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About Cheerilee

  • Birthday 2003-06-26

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    Not Telling
  • Personal Motto
    I no longer listen to what people say. I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Alternate History, Cryptids, Ufology, Politics, and Cartography

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    Everfree Empire Roleplay

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    Diamond Tiara
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    Crystal Pony
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    Spoiled Rich
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    Sweetie Belle
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    Silver Spoon
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    The Perfect Pear
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  1. I never liked making these kinds of status updates but I feel the need to make this one. Tomorrow one of my cats is going to be put down. His name is Mr. Grey. We've had him for around 6 years up to this point.

    He was a very good cat but over the past year or so he has been showing signs of being senile and in the past few months he has some kind of condition we don't know about. He goes and eats food, but then shits it out right after. He is not doing too well and is always crying for food despite having just ate. This has been a process over the past few months we've had to deal with and we have delayed the inevitable for far too long.

    He was one of the stray barn cats that came around one day in 2015. I was in 6th grade at the time and I remember going outside and talking to him. He was much better back then and was more or less your average cat, he was a very gentle cat that really liked having attention. Sometimes he would want too much attention and hog around you constantly. A very talkative cat, mind you.

    Last year we had two cats that had to be put down, once Mr. Grey is put down we will be down to 6 cats. It's honestly for the best that he is put down, both because of his condition and that we can't handle this many cats as well as we used to. 

    When you have a pet you have to take care of it. It is a contract between owner and the pet - but all owners must bear the passing of their pet at some point. It is a sad thing, but it is the circle of life.

    May you rest in peace, Mr Grey.


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Spidey10


      I'm sorry. I know how that feels. One of my family's English Mastiffs had to be put down when I was a kid. 


      My condolences.


    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I'm so sorry to hear that. May he rest in peace. 


    4. ohne


      sending hugs your way. I know it's hard losing a dear animal : (

      Im sure he's thankful and happy that he got to live and spend the rest of his life with you :coco: <3 

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