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Status Updates posted by ThunderCrush

  1. A bit random, but this past month I've been building an electric guitar from scratch. Not sure if that interests anyone but maybe I'll post a photo when I'm done haha :dash:

    1. Tacodidra


      Good luck, my friend! :kindness: I'm sure it'll be amazing! :mlp_yeehaa:

    2. EpicEnergy


      Sounds interesting! :grin:

  2. Better boop you here as well. :ButtercupLaugh: Just in case

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ThunderCrush
    3. TotallyNotNyx


      Well I sent it to her on discord. Don’t know if she even read the DM tho, or she may have read it and not replied. :wacko: I’ll ask her about it when she’s active later.

    4. ThunderCrush


      Okie, sounds good :)

  3. Looks like i need to come on here more often XD And hello everyone, hope you are all doing well during this...odd? time :laugh:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cl0udChaser


      Hi. I'm doing great right now.

    3. EpicEnergy


      Hello! I'm doing alright today! :grin:

    4. ThunderCrush


      I see, everyone like to reply when I'm asleep XD :ButtercupLaugh: Im glad you are all doing well!

  4. For those of you that still remember me, I've been gone for quite awhile due to college classes and other things. But I still think about this place all the time ^^ Hope everyone has been doing well. :twi:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt


    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Welcome back Crush! :D

    4. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :yay: I've been fine, thanks – I hope you are too! :rarity:

  5. sure been a long time...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Thunder! :pinkie: Welcome back! :D

    3. TheRockARooster


      Welcome back, TC. (those are the intitials of my real name)


      I still love that avatar.

    4. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Crushie! *hugs* I was beginning to think you were never coming back. :rarity:

  6. Night everyone! Hope all goes well in the coming future! And sweet dreams:kindness:

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D Likewise! :)

    2. Soren Peregrine
    3. Leere
  7. Heyo everyone! How's the day been going or night! XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The_Gobo


      Glad to hear your dad is going well too, :P


    3. ThunderCrush


      oh wait


      I thought you were at fault, but then.. lol

    4. The_Gobo




  8. Alright, I'm heading off for the night! Hope you all have had a great day, but if you haven't then greatest will come to you soon. :twi: Farewell for now!

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D I hope you had a great day too! :)

  9.  Happy Happy Birthday! :pinkie::balloon:

    1. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Thanks, dude! :D 

    1. Tacodidra


      I like it! :D The face sums up the way he feels quite well! :laugh:

    2. ThunderCrush


      Oh I'm glad! Thanks a lot!

  10. Good day everyone! How are you all? :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      Whoops got caught doing work :D I've been alright, just been practicing my drawing skills and such. I'm going to upload another drawing this week! :pinkie:

    3. The_Gobo


      I am very very tired lol


    4. ThunderCrush


      A good day of work indeed has been done, enjoy some rest! :twi:

  11. Good day everyone! I had the most unpleasant weekend every since I got a cold. However I feel much better now and I also have a new drawing to show you! :P So here ya go!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      Thank you! ^^

    3. Tacodidra


      Hello! :D I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! :yay:

      Cute drawing! :)

    4. strongwilled_pegasus



  12. I almost didnt recognize you with the name change XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      Yeah coming up with names is hard, I feel like all of mine are plagiarizing someone else's. You'll think of something and we could never forget you XD

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Well, maybe "forget" is the wrong word. Not recognize, because I changed my name and pic at the same time.

      My next name will still have something to do with Roseluck I think, so I can keep my current pic. :D

    4. ThunderCrush


      ohh sounds good, Roseluck was what I liked the most out the name

  13. Heyo everyone! I finally got done with school testing. Glad to have all the stress off my back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      I hope so too, but if they didn't then i'm not retaking them :catface: lol

    3. The_Gobo


      And now for some rest :3


    4. Johnny1226


      Good to hear

  14. Well I hope everyone had a good day and for those who just woke up, may you have a good day as well! :grin: Goodnight!

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    2. Alexshy


      Good night, mine friend!

  15. Heyo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      lol Its been awhile since I've really talked to you....or anyone for that matter.

    3. strongwilled_pegasus


      lol, since  discord:wacko:

      keeping busy?:D

    4. ThunderCrush


      Well discord as well. But yeah I have been busy. I hate being busy, makes me feel like I cant do anything.

  16. Good day everyone! How are you all doing? :grin:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      Yeah pretty much, I hope something good comes around for us too! ^_^

    3. Tacodidra


      Good day! :D I'm glad to hear you've been fine (in spite of the studies). :) My day has been alright.

    4. ThunderCrush


      That's good! Today has been pretty balanced as far as how things have been. Lets hope it stays that way!^_^

  17. Hello fellow pony lover. :) Thanks for friending me!^_^

    1. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      No problem! Thanks for the follow back! :squee:

  18. Good afternoon my friends! :fluttershy:

    1. Tacodidra


      Good afternoon! :D

    2. The_Gobo


      Hello user :3


  19. Sorry I haven't been on in....awhile.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThunderCrush


      Thanks guys *hugs*

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Welcome Back, My Friend! :squee:



    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Welcome back! o3o

  20. Hello everyone! I've been in a busy place. I just got done with testing for college entry and I'm just waiting for scores now. Wish me luck! How have you all been doing? :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. strongwilled_pegasus
    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Good luck, man! :D I’ve been doing pretty well myself. :) 

    4. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Good luck Crush! :D

  21. I has been a busy bee.:D How is everyone doing? And good morning!

  22. Heya everyone! How's it going? :) Today has been a pretty boring day for me. I didn't get to do much in my shop class.

    1. Titans08Mariota


      I'm doing pretty good, played pool with my dad and some friends.

    2. Tacodidra


      Otherwise good but I feel I'm getting a cold, my throat has been sore today. :okiedokieloki: I've also been tired and slept very early by my standards, that's 2 AM for a night owl like me (I decided to get up for a while, though)! :P

  23. Alrighty, my story is out! Check it out if you'd like and enjoy if you do! :)


  24. For everyone in order to prepare them for my story :D here is a little description:

    It's not everyday, you wake up only to go on a journey you had not planned for. Well today could be that day. ThunderCrush is going to experience...changes...that he doesn't even know about. And who is to say that nothing happens for a reason because ThunderCrush is about to get every reason there is to learn about his past and what he needs to do to protect it. So grab the popcorn and wings, it's time to go for a ride..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I think that's a pretty good introduction. It gets you interested in the story but doesn't reveal too much about it. :)

    3. Babyyoshi309


      @Him I mean like say "he" instead of "Thundercrash" over and over. ;)

    4. ThunderCrush
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