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Posts posted by ShootingStar159

  1. I'd really like to get the official version of how Sunset came to the human world, as well as what happened to her when she did. Where does she live, is she in foster care or maybe even adopted, who taught her how to play guitar, stuff like that. I doubt we will ever get to see it, but then I didn't think we'd ever see AJ's parent story either.

    I also really want human Sunset and Starlight be a villain pair with their own magic.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hierok said:

    I can't see the fun. This episode made me not like Rainbow so much as before. It was a down right ridiculous plot. I believe they worked like less then an hour on the episode. :okiedokieloki:

    More like they wrote the characters around an idea instead if the idea around the characters. They wanted to write a zombie story, and Rainbow was the sacrifice to let them do that.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

    - the season was almost entirely run by new writers who either didn't know better or didn't give a shit, lead by a story editor who most likely didn't give a shit. This goes back to my first point of how there was tons of bullshit, and tons of said bullshit that could have been easily avoided if the writers looked at what they were writing for more than no seconds. S7 is pretty much entirely done by new writers, with the oldest only going back to S5, yet there's a clear better quality control over what gets passed far more than there was for S6

    I find it interesting you pointed out the story editor. I don't really have a problem with Josh Haber as a writer, but season seven has been so much better under Kristine Songco and Joanna Lewis, I'm really glad he's no longer story editor.

    Edit: Also, Dave Polsky has been a writer since season one, and Haber started in season four. Is Haber still a writer? He hasn't had an episode yet this season. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 1 hour ago, KH7672 said:

    Wait Starlight idolizes Twilight? I don't really see that especially during Season 7. She had a nice teacher student relation but is not afraid to speak out against her like Twilight was with Celestia. When Twilight says it was time to leave she didn't hesitate to voice her desire to stay. Then later she has no problem calling Twilight out on her biases, something Twilight couldn't do to her idols.

    I don't know if I would go so far as to say Starlight idolizes Twilight, but she clearly respects her opinion, maybe even more than her own. We see in Royal Problem, she faces down Celestia and Luna's anger, nervously yes, but with conviction. She's convinced then that switching their Cutie marks was the right call, so convinced she even makes a little quip about them not really having a choice in the matter. Then the very next scene she's doubting herself; so what changed? She told Twilight what she did, and Twilight had a full on mental breakdown because of it. I blame the twenty minute time limit, but I think we'd see Starlight's confidence start to fade during that particular conversation if we got to see it. We see this again in Every Little Thing She Does, where she doesn't really see the problem with what she did until Twilight tells her she messed up.

    A lot of Starlight's growth and character is expressed through her facial expressions and the subtext of a scene. One of my favorites is in Royal Problem where Twilight says she is surprised the map would call Starlight. You can just see the moment that little lack of confidence stabs into Glimmy's heart.

    Starlight clearly relies on Twilight as a moral compass; she knows her own is screwy, and Twilight has a lot of influence on her because of it.

    • Brohoof 3
  5. 1) Season 5: Season five is number one in my book for the chances it took, as well as the varied story types it gave us. Season two had mostly great episodes as well, but season five had more to offer; more feels, more adventure, more character developement, and the humor was on point as well. It also introduced my favorite villain, and then reformed her so she could become my favorite character.  If I had to give a downside to the series, I'd have to say the finalies last five minutes felt rushed, almost as though it was meant to be a series finale instead of a season (seriously, that closing shot still has an air of finality to it, like the characters are saying goodbye). My guess is that Cutie Re-mark was written right after Cutie Map, before the writers knew if the show was going to be renewed.

    2) Season 2: Solid season, nearly every episode was fun to watch, and it's one of the only seasons I watch all the way through. Season two did have a largely similar feel to each episode, namely SoL episodes. Even episodes like Dragon Quest that could have been adventurous still felt laid back, focusing more on characters than anything else. Nothing wrong with it, but it does mean season five felt more entertaining.

    3) Season 7: While season seven isn't finished yet, the quality of episodes so far I see enough to put it number three. It has shown many things I wanted for the season; better Starlight development, Dash's parents, and royal sisters episode. If the rest of the season continues like this, it will likely move up to number two slot, but even if the rest of the season is only mediocre it is still better than what's left.

    4) Season 1: A true average season, it doesn't really stand out from the others in a good or bad way, but is still enjoyable to watch. It doesn't really do anything great, but it doesn't do anything horrible either. Enjoyable, but nothing special.

    5) Season 3: In hindsight, I'm exceptionally glad this was not the final season. Not just because it would have meant no more pony, but because it was so mediocre. It would have been a real weak ending for the show. Season three was the first season I would say had a bad episode, and outside of one or two exceptions, the rest of the season had nothing good to offer. I usually skip a couple of episodes this season to get on to better things. That said I find MMC to be the most enjoyable part of the season.

    6) Season 4: One of only two seasons I consider bad, though I admit it's for pretty personal reasons. After MMC, I was apprehensive about where the show would go. Not because of Alicorn Twilight; I actually love the idea that a great deed can lead to a transformation like that. It was Princess Twilight that had me nervous. Becoming a leader is far more tricky than becoming more powerful. The premier was a great start at easing me concerns, but it went down hill from there. Going back and rewatching lately, Twilight big character progression moment is largely ignored most of the season until the plot calls for it. Even her Alicorn change was largely unused, it felt like you could take her wings off and not even notice a difference. It came to a head for me with Rainbow Falls and "cheerleader Twilight". It hurt to see one of my favorites being misused like that. I watched a couple more episodes but then took a couple year break. Going back and finally watching the finale, I see what the writers were trying to do, but the way they did it was less than satisfying. On top of this disappointing direction, there were a lot of dud episodes. When I rewatch this season I skip almost everything but the finale and key episodes. The only reason this episode isn't last on my list is that season six was somehow even more disappointing.

    7) Season Six: I'm very greatfull for the hiatus I took from the show midway through season four. It meant this season was already over by the time I started rewatching, and I was gladly able to skip the dud episodes of this season. This is the only season I have not watched all of, though I'm sure I'll get around to it. After that rant on season four I'll make this one short. Starlight had good episodes, but she deserved at least two more over the crap episodes we got instead, especially with them making her the leader during the finale, and even more with her graduation in season seven premier. Starlight's mistreatment is very similar to Princess Twilight's mistreatment; she was largely ignored or mysteriously absent when the plot didn't call for her to be there. Once again half the episodes of this season were duds, either exceedingly bad or boring. I'll give the season credit for having the best Spike episodes; I also liked "Alicorn" Thorax, though I wish they had changed his voice as well.

    Anyway those are just my opinions on the seasons. While I do think there were some disappointing seasons and story arcs, the show has always had good moments even during the worst of episodes. I'm having more fun with the show than ever, and I can't wait to see what come next.


  6. 13 hours ago, Tilgoreth said:

    That's the problem with eqg though. I always got the impression that they where at least juniors in high school. Which would make them seniors now. Unless of course they where sophmores in the first film, which would make them juniors now? 

    I always thought they were sophomores since the yearbook photo Twilight had in the first film was them at the Freshman... something or other, I'd have to go back and check. 


    Edit: it was the Freshman Fair.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Abstract said:

    Wait, what was wrong with Rainbow Falls? :wacko:

    Rainbow Falls, for a variety of reasons, got me to stop watching the show for a long while. As far as Dash goes, her big important key episode where she proves herself the element of loyalty and shows others how important it is, is a rehash of her "test" from episode two, where she turned down the shadowbolts offer in a few seconds. Every other member of the main six had an interesting problem to face, that Rainbow Falls felt lazy by comparison.

  8. On 7/13/2017 at 4:42 PM, Unlikeable Pony said:



    Agreed. As much as I love Starlight, her ascension would make no sense; what would she even be princess of? Even if it were to happen it shouldn't be anytime soon, her character is already suffering from how fast the writers are progressing her story with so little time on screen (Seriously, graduating after only three episodes of friendship lessons?).

    On 7/13/2017 at 8:45 PM, Tilgoreth said:

    But if they can't do that and they decide too make GlimGlam a alicorn anyways, there better be a damn good reason. Whatever Starlight would have too do would have too be 100 times greater than anything Twilight or the mane six and Spike has done. 

    If they do decide to go through with it, I'd like to see them use M.A. Larson's original idea for MMC, Pandora's Box. They'd have to change how the box would work exactly, but Starlight impulsively opening the box is something that would work for her character more than it ever would have for Twilight.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Yes... kind of. Technically I skipped two and a half seasons, but I don't think that's quite what you were asking about. I stopped watching the show midway through season four and only recently got back into watching again. I've mostly caught up, but there are still a couple episodes from season four and six I never got around to watching. 

  10. I agree that Honest Apple should have come sooner. Honest Apple always felt like a moral premise that should have happened back in season one instead of season seven. It just feels too far into the show for this to be an issue for Applejack now. I'm able to overlook it since Rarity's episode premise, her giving a chance to newer designers is a good idea, but the episode still feels overdue.

    With that said, I'm not sure how the lesson of Honest Apple would affect The Mane Attraction.

  11. 19 hours ago, CuriUndersXeno said:

    Simple, ambushing. No one notices the background doubles anyways, which are obviously changelings. They wouldn't begin to suspect strangers only friends who act weird.

    They wouldn't even have to be ponies, we see Thorax disguise himself as a rock in Times They Are a Changling. You could have a dozen changlings in your home as everyday objects watching and waiting for the perfect chance and not even notice.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. On 6/17/2017 at 0:59 AM, Dusky Flare said:

    Makes it convenient for the show (and they ARE indeed the ones who determine the course, I agree).

    I just can understand that some people (incl. myself) might not be too happy with that. It makes the world inconsistent, or at least unreliable.

    As a big fan of the former Star Wars EU, I know just how you feel.

    On 6/11/2017 at 6:52 PM, Jeric said:

    I noticed that too. I'm guessing it was an animation oversight and that slight detail from Twilight's Kingdom was missed. 

    Either that or Starlight can dye coats at the same time as swapping Cutie Marks. :D

    I'm guessing it was too difficult to see the moon on Celestia, what with both being white. Just an artistic decision without any overarching meaning to the plot.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I really like this idea, it would be an amazing reunion between the two. I just don't think it works though; how would pony Sunset be Celestia's daughter, but human Sunset isn't. Almost everything in both worlds is the same, down to Sci-Twi having a dog named Spike. You could say that human sunset died very young, but I don't see Hasbro really going for that idea.

    Too bad, cause, like I said, I really love this idea. 

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