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Everything posted by Libra

  1. You change your avatar a lot.

    1. The_Gobo


      *starts itches my arm for no reason*


    2. Libra
  2. You ponies have not lived until you have tried cheese stuffed crust. I love that, and I will eat that by the bucketful.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Libra


      Dijornos and mainly pizza hut has them, although I think papa johns and other places are implementing stuffed crust

    3. CypherHoof


      pepperoni WRAPPED cheese stuffed crust :D

    4. Libra


      Oh sweet celestia yes.

  3. *wow, that's actually pretty good* "That's amazing, thanks for playing some music, I kinda like the upbeat effect." *I decide a little more information couldn't hurt* "what's your favorite kind of books? Adventure, horror, any kind of book would work. I personally like post apocalyptic books, those are a real page turner in my opinion." (Also, after this, I'm gonna wait for tomorrow, because wii is getting some stuff done and he won't be able to post until tomorrow)
  4. Banned for not telling me bronycon was being held in august, I assumed it was July! Not that I have money to go, anyway Edit: @ShadowDash13 banned for ninja.
  5. Updated profile, sweet glorious Meteora banner.

  6. Banned for trying to bribe me, even if the hat doesn't match the hoodie. I don't care for things that don't match, the hat is adorable, I love it.
  7. Banned because you can't have it, I spend 30 bits on this.
  8. "Music! I listen to a lot of music. However, there isn't much of a lot to choose from. I don't listen to much, but it might be electronic. But I'm getting ahead of myself, of course I would like to hear some of your music." *I carefully yawn* "I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night, I was with a intense studying session about science. However, while studying, I did ask myself a question. What's really out there? Is this just emptiness, or are there other planets out there? But science isn't for now, like I said, I'd be glad to hear some music."
  9. Morning folks! How are we doing today?

    Also, here have some rock music.


  10. And I'm off! See ya lovlies tomorrow!

    1. Will Guide
    2. Johnny1226


      Good night midnight 

    3. Deleted3133333


      See ya, Midnight.

      (Hey, wait a second... your name has come full circle!)

  11. "Disney? Never heard of that! Well, I think I may have gotten a mention ot it, but I can't remember much to be sure. I plan on going into ancient equestrian history, there's a lot of neat stuff to go into. But what do you like to study? Science? Math? Could by anything!"
  12. Excuse me, you are nomming on a very important part of my body that I use to listen to music, so please stop.
  13. "Luna's royal night guard? Must be quite an honor." *I grab a seat next to an empty table* "I've heard of celestia royal guards, but I've never heard that Luna had them. What's it like?" *I adjust the hood on my hoodie* "I mean, I bgguess we can all be boastful when we get honors like that. I mean, I just finished up with high school, and I'm probably gonna find a good college in manehatten if they have one."
  14. I cant be mad at a fluttershy sad face, fine you can stay.
  15. @WiiGuy2014my room is already claustrophobic enough as it is, I don't need magical pony like beings coming into my room and taking up even more space!
  16. "Well, mainly because I just simply don't care what you are. As long as you are willing to treat me with respect and dignity, I am willing to do so back. You wanna go grab a seat?" *I scratch the back of my head* "Well, I did hear about a changeling, but I never saw one. I do find the unique abilities to transform into any pony they want is pretty cool. But enough about that. A project I'm working on is something that's gonna benefit every pony. The plans have a robotic arm to be attached to the users back, which allows them to grab things, something you cant do very well with regular hooves, unless you're a unicorn."
  17. "Sure, I would like to meet him. I told your friend that she can call me MC.* *good job, you don't even know that maples a colt or a stallion* "Anyways, I came out here because I needed s little time away from a project I was working, I can tell your group about it if you want."
  18. @WiiGuy2014 A changeling that can change its form and appears as a Disney character? Yes please!
  19. "They call me midnight controller. You can just call me Midnight, or MC. I like astronomy and history." *I look at maple, my eyes widening as I see the wings, then shake my head* "Like I said, I'm more a history kind of pony than anything, what about you? What do you like to do?"
  20. I'll gladly take some snuggles from a changeling. Gonna be a bit hard to explain to my friends, though.
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