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Haven Celestii

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Everything posted by Haven Celestii

  1. I know a good couple of Tylers. Most of them are good people.
  2. Are...Are you just now discovering this.... Like, that's been a thing for so long... Ganny, what rock have you been under, that's not even remotely new by this point, hun.
  3. I mean, fair point. If ya like the place, just go around and pop in a few places and you'll pick up traction soon enough, hun. Aah, ok. Well, at least you have a more proper reason for it, I will give you that. I can also say from my own experience that I do understand not wanting to push others away like that. Its a trait I seem to have myself, however, its less my more to the point way of talking and more how blunt I can be in general (especially when poking fun at someone). I guess the two mixing isn't really a good combination either, but I'm a bit too lazy to actively change my typing pattern just for others.
  4. If by "all of you" you mean, "about 5 and a half of you", then yeah, sure. Itll only really work if you actively poke in and if anyone actually actively uses the thread. Which, is very hit or miss, mind you. If you really want to get into the groove of the place, I'd prolly poke around other areas, tbh, at least when not in here. You'd still be a member, just one less active than others. Like me. Ive been here for far too damn long and even I still just watch people more than not (albeit I really dont care for the general site/people anymore anyway). Usually for the better when it comes to me though, so hey. Also, is that, uh, your normal way of typing or are you doing the usual "pony" thing on places like this where one speaks as their oc/sona more so than not? Just kind of curious. Uh, I'm pretty sure the boat was named by you and Ren Bo isn't even close to an MLP reference unless it has flavor text aiming at it. and I do believe I did. not sure the context on Haven's little square, but I did.
  5. No, they are exactly right. You're literally just going to be a child that the government can tax and punish as they see fit. No one just magically turns into some full fledged, career having, self sustained adult as you might think. Nothing changes, but a number. You're personality, life, daily routine all basically stay the same. I'm 25 going on 26 and I'm literally still a kid in a ton of ways. The only thing adult about me is I have a decent job atm and I drink like a fucking sailor. Sure, I can buy whatever I want, but I could have done that at any point so long as I had the money somehow, so nothing different other than I earn my own money now. I mean, I can buy a wider range of my own things with 0 questions asked, but yeah.
  6. oh, hey, people actually still use this place. Huh. As for the birthday thing, i have one in 20 days. I can say that here cause no one I know on discord will ever see this and they wont spam me or other places with it being my birthday, so wheee. Except for maybe three people, but I highly doubt they'll check in between then and now.
  7. Oh, this didnt post when I first did it. Guess the internet caught it just in time. Haven Celestii#0711, hun.
  8. I have managed to not eat anything all day today. Wheeee.
  9. I like how the bot uses my emoticons and squiggly usage too.This bot is pretty cool, if I do say so myself!~ o3o I only touched it a small bit when I was messing with vectors and such. Never really got indepth with it.
  10. Ive also done that. Between playing LoL and getting stuck in a long game that wasnt supposed to go that long, getting hardcore into raid in FFXIV, doing a dungeon or something that also went too long in it, to general grinding in RS and just getting sucked into any game so much that I push away the need to use the restroom just to sit there an extra 15 minutes or so.
  11. That's actually quite the odd one. It make sense the tooth part is in there since you did just have a thing with your teeth, but as for the nosebleed and me being the one you're trying to contact, definitely weird. Hey, at least it wasn't a nightmare, so hey. also that actually does sound kinda cool. Like, have a whole city or something set inside an actual building that functions just like any other one.
  12. Ooo? : o Doo tell, hun! Don't really think the question fits the usual atmosphere and as punic said, it was for a good reason. That said, yes, its pretty common. Most dont want to talk on it or think of it much in general though.
  13. Nah, im fairly certain its just like a "Well, you should prolly not be doing that." type of thing. I mean, how are you going to legally punish them? They're kids and its like, a life thing (usually) to be curious about it all. Hell, if they end up with the scare of a pregnancy, that'd be punishment enough if not a bit overkill on its own.
  14. Yes, that's why I said it's not a bad thing. Parents being mad is the only real trouble one would get.
  15. You'd think that. However, anonymity is a strong thing. Not to mention its not directly a bad thing so long as both parties included in the act are underaged. So, not a lot to worry about other than possibly being judged.
  16. You're one of the rare ones now-a-days. I'm surprised anyone 14+ can not answer that question at this point, tbh.
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