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Tropical Melody

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Everything posted by Tropical Melody

  1. What;s the weather like? ... it's practically like spring! Sun is out, warm in the conservatory. Boston UK. Commiserations to any who have fallen foul of tornados.
  2. "If I remember correctly this is the physics department." - "That explains all the gravity!"
  3. "Do you even listen to yourself when you talk?" - "I drift in and out."
  4. "Ohh, no! A guy at work bought a car out of the paper, and ten years later? BAM!! Herpes."
  5. I was walking long the street thinking how to find and ensnare this accursed batter pudding hurler that has been terrorizing the town. Just then, a man approached me, towing a gas oven behind him on a piece of string. "'Scuse me guvnor," he says, "Have you got a match? Only me pilot light's gorn out and me batter pudding's getting cold." "Certainly my good man!" I replied, "Here keep the box!" And off he went happily, leaving me with that warm glow of satisfaction that one gets from doing a kindly and selfless act. Now, where was I ...?
  6. The Batter Pudding Hurler of Bexhill-on-Sea has struck again!
  7. "'No' to a free caravan, but 'yes' to a towbar." - "I'll take it."
  8. "Been out on mine this morning ... "Loads of middle aged bald men wearing saggy arsed Dianese onezies posing next to big lardy sports bikes gathered in layby's and petrol stations going for their first ride out in a group. I can hear the sound of demented giant wasps right now screaming through the gears obviously way over any speed limit making themselves an annoyance to everyone."
  9. Still very mild at the moment, lots of sunshine, amazing for end of February. Boston UK. Sounds like you're in UK too?
  10. In a ketchup or tomato sauce? That's how I know it - as tinned Bolognese or with small pork sausages. Yeah it's fine.
  11. "Sorry Mavis but we like to beat up our own suspects. It's one of the few pleasures we have left."
  12. Re a large bass reflex port in a loudspeaker - "There's a Polish family of nine living in there, they're all plumbers including the cat"
  13. Incredibly mild today for February, sun was shining, I had the conservatory doors open! Boston UK
  14. "I read the obituaries in the paper today. I wasn't there. So that's good news!"
  15. Have a thing with a sponge on the end if that counts. (?) Own a cactus plant?
  16. Esoteric Exactitudes - Share The Wonder.
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