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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 14 minutes ago, Sir Floof said:

    I think whether someone prefers the clean, colorful look of KH 1.5 versus the more detailed, "fancy" look of Yooka-Laylee comes down to personal preference.

    Why can't we have BOTH "clean, colorful" AND "detailed" though? I don't understand why it is one or the other. As you said earlier in your post:

    "The low geometry and the textures just aren't as detailed as modern games."

    ^Why not use the extra horsepower available on current gen consoles/ PC to increase poly count, texture res, etc? That would be far preferable to slapping blurry atmospheric lighting effects on everything which take away from the cartoony aesthetic :o


    • Brohoof 1
  2. 11 hours ago, AwesomePony14 said:

    Starlight is a teenager

    Why Sunburst have a goatee

    Goatee only to mean that they're fully grown up ponies

    Why Sunburst have goatee when he was a teen

    What the hell are you talking about? Starlight isnt a teenager. If anything, she should be OLDER than the mane6 :o Oh no... wait up, don't tell me there is some retconning of the ages in the S7 Opening episodes (which I am avoiding like the plague Dx).

    Well, even if they were teenagers, I had a goatee when I was 16-18 soo.... yeah lol. Now time for me to make my escape before my pure mind is soiled with potential spoilers >.> <.<


  3. 3 minutes ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

    1) Kingdom Hearts is an upscale of a PS2 game, on top of that, it's one that isn't very demanding, so they can afford to make them look nicer

    ^Thats the whole point. With a freakin' Ps2 game they are able to pull off more pleasant, vibrant visuals than on games made for current gen hardware. It's pathetic to see technological advancement regressing the level of graphical appeal in a game.


    5 minutes ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

    2) Only people really anal about visuals is gonna be bothered by seemingly minor graphical imperfections

    ^I just can't find a game to be properly immersive if it looks worse than games I played over 10 years ago. This is one of the reasons I take so much issue with Nintendo's reluctance to properly innovate in the graphical department. If you ask me, Super Mario Sunshine looks significantly better than any 1st party Nintendo game released since! The water effects, heat distortion effects, beautiful environments brimming with crisp vivid colors... thats what I crave, not half assed, low poly character models with a crappy bloom filter slapped on (see 3-D World). Even their newest foray into the Mario series, Super Mario Odyssey, disappoints greatly in terms of visuals. There are certain elements I like: the water effects and little, buoyant animations on Mario's hat/nose come to mind. But, overall, it looks like an early Xbox 360 release.... in 2017 no less!

    I understand, graphics do not make the game good automatically. Games like Rise:Son of Rome and The Order 1886 are great examples of such. They astonish the player with incredible graphical spectacle seemingly to distract from the lackluster gameplay within. But if you have a game that already has awesome gameplay, better graphics can only add to your enjoyment. :o

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Ok, to make my point I would like to present a visual example instead of writing a huge daunting wall of text first, ok? xD Just watch a good 30-ish seconds of each linked video, if you will.

    Take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh-aOHRjBug&feature=youtu.be&t=5m58s

    Then compare to this: https://youtu.be/Z4FPodGR82U?t=2m


    ^Is it just me, or does a freaking Ps2 game, with slightly higher res textures and higher overall native resolution look WAY better in contrast to a "modern day" cartoony styled game like Yooka-Laylee? I'm not trying to downplay the latter game right now, as it looks really fun, but I find it mind boggling how we have come so far in graphical technological advancement, yet a nearly 20 year old game looks more appealing to the eye than something current... I just find it both astonishing and disturbing at the same time.

    The colors, the character models, the environments: they all just POP out and look jaw-droppingly amazing on Kingdom Hearts, but with Yooka-Laylee, there is this thick muddy-looking "HAZE" pervading the entirity of the world. And this type of thing isn't exclusive to merely Yooka-Laylee either. Just look at other cartoony "colorful" games like Legend of Zelda BoTW and Ratchet& Clank (ps4). These games also have this weird haziness that mutes certain colors and creates an overall unattractive aesthetic which clashes horribly with the cartoony assets. To my knowledge, these atmospheric particle effects require not only more CPU/GPU performance to pull off at a decent frame-rate, but also require significant time and effort on the developers part in order to properly implement i the game. Why would these people put effort into making the game look WORSE, when by removing these elements, colors would look crisp and clear, and just plain orgasmic to the eyes? I understand many devs will add hazy effects like this to make the game #1 look more realistic, or #2 hide graphical imperfections like low poly character models or lower than ideal draw distances, among other things. But if an old ass game like Kingdom Hearts proves anything, its that these concerns are completely in vain for cartoony games, as the lack of these graphical effects seems to ENHANCE to the look instead of detract from it. 



  5. I don't think it's possible to "never" get tired of ANY game, no matter how amazing it is. :o

    The game I find myself revisiting the most would have to be Super Mario Sunshine, as it is my all time favorite game. I have played through that game in its entirety a total of 5-6 times and that's 100% blue coins, shine sprites, etc. Most people find it tedious, but that freaking game is like something straight out of a dream for me =^-^=  Collectathons <3

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I'll have to go with my 3rd waifu:


    And before someone claims she is an anime character:


                                                                                                                                                          ^Take that! :P


  7. My thoughts are:" Oh shit, how the bloody hell am I gonna dodge all the inevitable spoilers until the season is over?" Q.Q

    I haven't watched the opening two episodes yet, and as soon as I saw the video thumbnail in your post, I averted my eyes and scrolled down xD Being a frequenter of these forums, I expect it to be quite difficult >.<

    As for my predictions? 

    • More Starlight Glimmer Focus
    • Satisfying CMC x Reformed Tiara interactions
    • Heartfelt Scootaloo episode
    • More Trixie annoying Twilight
    • Queen Chrysalis looming in the background as the "season-wide villain" not sure if she will be taken out this season or next, but I would prefer if they didn't rush it
    • Coco Pommel 3rd appearance
    • CMC taking their new "profession" to the next level
    • Some crazy magic shenanigans
    • Flurry Heart being a knife in my side
    • Starlight x Sunburst romantic undertones
    • New characters
    • New locales
    • New songs

    End of this season leading into an awesome journey across and BEYOND Equestria taken by the Mane6 to help another community in need from some sort of urgent crisis (perhaps Scorpan and his kingdom require help asap and Celestia sends Twilight and her friends off to assist). A long trek through the unexplored lands of Equestria is what I want most. Make each episode a proper continuation from the last. While the Mane6 go off galavanting to lands unknown, Starlight and Spike stay back in Twilight's castle to maintain the homefront. Twilight tasks Starlight with this job as a "friendship assignment", knowing full well Starlight will be pulling her hair out with how she stresses over every little thing. Spike serves as a comedic smart-ass to contrast with the adventure of the Mane6's journey and Starlight's own neurotic stress sessions. Trixie hangs out at the castle too, taking full advantage of Twilight's absence to do many things the purple princess wouldn't particularly approve of. They get visitors every now and then, townsfolk have problems, Starlight needs to go fix em, etc. Maybe even Celestia asks for Starlight's hoof in a few things~

    Ok, now time to leave this thread forever so I don't get spoiled on the first two episodes or summaries of other season 7 eps >.<

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Ok, so here we have Kingdom Hearts 1 running at 4k (obviously downsampled and compressed by Youtube) at 60 fps.

    Kingdom Hearts  is a Ps2 game

    The normal Ps4 CANNOT run it at 4k 60

    It took the Ps4 Pro with 4.2 TFLOPS of GPU power and 2.1 Ghz CPU clock speed to achieve this in the console space.


    How the bloody hell is Scorpio going to deliver ALL NEW games at MAX (aka Ultra) PC settings at 4k 60 fps!? This may seem like a silly question out of nowhere, but you wouldn't BELIVE the amount of idiots I see spamming Youtube comment sections who completely believe Scorpio will be doing 4k native 60 fps max settings for EVERY new videogame release -.-

  9. Probably just Pokemon as a series in general. From ages 3-12, there was hardly anything in life I cared about more than catching em all and training to fight my classmates =^-^= (in Gen 3 I also got SUPER into Berry collecting; just LOVED the art and descriptions of the berries in R&S, which was strangely omitted in the later iterations >:O )

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