suppose so!

  23. Anyone else into Jessica Jones? Awesome show and super cool character, one of my favorite Marvel characters ever in fact.

    1. The_Gobo


      *had to look up who that was*
      Luke Cage side kick? o3o
      Nifty :D

      I still prefer Doreen Green :D



  24. It’s funny how I know inwardly that everything I’m going through is all related to anxiety. That half the things I’m worried and/or depressed about isn’t even real or justified, and that deep down I’m a compassionate, caring person.

    ...And yet, I loathe myself so intensely and view myself as a horrible, horrible excuse for a human being.

    No matter what I know, I’ll never manage to convince myself of it. And so I ask myself... does it really even matter what the truth is?

    1. Widdershins


      Frankly, I have yet to meet a human being that wasn't a horrible excuse for a human being! So is the question about whether you're the lesser horrible, or in vaunted company?

       Like to think "Truth" is as relative as being "normal." One of those descriptive terms that only really applies to the speaker.

    2. The_Gobo


      You should always care about what the truth is.
      Because the truth cannot be denied and will stand as a guiding path to getting out of that mindless funk that keeps clawing you down through life.

      If you know yourself to be a caring and compassionate person, show it.
      And don't ever stop showing it.
      And let every instance, no matter how small, remind you that you have come one step further to getting out of that pit of misery you find yourself in now.


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