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Posts posted by compro51

  1. Hey everypony.

    You may be wondering what I was doing for the past year or so. Well... I am sad to say... but I am no longer working on this project. I have lost interest to what I believed was quite an ambitious project and not receiving very much help. I also have my personal life (including a full-time job) and many other much smaller things I am working on which prevents me from working on this project. However, I will not completely destroy this project that I worked very hard on. I will keep it on my shelf to admire and remember the experiences I had in working on it.

    Sorry to disappoint anypony who is interested in this project. I hope that you are still enjoying the show and the fan-made projects associated with it.

  2. Hey everypony!

    I am still working on this game at a slow rate. With the help of Yoshi Greenwater, I added more characters and audience members as shown in the picture below. The plot is coming along well and having somepony else modifying the dialogue to be better.

    Let me know if you have any ideas for the game.


    • Brohoof 2
  3. On 6/18/2017 at 3:56 PM, nascarfan2442 said:

    I just seen the recent pic and I can't wait to tests it I am in and ready to go

    I'm glad that you saw the pic. It is not ready for testing yet, but I will let you know!

    On 6/19/2017 at 8:23 PM, CandleLight said:



    I'm not sure if pinkie will do that, but she will have her party cannon. Like I said, the game is still very early in progress.

    Pinkie Pie will definitely have her party cannon. She will probably break the fourth wall occasionally in the dialogues. I got a list of ideas for her!

    Like CandleLight said, the game is very early in progress, but it is progressing!

  4. Hey everypony!


    I am making slow progress with the game. With the help of an artist, I was able to add what I call the battle option selector that displays the available battle options. You can select an option and rotate them.





    Note that some of the options are disabled (shown in gray).



  5. Ok. 


    It's a decent retake. However, I'd get rid of the swing. Your percussion overpowers almost everything, and you limited yourself to the i and the VII knowing this piece is in the key of e minor. It is still not in the Trixie form. It is now a tip/trick/tutorial tune outside of battle or a special shop area. A Trixie Theme is more of a straight Smooth Jazz theme. Here, I can give you my take on her theme this time if you want. Sorry for my long absence from the project, I became extremely busy. 


    Thanks for the input. I want to keep the swing, but I see that the percussion is a bit overpowering. The chord progression does contain more than the i and VII in the non-intro phases of the track, but the intro does only contain the i and the VII. Perhaps the intro needs to have at least one more chord? The tune does sound like it could fit in a special shop area, but fitting in a tip/trick/tutorial tune is almost exactly what I want since the battle against Trixie is the very first battle in the game (although Twilight will see her again later in the game).


    If you want to take on her theme, go ahead. I would like to hear it! Also, take your time. I haven't focused on my project for a while and just getting back to it.



  6. Ok, I'll be sure to ask, but what do you need right now?  :derp:


    For now, I need artists that can do concept art, environment art such as building and foliage textures, particle effects such as explosions and magic, UI art including the title screen, and other misc art. If the artist can also do 3d modeling, that will be great as well. Animators are also very important, especially since I just finished my sprite animation editor.


    As a note, the art style must be Paper Mario-like with the MLP theme, but you already know that.  :-P


    Again, I would really appreciate it if any artist helps out. I will reward anypony for their efforts!  :grin:

  7. ohmygod this is AMAZING. love how step by step you're creating an awesome game. looks super cute this style.

    I love the first Paper Mario and i totally get the vibe in your game. I laughed when twilight said to re-reorganize the library again  :D


    Also love the ideas from your chapters. 


    I wish you the best and no matter how long it takes you, I'm sure you'll do an amazing game. 

    congrats, and i'll following your work!♥♥♥ :wub: (i dont even know you and im already proud of you haha  :please: )


    Thanks! The re-organizing joke was my older brother's idea!  :D


    HI there, I'm not a really great artist, but if it helps, I do attend an art school. Maybe I can get some friends to help you! :)


    That will be great! If they are interested, they can send me an email (compro510@gmail.com).

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Status Update: I took a long brake from game development and starting to get back to it. For this month, I have been developing the sprite animation editor for my game engine and it is close to being done. The animation editor, as of now, is shown below.







    Derpy is designed by Yoshi Greenwater.





    There are bugs that need to be fixed, but once they are fixed (along with a few more little features), it will be ready for animators to start creating Paper Mario-like animations for the game. I am pretty happy on how it is turning out.  :D

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Here's what I did for the track. Hope you like it!


    attachicon.gifMy Paper Pony Tutorial.wav


    I like it!  :)


    It is more upbeat than easy listening and fits well with the area. It does have that melody that says, "You are in a tutorial." The use of the strings is good. I think adding one or two more complimentary instruments may help it be more interesting (perhaps percussion), but it is good for now.


    I'll let you know if there are other themes that I want you to work on.

  10. Realistic instruments you say? Well you're in for a major surprise. My workstation's got the top-of-the-line state of the art sound engines that make things as real as it gets. What themes would you like me to do now?


    Alright. There is a theme that is needed in the game that gets played in an area called "Road to Canterlot". This area acts as a tutorial level that teaches the gamer some of the mechanics of the game. I want the music in this area to be casual. It should be more upbeat than easy listening. It doesn't have to be catchy or complex. It should be something nice to listen too but gets you going and makes you happy.


    Please read the spoiler section to get the context of the area.




    Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and the OC partner needed to see Princess Celestia so they travel on hoove from Ponyville to Canterlot (the train and carriage are under maintenance). Twilight and the OC unicorn needed to see Princess Celestia while Rarity just wanted to find new materials in Canterlot. Spike came along as an assistant. It is a nice day out. They face several obstacles and easy enemies such as parasprites, but everything else is fine. They travel through a valley and along the canyon side to reach Canterlot.




    Keep the context and style of the game in mind as you compose the background music for the area.


    Listening back on the Paper Mario soundtrack (especially the N64 version), the music does use synthesized instruments. :ooh:  But, with technology back then, they have to come up with something to sound close to real instruments.  For this Paper-style game, I still want the main instruments to be realistic, but if it is needed, you can add synthesized sounds and instruments to compliment the main instruments. I recommend listening to the Paper Mario soundtrack and the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door soundtrack to get some ideas and inspiration.


    Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing it. Thanks again.  :fluttershy:

  11. All my stuff is shut off and I'm just up in bed...but I'll have my version to ya soon.


    Alright, here you go. Hope you like it. 


    attachicon.gifMy Paper Pony Trixie Battle Theme.wav



    It is a nice tune and has interesting choice of synth instruments. The percussion is good. The problem is that it sounds way too sinister, especially if it is about Trixie who really isn't sinister. In addition, it doesn't get me into the battle zone; it's not catchy and upbeat enough. Otherwise, it is a decent battle theme and I may use it in the game in a different environment and context.


    For this game's music in general, I want them to be more towards realistic instruments than synthesizers (synthesized instruments may be okay). There is nothing wrong with synthesizers, but it doesn't fit the style and context of the game. The entire game is main happy and upbeat, nothing dramatic (except for a few occasions in the story but there isn't a lot). Thus, the music should fit that style. There may be a few occasions that synthesizers may work in the game, but for now, realistic instruments is the way to go.


    I like to thank you, C. Thunder Dash, for helping me with my version of Trixie's Battle Theme and presenting your own version. I am still looking forward to hearing the normal battle theme. If that is also completely synthesized, . . . well . . . let me hear it first before I make a decision. Otherwise, thanks a bunch.  :D

  12. Now that I have seen the demo I am in all the way for the beta testing and other aspects anything not dealn with too much code i will help with i am 100% on board ;):) i will do all in my power and i am gettin a computer here soon so expect all i can do is split between this school and my extra cricullar that will help me in this feild of gaming and only 4 frames dropped during a move that is impressive for a devepoer that is probley new to this as i said in the comment box for the demo all the way support and will advertise to all my class mates i technicly did this yet the only thing i said was that i am a beta tester for a fan game based off paper mario and that is all they know


    I'm glad that you saw the demo and really like it.  :)

  13. Ok just thrown an idea around I mean I have seen stuff like this in other games even by EA and other bigtime developers so I thought why not but its OK if you don't


    Oh no. I really like the idea! It is something I want to add in the game.


    Also, I wasn't trying to offend anypony. :kindness:  It is my personal opinion so I shouldn't let that drive the game development and should scratch the secret meeting.  :squee:

  14. This is prefect for a paper game but about a secrect meeting spot where the oc's of the game staff and beta players are in one spot like a inn or a house somthin like that probly in pony ville or clouds dale but that might not work with my oc Lol XD


    I do want to add contributors' OCs (if they have one) into the game and even talk to them! It doesn't have to be a secret meeting spot, although I may create one for extreme-looking OCs that couldn't "blend in" the environment (for instance, OCs with bat wings and bright wild colors).

  15. Hey everypony!
    I have setup a Discord account so if you want to help contribute to the game, send me a message!
    Right now, I'm still working on the sprite animation editor (and music) for the game. I would like to hear your input on different game chapter ideas. For each chapter, Twilight and her party members will get what are called "keystones" at the end of each chapter. The areas mainly need to be around Ponyville. Here is what I have in mind for chapter/area ideas:


    • Prologue - Road to Canterlot

      Party members joining: The OC pony, Spike, and Rarity.

      This area is small and it is the road from Ponyville to Canterlot (the train and carriage are under maintenance). This is the tutorial area of the game that teaches you the mechanics of the game (some of the tutorial will be in the first battle against Trixie). There isn't a chapter-specific plot per say, but I do need some ideas on the boss (and even the middle boss) for this area.
    • Chapter 1 - Canyons

      Party members joining: Applejack

      This area will contain Sweet Apple Acres, the canyons, and the mines (will contain the diamond dogs). The plot will involve Applejack and the diamond dogs.
    • Chapter 2 - Cloudsdale

      Party members joining: Rainbow Dash (maybe Fluttershy as well)

      This area will mainly contain Cloudsdale. There definitely needs to be a chapter-specific plot for this one involving Rainbow Dash.
    • Chapter 3 - Swamp

      Party members joining: Fluttershy (maybe Pinkie Pie as well)

      This area is basically the swamp (one of the main bosses will be the hydra). The plot for this chapter will involve Fluttershy helping a creature.
    • Chapter 4 - Everfree Forest

      Party members joining: Pinkie Pie

      This area is Everfree Forest along with some type of ruins. The plot will involve Pinkie Pie and depressed ghosts (cheering them up for instance).
    • Chapter 5

      I haven't come up with a area idea for this chapter yet, maybe volcano? The plot has to involve changlings!
    • Chapter 6 - The final chapter

      I've got plans for this one. It involves an area outside of Equestria.


    Let me know if you have any ideas for the chapters on this forum or on Discord.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Use a plucked lead of some sort. Synth bass may work. But do you mind if you hold on until later? I'm working on a battle theme for you.


    Oh. You don't have to respond right away. I'm just posting my revision and plans for upcoming music pieces. Take your time. Don't stay up too late like what I'm doing right now.  :lol:

  17. Okay. Here is version 3.1. I removed/changed sequences of few of the instruments that overdone the melody, made the high-hats less frequent, and added a couple of more fills. I'm not too good with percussion so the new fills may not be significant compared to the others.




    In other news, from what I heard and read about the harpsichord, it is actually pretty terrible if used improperly and most frequently used by amateur musicians (I guess I am one of them, but I am improving  :kindness: ). Thus, I plan to use a different instrument for Trixie's Theme. What do you suggest I use? I'm thinking an instrument that relates to gypsy, kind of like how Trixie travels around Equestria presenting magic yet we know that the magic are tricks and she thinks that she is all great and powerful. (Trixie is one of my favorite ponies BTW).

  18. Alright, I shall have the battle theme to you today. How long do you want it?


    Doesn't have to be long, but a minimum of 30 seconds (I know, it can be quite short, but the original Paper Mario battle theme is pretty short itself).

  19. Hate to be a party pooper but I'm going to be honest. Along with the instruments and the structure...this piece sounds very cheesy. The battle theme needs to be faster, around 170bpm even. I see you were trying to go for a build-up effect with that chromatic run but it just did not work out. You'll need a straight chromatic run on a deeper instrument like a fat plucked lead or string bass. In addition, your strings could've been playing small licks in between the melody line. You cannot rely on the harpsichord to drive your piece. You need an instrument like a plucked lead to perform fast runs on the melody since this is a battle theme. Your percussion needs the most help. It is the one part that makes the song cheesy. Also, give the piece some low brass, mainly grouped brass such as low horns and low trombones. Timpani would also work as well.


    All in all, this piece needs a ton of work...remember, I'm here if you need any help.


    Oh dear. I'm sorry you didn't like this version of the theme. I guess it was more of a downgrade to you than an upgrade.  :-P   If I ever get back to improving this theme, I'll think about it.  ;)


    Anyways, when you are able, I would like to hear your normal battle theme for the game. Remember, I don't want it to be dramatic and epic; I want it to be upbeat, catchy, and fun!  :pinkie:

    Alright. I improved the introduction.



  20. I like it, it's pretty catchy  :P I don't know as much about music theory as the others do in this thread but I listened to all of your versions of the song and I really like your final version a lot!



    I know diddly squat about music theory, besides stuff I remember from elementary school years ago :P:lol: but I could totally see myself enjoying this in the context of the game. Very nice, catchy, and fun :D


    Thanks! One of my goals is to have the music be catchy! I'm glad you like it.  :D

    • Brohoof 1
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