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Twilight Luna

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Posts posted by Twilight Luna

  1. 1 hour ago, King of Canterlot said:

    I bought these three bottle caps from Fiaura The Tank Girl's online shop about a mouth ago, and originally intended to pick them up in person at Trotcon this summer, however she decided to get through a backlog of orders and just mail it out to me instead. At least I didn't have to pay for the shipping :proud:

    The Twin Sisters Cola bottle cap is also a limited edition one, hence why its a more silver color rather than being colored white like the two other normal ones, although I think they all look really really cool! :yay:


    Twi looks so adorkable in her picture :adorkable:

    Those are very cool. Watch out though, @DivineDivine1000 may come over and try to steal that bottle cap. :P

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

    I think collection of different pasts can be little rough. It would feel disconnected to put them in one or two episodes, and several flashbacks can be messy.

    What happens now isn't urgent or intriguing enough. The Last Problem has a similar structure, but in that case, the present is everything.

    Season 4 premiere's memory potion was pretty contrived and pointless, and your rewrite unfortunately shares some of those aspects if you know what I mean.

    Just make the episode take place in the past, not a flashback. That's it. Treat it like a complete standalone episode and tell the story like the audience never watched an MLP episode before. Then enjoy writing about the princesses' early days and put Starswirl all the way you want. And at the end of the episode the princesses leaen their friendship /sisterhood leason.

    I believe the best way to write the Nightmare Moon story is to not write it. So I don't have an advice about that.

    I also think even it's a hoax, the Daybreaker scene does have a meaning to the plot. It's to show the character's deepest fear and deliver the dread of how it ends up having a dysfunctional family. So if the princesses has to tell all those stories, something intriguing has to happen now.

    Yeah, the memory potion was just a big plot device that Zecora just so happened to have with her. The way the flashbacks were done, it caused some problems for me. How long was it from when Starswirl disappeared to when Princesses found the tree? How did the Princesses know what the was when Starswirl didn’t know when the seeds would become? How long had Discord taken over Equestria for? Celestia said that it had been over a thousand years since they last saw Starswirl. 

    I think that a short movie about the rise and fall of Nightmare Moon would have been nice. It would have covered the sisters when they were younger up to when Celestia sent Luna to the moon.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. The episode is one of my favorites but it's not without its flaws. I don't have a problem with how the Princesses act during the episode because it is how sisters act sometimes. They know how to get under each other's skins. One problem is that we don't see much interaction between the sisters before this episode. So, we don't get any hints that something is going on behind the scenes. The whole problem comes out of nowhere. Plus, Celestia was never given much of a personality beyond being the wise sage. Some more episodes with the two of them together would have been helpful.

    I don't have a problem with Starlight being in the episode because she's acting like the devil's advocate. She can see both sides of the situation and come up with a solution. If it had been Twilight, then she would have been in Celestia's corner from the start and that could have pushed Luna even further away. 

    The explanation of Starlight's spell did get hand-waved away. The writers just say that her magic ability is tied to her emotions so she can do pretty much anything. Twilight was shown to actually have limits. Plus, how the spell ended before the time was up at the end didn't make any sense.

    As to your point about Starlight not facing any consequences for her actions, I agree with you there.

    Daybreaker could have been more interesting if it was a manifestation of Celestia's fears of what would happen if she lost control and turned evil. In my head canon, using all of the elements of harmony on NMM caused her to absorb some of their power, augmenting her own. A side affect was her hair changing from pink to multi-colored. Celestia had to learn to control and suppress the powers. A reason, I think, why she lost to Chrysalis.

    But anyway, I do like your idea for the rewrite. It ties in nicely with Luna becoming NMM. Maybe have Twilight arrive and the sisters are arguing. They tell her that they've always argued over things since they were younger. Twilight asks them how they resolved their differences before. Celestia or Luna brings up that Starswirl was there to help them out. Then proceed with the flashback.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    The only thing I got was a sort of sports jersey shirt of the convention mascot. I went to see if they had the Starlight plush, but they were sold out. It's unfortunate, but I guess it can't be helped. There will always be other conventions and other plush that I can get. Overall, the convention was a lot of fun. I'm still attending the con, but I'm waiting until the Brony Feud panel that's happening later.

    How about you? Did you get anything at the convention?

    That’s cool. Sorry to hear about the plush. There will be others to add to your collection. Someday, someone will make one with a Phyllis. :fluttershy: I didn’t find anything that really peaked my interest. I stayed away from the dakis. 

    I went to the Lena Hall talk and the one with Silver Quill.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    I remember the plush you showed me of Starlight from a while ago. Also, the Starlight plush you mentioned from Lumis Plush. I'm stuck between on which plush I should get. Even though I'm trying to save up and not go overboard on buying things. Just like I usually do at conventions. :ButtercupLaugh:

    Oh dear. To be honest, I think the other one I showed you looks better but the one from Lumis is cute for a lot less. Plus there is only one left. Yeah, I’m not trying to overboard either. :lie:

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    I've been trying to get the con badge, but it's not working for me either. I think it's because the con badge option is getting overwhelmed by everyone trying to get said con badge.

    So its pretty much virtual line con then?

    • Brohoof 2
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