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Everything posted by Illusion

  1. Thanks every pony for all the pms and comments to draw your OC ^^ I'll try my best to draw them all :D

  2. I have decided! I want to draw people's OC's :) so... if you want me to attempt to draw your OC, drop me a reference, and I shall try my best!

    1. Java Jive

      Java Jive

      You mean through a PM? Well, my OC is not hard to find, hes in my "about me" and avatar/ signature. Or do you need any pose descriptions? Just let me know. :)

    2. Skullbuster


      ill PM you then :)

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i guess i could drop my OC Viscra here then: http://mlpforums.com/topic/15402-viscra-pony/#entry336880 pose would be either her totally funking out or super-silly/adorable, cuz that's how i roll and she's supposed to be me.

  3. The bust of light that occured on the surface, brought every pony back that had been devoured by the spell.
  4. Back on the surface. " So you demand me to bring them back do you? Well no-one ever brought you back for me did they?" Illusion said as she calmed down. "I always loved seeing a smile on your face..." She had relised what had happed out of her rage. She sighed and with it a big purple glow errupted from her horn. In the darkness, the alicorn quickly gave the doctor the heart, "please take it!" she pleaded. "Its the good heart of Illusion! You'll need it to find her" her speech was slowly drifting off as her colours full faded, and with it so did her life.
  5. Just after the doctor had melted out of existance, he fell into a pit of darkness. There in the corner was an alicorn,she was lying on the floor, her wings were spread out, she did not look normal...not anymore..she looked grey...and so did her coat. Her colours were fading. But held by her hooves was a small purple heart, glowing as bright as day.
  6. "LIAR!" Screamed the purple alicorn, as she continued to walk towards Ivy. Her horn was glowing a blood red. "Get ready Ivy...get ready to be alone..." She started to cast a spell full of hatred, but this time instead of purple smoke...it was red. The floor started to shake and melt around Ivy, and with it...the surroundings to.
  7. A small purple alicorn emerged from behind Ivy's mother, with tears streaming down her face. "You abandoned me...you left me all alone in this cruel world where no other pony understood me" She looked to the floor and stopped. Her eyes that were filled with lonliness, soon turned to rage. The alicorn lifted up her head and started to walk towards Ivy. "You abandoned me..." she whispered, "You condemned me to a life of lonliness..." her whispers started to get louder and louder, "You were my best friend...what kind of pony leaves their best friend behind? Well... let me tell you one thing..Ivy...now it is your turn to be adandoned..."
  8. *But what everypony didn't know, was that this was all a mirage planted by the evil Illusion...a mirage to throw you all off the trail to finding the real her*
  9. The voice cried, "Please don't be alarmed, its the good part of me. I'm communicating to you through my nightmares...SHE's trapped me here and unless you all find a way to escape...She'll use everyones fears against them to control Equestria!"
  10. At that moment, a recognisable, whispering sweet voice echoed in the air. "You don't have to run...so many love you, so many care, open your eyes and see whats been in front of you this whole time."
  11. What pony should I draw next? :) Any Ideas ^^ ?

  12. Stuck in college on a lovely day like this :'(

  13. Wow! These are drawn so well! and I love the idea of her being connected with gears and machinery So unique! Well Done
  14. Wow! He looks so charming! Very well drawn Keep up the great work
  15. Yes I do have a DA account, it doesn't have a lot of stuff on at the minute because I only have just started to put work up again, apart from the couple of images I have done recently, the rest is pretty old hehe If you do want to look, search Eelune and I also use SAI >.< I don't understand how the stableiser thing works, for this image I had it on 15 D: Paint Tool SAI my dear
  16. Thank you ^^ I tried my best to get the lines stable but oh well, i'll get better over time, this one is only my second drawing using my tablet in a long time! :3
  17. Thank you very very much It makes me feel very special to recieve a comment such as yours! So Thank you again! Thank you So glad you like her Thank you!
  18. What a beautiful day! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Illusion


      Makes a change from all the rain I've had the past couple of weeks D:

    3. ~Chaos~


      Oh yea, rain is good, but sunny days are better ;)

    4. Illusion


      Indeed they are ;)

  19. My second picture featuring my OC Illusion Took a while for me to draw this, so please tell me what you all think! Thanks all
  20. Off to bed! Good Night Everypony ^_^

    1. Beta Blackberry

      Beta Blackberry

      night illusion ^-^ sleep well

  21. Thank You very much! I'm so glad you like it
  22. Why Thank you This means a lot to me ^^
  23. Whispers started to shroud Ivy's mind, "Please help me..." the voice cried, "Please set me free.."
  24. Thank You everypony for the wonderful comments!
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