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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. Yes it could. Spike x Sweetie Belle needs to become canon by the end of season 8! Any longer than that and I will lose all faith in the writers' collective integrity! (<- take this with a mild sprinkling of sarcasm, if it wasn't already evident lol. Although, admittedly, I think it would be a great way to tie the lose ends of the Sparity falling out)


    Twilight and Flash Sentry need to get together in the the actual show, same goes for Rarity and Fancy Pants (don't mind Fleur, she's just a trophy whore :P ). Fluttershy x Big Mac or Big Mac x Marble Pie would be pretty great too. 

    And I'm not merely saying this in a "fantasy ships" kinda way either. I legitimately feel like exploring these relationships would add a whole new layer to the show \(^o^)/

    • Brohoof 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Halberd said:

    I'm actually a PC gamer first and foremost. The only benefits that certain consoles have are their exclusives.

    The last console I owned was an Xbox 360. I haven't looked back since then. PCs just have more power and more benefits over consoles. Also, they don't RROD after two years of functionality.

    ^LOL. Yeah I've been trying to move over to pc for awhile now. Experimented a few years back (in 2012) with an MSI "gaming" laptop. Thankfully mobile GPU's have come a long way since then. I am planning on purchasing a new, high end gaming laptop in the "semi" near future.

    Just trying to decide between the Razer Blade Pro and the Alienware r3 15 (and yes, before you ask, I do need it to be a laptop xD I am fully aware pc's cost like 3x less than an equivilant gaming laptop lol)

    Anyway... E3... yay... Q.Q

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Halberd said:

    The difference between a winner and a loser at E3:

    Microsoft ("Loser"): "Here's some new tech! Let's talk about why our games for the next year are going to be great! Have you ever wanted to eat a banana without removing its peel? You can do that in one of our games!"

    Sony ("Winner"): "Here are some games we've been making. Gib money."

    ^LMAO the corporate slavery is strong in this one xD

    Both companies suck ass (even though I do consider Sony to be objectively better overall as they do offer their gamers... you know, actual incentive to purchase their console instead of a damn pc)

    BUT, I have to call em as I see em. and it is clear as bloody day to me that Microsoft's 2017 conference blew Sony's out of the freaking water. Does this mean Microsoft is "winning" the console war? Hell no. Sony will always be the winners of this gen NO questions asked. With games like NieR:Automata, The Last Guardian, and Horizon Zero Dawn gracing their console, they simply have the better games than Microsoft. But Microsoft's "semi lackluster" conference was worlds better than Sony spitting in my face with this shit.

  4. 7 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    Also Monster Hunter World, what a way to kill hype. Consoles finally gets a Monster Hunter game, but it's not really the Monster Hunter everyone loves, just a neutered, westernized version. Even more telling considering it's not even announced for Japan yet

    ^Wow, I can't disagree more. That was the first and practically only game to actually get me hyped at all.

    And by "neutered, westernized version" you mean more immersive action based combat and actually halfway decent graphics? Ok lol. This game reminded me of Capcom's incredible Dragon's Dogma (which is, btw getting a Ps4 HD remaster... YAY! \(^o^)/ ).

    But yeah, that game gave me hope, if it wasn't for that game trailer airing immediately before the SotC one, I probably would have died from the emotional whiplash xD

    7 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    though it also says a new Sin And Punishment is coming, so I kinda want it to be true

    Sin and Punishment would be pretty cool. Nothing mind shattering or anything, but nice to have, nonetheless...

    sigh... man I feel really emotionally compromised right now XDDD Sorry if I sound "off" compared to my normal cheerful self /)^3^(\

    2 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

    I'm a little pissed about Spiderman, and what they did.

    ^Seeing even one other person besides me who isn't blind fills me with hope!


  5. In this thread discuss Sony's 2017 E3 Press Conference. Try to keep things civil and conduct your posts in a mature manner... (oh God I will try to contain myself)

    (Edit: It starts one hour in, btw. Before that is just a bunch of Pre-E3 nonsense)


    ^There it is, go watch it if you haven't already... 

    (deep breaths, fucking deep breaths...)


    This conference was a fucking insult. I don't really see why I have to elaborate if you indeed watched it yourselves; you should be able to see precisely what I am talking about. Too long didn't watch? Well, this presentation was basically "Quick Time events + Shallow gameplay THE MOVIE". I'll leave it at that. It's pretty much an all encompassing statement for nearly every big game shown off here.

    If it wasn't for 2 games featured in this conference, this would've been a 3/10 for me. The 2 games that did manage to impress me, bumped it up to around a 5/10.

    Those two games being:

    #1 Shadow of the FREAKING Colossus HD! HOLY FUCKING SHIT WTF HAX!?!?!? (Ofc, this is a remake, so it's not exactly a "new game", but still man, I have never been as hyped for something shown in a E3 conference since I started watching E3 as a 15 yr old )

    #2 Monster Hunter World (I can't stand Monster Hunter, and admittedly the trailer started off pretty freaking weak, but man, did it ramp up toward the second half. The open world looks wonderful, the combat looks perfect <3 The graphics look surprisingly CURRENT GEN, which I wouldn't expect from a Monster Hunter game (just look at the Wii U one for reference).

    ^Those two games... that was it. I wish I had just watched those two trailers instead of investing 2 hours in this "experience" (the first hour being waiting while simultaneously trying to scour the web to see if the conference had been delayed). Btw, I just LOVE seeing Sony wasting their money on entirely pointless shit. Like that whole water show and the insanely cringeworthy people dangling from the ceiling.... it's just a good old slap in the face for those of us who have been supporting their company for the past 2 decades -.-


    Man, I am fucking depressed after watching this.... something tells me Nintendo's show in the morning won't help 


  6. 20 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    Spiderman was awesome, and God Of War looks great as usual, but....yeah, that was pretty shitty

    Are you FUCKING kidding me? Spiderman was full of scripted BULLSHIT and shitty quick time event combat. God of War had VASTLY neutered combat to the original games... kinda an important factor considering they were a freaking HACK AND SLASH genre... *smfh*

    12 minutes ago, Sgamer said:

    The game with the mouse got no applause, it was sad. I am, however, looking forward to Detroit Become Human. Androids rule!

    That game with the mouse was the ONLY decent looking title announced for PS VR, PERIOD. It was called Moss, btw (I made sure to remember the games that actually looked half way passable -.-)

    14 minutes ago, Celli said:

    Honestly, Sony's was disappointing but still better than Microsoft's. God of War and Spiderman look amazing.

    Better than Microsoft's? Are you insane!? Microsoft's may have been by-the-numbers, but this was a straight up INSULT to any self respecting gamer. I better make a thread of this conference like a did the Microsoft one.... I'll keep my post to a minimum as ulcers will surely ensue otherwise >.<

    I had high fucking hopes for Sony this year too. Kept me waiting an extra hour just for THAT? Jesus fucking christ

  7. 8 minutes ago, ZethaPonderer said:

    That's like saying a person can draw a 12 year old anime girl very sexily and by your logic it would not count as pedophilia/hebephilia since it's just a drawing therefore it doesn't exist. Am I understanding this right?

    ^I hope you're not implying that this is in any way morally reprehensible.




    Oh yeah, this too:


    ^Don't for one second think the "cancer of the internet" is exclusive to FiM :P  

  8. Just now, Tilgoreth said:

    Since mid October 2016 just before the mlp s6 finale.


    Who would you save Rarity or Starlight Glimmer?

    Definitely Starlight Glimmer. I have wanted Rarity killed off since I started watching season 1 xD

    Who do you prefer, G3 Rarity or G4 Rarity?

    • Brohoof 1
  9. 20 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

    The Xbox One X quite literally has a CPU in it that's worth less than $30. I would hardly call that "good value". 

    Just leaving this here~

    ^$25-30 :                 2.66 Ghz Base clock speed with 3.3-3.4 Ghz OC

    Xbox One X Cpu :    2.3 Ghz Base clock speed (unable to OC)


    ^Also, remember, big corporations get huge discounts since they buy these things in bulk :P 

  10. 6 hours ago, takai said:

     I still need to get Nier Automata.

    Oh man, you really DO need to get that game. Don't even get me started gushing about it, as I'll end up being typing here for over an hour xD

    I'll give you one little tidbit on the game though. Don't look up shit on the internet! Figure it out for yourself! xD It is insanely rewarding. Oh, and don't think that you've beaten the game the first or second or third time the game "tricks" you into thinking you have (a typical full playthrough from me took about 30-40 hours and that's without getting anywhere near 100% of the side quests and other things done). Just because the credits have rolled multiple times doesn't mean it's over! :P I beat it once on Normal mode and once on Hard mode. Very Hard is like playing Ninja Gaiden 3 on the NES lol

    I'd suggest you try out the free demo. It'll allow you to practice the "tutorial" stage (which is ironically one of the hardest parts of the retail game to complete on harder difficulty settings).

  11. 28 minutes ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

    honestly, that doesn't prove they're completely disconnected. As I said in the op, different timelines in history. Its not completely improbable to assume that at some early beginning, unicorns made the rainbows on their own. Then as time progressed, the ritual might have become too stressful, requiring 4 different unicorns each year who had the magic capacity to, or who wouldn't get it done on time (like Rarity), and so they switched methods, enchanting an artifact with the rainbow, to just wave the wand and get it done. (this is seen also in g4, where many powerful artifacts are imbued with the magic of many- the Crystal Heart, for example). It could've been that as natural rainbows were disappearing, the unicorns took it upon themselves to create them, and the Moochick of g1 kept the last piece of the natural rainbow, while eventually the task was delegated to the pegasi at some point, while unicorns began to manage the weather after Discord's tyranny. To assume that methods stay the same throughout the course of history is foolish.

    I still think it's a bit of a stretch. Why wouldn't this information be revealed in past episodes like Hearth's Warming Eve or idk other episodes that heavily feature flashbacks / retellings of stories from the past? There should have been something, like a tour of the rainbow factory, or one of Cheerilee's classes where they relayed the following message :"While the Pegasi of today are responsible for creation of rainbows, many moons ago it was actually the unicorns who were responsible for this" <- Doesn't even require more clarification than that. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    I just recently rewatched the movie, but it just sounded really lame compared to just about everything else the movie had to offer

    Well, to be fair, Rainbow Rocks had some really incredible songs. Tricks Up My Sleeve would have more snuggly fit into EQG 1 than either 2 or 3 just due to the huge difference in quality of the overall compositions.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

    I have always believed that each and every pony gen take place in the same universe- each just being on a different timeline in history

    ^I highly doubt that, honestly. As much as I really want G4 ponies exploring lands of the prior generations (particularly G1 and G3), I think this theory is pretty unlikely. Way too many inconsistencies in lore-related materials.

    For example, in G3, it is explicitly stated that the only way rainbows can be made, is through the magic of the unicorn race. And only the select few chosen unicorns can perform this rainbow ritual or else the entire subsequent year all rainbows will disappear (both real rainbows and artificial rainbows like ones adorning decorations, Rainbow Dash's mane, and a caterpillar's body markings, etc.):



    Later, Rarity gains the ability to create rainbows of her own volition by means of her magic wand:



    So yes, obviously this clashes greatly with G4's "Weather/ Rainbow Factory" setup. Of course, we do have a (potential) callback to the G3 way of thinking in the masterful Magical Mystery Cure, with Rarity controlling the weather (no rainbows in sight tho):



  14. 3 hours ago, reader8363 said:

    Never heard of Wolfenstien

    How the heck have you never heard of Wolfenstein >.>? That's almost as bad as "Oh, I never heard of The Legend of Zelda" -.-


    4 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

    Being someone that loves Skyrim, I share your concern on this one. I really hope they don't lose focus on what made Elder Scrolls great and keep it a pure RPG and not dumb anything down. The fact that nothing was even hinted towards a new Elder Scrolls at this conference is a bother.

    I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this... buuut...imo:


    Fallout 3 (Great! Amazing, immersive and overall awesome!)

    Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (^Ditto)


    Fallout New Vegas (Bleh. Was ok I guess. Didn't get me hooked at all. Seemed much more boring than Fallout 3; the characters, the open world, and the enemies just fell flat for me)

    Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Bleh. Was better than F:NV, but a big disappointment coming from Oblivion. Was too focused on being a "big blockbuster hit" than being a deep and rewarding RPG. Many elements felt dumbed down, and just overall much easier. The setting was also vastly inferior to Oblivion, although I'll admit that is a purely subjective thing lol)


    Fallout 4 ( https://youtu.be/B2vLQJc17UU?t=2s )

    Elder Scrolls 6: ??? (???)


    ^Judging by that, the odds don't look very good for ES 6, at least not for my own personal enjoyment -.- Hopefully they'll take the negative feedback they received from FO4 and make certain they don't make the same mistakes.

    ^Sums up most of my problems with the game, if you have the time to listen to it xD


  15. Lol, I didn't watch it either. Who the bloody hell even cares about Bethesda? After playing Fallout 4, I have completely lost my faith in their integrity as a developer. Elder Scrolls 6 will probably be a disaster too when it eventually comes out -.-

  16. 5 hours ago, takai said:

    As for Sony, that's easy. They played their entire hand last year, and the heavy hitting titles they showed aren't coming out until AT LEAST holiday of 2019. We'll see gameplay of God of War, Spidey, and Detroit. I highly doubt they'll show anything new, save for maybe one to two games. They'll give the fanboys some soft release dates to satisfy them, but in usual Sony fashion they won't stick to them. No Kingdom Hearts, and FF7 Remaster will be delayed. I would love to see a new inFamous though.

    ^I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post until this point xD

    I definitely see Sony bringing out a ton of new exclusive games. If they don't they would be missing a golden opportunity here. I personally couldn't give 2 shits about God of War, Spiderman, The Last of Us 2, Days Gone, Uncharted 4 DLC, or (worst of all) Detroit Become Human. So they better have something to captivate me in their E3 conference... or else! 

    I also anticipate a $50 price reduction to the Ps4 Pro's pricetag in order to stay competitive with the Xbox One X. Oh and speaking of staying competitive, they should try and secure console exclusivity to Tera Online (as En Masse entertainment said they would FINALLY release it for consoles this year). Since Microsoft got an exclusive deal for Black Desert Online (the absolute best-looking MMO available to date!), Sony's gotta bring the goods with another heavy hitter. Either Tera or Blade & Soul would be good for Sony, methinks /)^3^(\ 

    Oh, and if they somehow managed to get Revelation Online, along with fully functioning western based servers exclusive to their platform, I don't think I would be selling my Ps4 Pro any time soon :P 

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