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K.Rool Addict

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Everything posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. I'm definitely not. Microsoft gives me little reason to get one considering that a high end p.c. (or laptop which I am going to be getting) would basically do everything the Xbox One X does, but far better. Now I say this, whilst flat out admitting that Microsoft's E3 conference was bar none, the best conference this year. It wasn't amazing, but it was solid (something I can most assuredly NOT say about Sony, Nintendo, EA, or Bethesda's respective conferences). So, take that however you will, but it just needs to be said lol. I still have my Ps4 Pro and I fully intend to buy all of my multiplats there until I can afford my laptop. I will also be looking forward to the only 2 good games shown at Sony's conference; ergo the Shadow of the Colossus remake (hyped af), and Monster Hunter World. And, I will likely get a Nintendo Switch once Nintendo revises their hardware and puts out a "Switch Mini" or "Switch XL" or what have you. Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are more than enough reason for me to get a Switch, but I'll wait for the revision since I have learned from experience that Nintendo puts out much better constructed hardware in their later revisions of consoles/ handhelds, and by that time, there should be a far bigger library of worthwhile games available on the Switch. So yeah, that is my opinion, I hope it does not offend you, Kyoshi -kun <3 I will admit the Xbox One X is very good for the gaming industry as its focus on beefing up hardware will force Sony to bring out the big guns with their PS5. The better hardware we get on the mainline consoles, the more developers can do with that hardware. Progress is always a good thing when it comes to technology, and since most developers prioritize getting their games to run on consoles over high end gaming PCs, this will facilitate more robust and ambitious strides within the console and p.c. gaming spaces when it comes to graphics at least. <- Of course, Nintendo will ignore all of this "graphical nonsense" while continuing to give their fans games that look as though they were released over a decade ago Q.Q
  2. I'm not watching it now! I am far too good for the show! lmao Nah, I'm just waiting for all the episodes to come out so I can marathon em all at once.That's what I did with Season 4 and 5 and those were some of the most enjoyable pony watching experiences I have ever had! \(^o^)/ < わふ!~
  3. Yesh! I like alot of anime with "high impact" narrative elements that keep you on the edge of your seat throughout! \(^o^)/ Death Note Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Kai, Rei, etc Elfen Lied ^Those are my top 3 /)^3^(\ I also like others, particularly the "weirder ones", like: FLCL (FuriKuri) Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro Chan Pani Poni Dash Some of the more cutesy slice of life ones arent bad either: Lucky Star Yuru Yuri Nichijou
  4. I definitely like seeing it. She's so freaking overpowered with her crazy magical potential that hardly any threat can give her much issue. But her own mind is her biggest enemy. After enslaving that village for countless years, her (self inflicted) mental preconditioning was forcibly changed by Twilight Sparkle. Now she struggles to function normally as the trauma from all those years has greatly affected her. It is very nice to see writers of a "kids show" putting in so much effort to making her an interesting 3 dimensional character =^-^=
  5. ^LMAO wtf!? [citation needed]? Would you care to elaborate on that >.>;
  6. Well, I stand by my assertion that Rainbow Dash is definitely the most OP out of the Mane6 besides Twilight. Would I consider her "broken", like Starlight, Twilight, or Flurry Heart? Hell no, but she's overpowered when compared to almost any other Pegasus. Is she overpowered enough for fans to complain about it? No way. I don't even think Twilight is, tbh.<- She may be "broken" but she EARNED that level of power over the course of many years under Celestia's wing. However, for Starlight and Flurry Heart I can see why bronies would be up in arms over their haxxed magical prowess outta nowhere o,o
  7. ^Most bronies consider it to be the best episode of season 3. I, of course, beg to differ, as nothing can compete with the immaculate Magic Duel and Magical Mystery Cure in my eyes, at least >.> It was definitely a good episode... but I think both of the other "Luna Dream Invasion" episodes are superior. Those being For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils and Bloom & Gloom, btw /)^3^(\
  8. ^No way would they scrap the console generations. That would be a travesty. I already suspect Microsoft isn't going to hold to that claim several years down the line. After all, they certainly changed their tune about the whole frame rate parity thing between the Xbox One S and the Scorpio (X). ^Also, this. I don't think Sony will renege on that stance. It would be a self cannibalizing move, tbh. For Xbox it is fine... for now. It's their best move they can make at the moment since they don't want the consumers who bought their original Xbox to feel like they got shafted. Sony is in a position where they are leading the industry of console gaming. Basically, they have the ability to start a new console generation outright instead of stealth releasing a new console gen like Microsoft
  9. Lol, I still have yet to watch season 7. I'm waiting for all the episodes to be out so I can marathon them all at once! \(^o^)/ But still, why would the CMC not show any physical development in all these years? o.0 I mean, I understand the animators wanting people who got attached to these characters to not get upset over them looking "different" but there still should have been a difference, however slight to their height or overall body structure.
  10. Ah ok. I was under the impression you were referring to Yellowquiet as an adult xD You know... speaking of FS's taller, thinner body type in Cutie Mark Chronicles... why haven't Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo underwent this "transformation" yet? The series has spanned at least 4 years by my calculations (under the impression that the two winters in S5 were, in fact, the same winter), and the CMC have the exact same body types since the show's debut Shouldn't they have, you know, GROWN a little bit >.>
  11. It's from Sleepless in Ponyville. I'd say it's pretty impressive considering how casually she does it. It's not really meant as a gag, either. It was just thrown in there to show how badass this character is lmao. Just look at how she doesn't slow down after kicking through each tree. She wasn't even going anywhere near super sonic when she did this: ^Gotta be at least on par with (kid) Goku at the 21st Tenkaichi in terms of PL
  12. Is everyone forgetting about Rainbow Dash's single most impressive feat of strength in the show?
  13. I warn you, some of these songs are so catchy I have listened to them upwards of 5 hours straight on loop Listen at your OWN RISK!
  14. 2020 is my guess. It's a big, bombastic sounding date. Would look perfect on all the adverts. Playstation 5 02/20/2020 True Power Awaits 12 TFlop GPU 12 GB GDDR5X VRAM 4.5 Ghz CPU with 16 cores 2TB PCIe NVMe SSD Ultra HD Blueray optical drive Price tag: $999.99
  15. You kidding me? Both Sony and Nintendo's conferences were a freaking joke -.- Now the Shadow of the motherfucking Colossus remake was fucking insane, I'll concede that much lol. SotC is actually my 2nd favorite game of all time, so you can imagine how ecstatic I was to see it getting a full graphical overhaul. At first I thought it would just be a lame 4k native / 60 fps re-release on the Ps4 Pro... but then came those graphics... jesus fucking christ. If only Nintendo would do this kinda thing with Super Mario Sunshine my life would be complete <3 SotC on the Ps4 looks like some straight up Unreal Engine 4 magnificence! Looks even better than The Last Guardian =^-^=
  16. Very good comparison. I would say she and Cheerilee are like 1-2 years apart. Sunburst looks like an old ass man with that goatee xD
  17. I don't go by the voice actresses, but by the voices they bring to the table. Tara, for example, has shown she is capable of doing very young sounding voices. But Starlight's voice within the show very clearly makes her seem significantly older than Twilight. My guess would be 5-15 years older Also, I always assumed Rarity WAS the oldest. She runs her own boutique (even since the start of the series). While Applekjack runs the Apple Farm, she at least gets a lot of help and morale support from her family. Whereas, Rarity has done pretty much all of it herself. If the rest of the Mane6 were around 20 in human years, Rarity would be 25 imho. Obviously the whole flashback to when they got their cutie marks simultaneously seems to disprove this... but still! >.<
  18. Ah, I see. Still, I stand my my assertion that Sony should have communicated this more effectively to the fans
  19. It was scheduled to start at 8:00 EST. The pre-show started at 8:00 instead of the actual conference. It was a major letdown. If it wasn't an impromptu decision, they should have communicated this to the fans. Tons of people in the Youtube stream were asking "What's going on. Why isn't the conference starting yet? Did I miss it already?" etc.
  20. It's fucking adorable! Thats why! xD Also, Spooky is best ghostly waifu <3
  21. https://youtu.be/NfGk6VMcJsw?t=1m38s ^Straight from the horse's mouth: "The arts palette has been streamlined SIGNIFICANTLY now, so it's just using the four buttons on the right side of the Joycon controller" /)^3^(\
  22. Definitely older than Twilight. Just compare their voices o,o Starlight sounds like a middle aged woman xD
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