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Everything posted by KTAG

  1. Sorry about that last update. I'm fine. Super excited for my Aunt, Uncle, and my cousins to come over.

  2. Happy Holidays every pony. How yall doin so far today? I

  3. I just helped my grandma and sister build a small crib for my cousin, whose coming over tomorrow. They unloaded most of the work on me (they did help) and now I am super stressed. I need a few minutes of relaxation.

  4. Morning everypony. How'd you sleep? I couldn't sleep so I ponified my chromebook's background and Chrome theme.

  5. Night everypony. I'm going to sleep...It's midnight where I live.

  6. It's very rainy and cold outside today. It's nice and toasty inside. Stay warm everypony, and stay with your family.

  7. Morning everypony. How's your day going? Mine is fine. G-parents are at the doctor, so I'm trying to record a little.

    1. Zachary


      Good Morning, I'm Currently doing Great, Thanks!

  8. Night everypony. See yall in the morning.

  9. Am I the only pony that thinks Pinkie-Pie got lucky getting Gummy without teeth.

  10. I watched the Equestria Girls movie last night (The First One...I guess). In my opinion I thought is was great, but that's kind of a soft great. I don't think I'll be watching any of the other EG movies. It seemed that all of Flash's role was to be a love interest, and solve some MAJOR movie plots in like 3 seconds...so yeah. Good movie, I did find it funny. Awesome seeing the CMC doing YT, but not to sure if I'll watch the rest maybe if I find some time.

  11. Good afternoon everypony. Helped m G-ma all day, finally getting to sit down.

    1. Zachary


      Good Afternoon.

  12. Morning everypony. How are yall doing so far today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KTAG


      That's good. Hope you get better before the holidays.

    3. Valiant 2.0

      Valiant 2.0

      Good morning! I'm doing quite well. Hope you are as well.

    4. KTAG


      Apart from having to cleaning my room I'm doing fine. Thanks :)

  13. I believe that this is real. My reason is because of the price. If it's expensive ($25+) and has that 12 in. thing at the top it's real. I don't believe (not certain so don't take my word on this one) people aren't able to sell products like this with a price range that is as high as the company. But I might be wrong on that.
  14. I don't know. In real life I am shy around new ponies, but kind I am generous I am loyal I am Honest I am very crazy but I'm not magic. So it's hard to tell.
  15. I keep getting injured today. First my back has been hurting me all day, then I help my grandma with a rug in our living room and that takes a bit of my toenail on my big toe. Then later the same thing happened to my other big toe from helping with the rug again. And finally at like 2:30 pm my sister and I are HORSing around when she opens my bedroom door very fast and the door hits me in the nose. I've never been punched before, but that's how I imagine it would feel. Even though all...

  16. I just watched the first part of Season 3 TheWalkingDead game by TellTale. Man it was intense. I suggest you watch each season first if you haven't seen them, or else you wont have a feel for the characters.

  17. Good Morning everypony. It's 9:30 am where I live and my grandma yelled "I just want to hop on the Pony Express" because the phones stopped working. I was sitting there eating my breakfast and when I heard that I yelled "I wanna go." No pony heard me though.

  18. Night everypony. Gonna relax till 10 then hit the hay.

  19. I've been watching Bronies React (MLP videos obviously) videos all day by a YT channel called ACRacebest. It's a really funny channel I suggest you watch the videos if you like reactions.

  20. Morning everypony. How yall doing so far? I am doing great. Yet I have no plans for today so that may change.

    1. Zachary


      Good Morning, I'm Currently doing Great, Just read The Book Thief Book 2 Hours ago and I'll read more Tomorrow.

    2. KTAG


      Cool. Ya liking it so far?

    3. Zachary
  21. Night everypony. See yall in the morning. :) Sleep well.

  22. 1. Looks like somepony has a story for other ponies. 2. My grandpa and I never saw eye to eye and when I was young I'd be telling myself that he was mean, but now I'm 15 and he still gets on my case, but not as much. Were much "cooler" with each other now, and I realize that he's 83 he can't do anything anymore. (But still though sometimes there is no excuse for being rude)
  23. Wow stupid runs through my blood. (just my own not my families) I saw a book on my counter and it looked like the book I got my grandma for christmas. SO I get worked up a little bit and go on a walk to calm down. When I get home I tell my sister and she said that the book on the counter was the same one as last year. So I get even more worked up. To make a long story short I opened up my g-ma's gift only to find out that the book was a completely different book. Now if you don't mind...

  24. I was walking 1/4 of a mile to the circle k by my house. The wind got so bad I was starting to wonder when Obi Wan Kenobe was gonna show up.

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