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Posts posted by Pix3M

  1. Everfree 2013 was pretty cool, but I feel that I need to be more than just an attendee because I do a lot more in the fandom than just 'enjoy' things.


    So, the handle I'm known by is Pix3M. In this fandom, I'm a couple of things - an artist, and an art critic. As an artist, I've been heavily specialized in pixel art. Outside of the fandom as an artist, you could *probably* say I'm a professional. As a critic, out of every pony-centric group on deviantART, I mod the toughest one out there and it's much tougher than Equestria Daily's drawfriend.


    I know I'm very early for poking around about 2014, but I do hope to be able to take on a bigger role for next year. I hope to become a vendor for the 2014 convention, but if that isn't quite an option then I can hope to at least volunteer somehow, preferably in the artistic department somehow. I can guess we're short on art panels if the drawing tutorial was jam packed. Everyone wants to make good stuff but sometimes we don't always know how. :lol:


    I'm also a local here. I live in Seattle proper.


    I hope to be able to poke back occasionally to see if anything pops up because I'm currently all fired up to move somewhere in life. Anyways, hope to see you all at 2014!

  2. You critiqued part of my critique. Critique-ception. 


    First of all, I got the idea that AJ and AB's ears are slightly (though not much) pointed towards each other (even though I do not understand why one would go to such lengths to make sure the ears are definitely correctly pointed). 


    Having your own art style definitely always means good, and I don't think you understood what I meant by that. Having your own art style means you are deviating from the norm and being yourself, and expressing what you yourself think art should be, not what others think it should look like. 


    Having control over your art (or not) is different. I can have my own art style, but I may mess up a bit here and there. Everybody does, even the best artists. We are only human. 


    We will never know what the artist intended with the shading unless they tell us - maybe they did want a very close light source (though I doubt it, and here you were right, Pix3M: the shading is not correct).


    I also agree with you on the hind legs. If I'm going to be honest, they did confuse me a bit. 


    But you forgot to mention the good things in the artists work. Not many people can re-create Rarity's mane like that, or draw eyes so well (eyes can be very hard to draw, but you know that, most likely). Critiques, in my mind, shouldn't be all harsh, because the artist can lose sight of what's good about their art.  





    Even if art is about expressing yourself, again, sometimes an artist doesn't always achieve what they were intending.


    I think I should make it clear that I already think the mere ability to draw is already a gift.


    Thank you for taking so much time to reply to this thread.


    But I'd like to address your critique.

    The best critiques have positives and negatives. A positive comment is not "I've seen worse." I've seen your work and you are very talented, but ive also seen other "critiques" you've given other budding artists here and you're also a bitch.


    Its not perfect. The shading isn't based on a light location, it should be and I will try it more in future because I love to improve. It is pillow shaded because my sister thinks it looks pretty and it's a present for her.


    It's more stylised because I don't want them to look like horses. If i wanted to go for real equine positions I probably wouldn't have drawn pretend cartoon ponies.


    I'm not looking for a million asspats, like I said I like a constructive critique. They're very helpful. But personally, I'm not keen on a marathon post about how bad you think my pictures are, and to be honest I have a name. I'm not just "the artist."


    Try being nicer. You have Some good points, Your pictures are lovely, why can't your attitude be as nice?


    I think it's funny because I have a different idea of what a good critique looks like. It seems that people have varying ideas of what a good critique looks like. On one extreme, some think they should be just asspats. I can name somebody with that mentality. There's the other extreme where others think they should be more straight forward for the sole purpose of letting an artist know where the critic feels there can be room for improvement. I can name a couple of people with that sort of mentality. I think the biggest issue is knowing what exactly people expect out of a critique. Some times, people take offense and don't like it when I critique, but I will tell you that there are others who practically kiss my feet when I do share my thoughts.


    Plus, my pictures aren't as nice as you think they are. They're subject to the same tough standards I put everyone else's work. Some of my works, I don't even want to see again. If anything, I'm harsher to myself than I am on others.  ;)


    I don't think 'not perfectly drawn' means 'bad'. I don't actually think they're bad. There's more than enough things done well enough to not deserve that horrible label. If you want my idea of 'bad', 'bad' anatomy is horribly misshapen and has absolutely no illusion of anatomy. These drawings definitely do have an illusion of anatomy so there's no way I can call it 'bad'. 'Bad' coloring is super-saturated with horribly clashing colors that it throws your focus in places that have no merit. Your drawings aren't colored in such a way, at least with how it's presented on my monitor. I think there needs to be a huge distinction between 'bad' and 'not quite perfect' because that's not how I see art.

  3. I've seen many worse pieces and this critique is probably coming from one of the harshest brony art critics you'll meet (I'm an admin of the Best-of-MLP-FiM group on dA). But, I think opinions of all sorts are good to hear.


    These are wonderful. I'm going to critique them. 


    The Good: 

    • You've got Rarity's mane/tail down to an art (the curls and color are correct)
    • You have your own style
    • The shading is done correctly
    • The eyes are beautiful
    • The ponies are proportional (no large heads or tiny flanks, etc)
    • The colors are correct

    The Bad:

    • AJ's flank and legs are a bit confusing (why is her flank so edgy? Why does her left back leg look disconnected?)
    • The tops of Celestia's back legs look too skinny
    • Luna looks like she's about to tip over (make her front legs be on the ground more. It's awkward the way you've got it)
    • Sweetie Belle's tail looks like it's one color
    • You forgot the stars in Luna's mane
    • AJ's mane looks floppy (it's very volumous in the show)

    Overall, very nice work. I'm jealous. Did your sister like them?


    Having your own style does not necessarily mean good. I believe that what's more important is whether a style achieves what it intended is what makes or breaks a style. At its very best, every minute detail of a person's style should be conscious and intentional. Anything which an artist have no control over, like not knowing how lighting works, will make them fall very short from what they're going for if they want realism.


    For example, what if an artist wishes to draw a stylized pony that has some of the simplified charm of FiM-style but wants to add realistic anatomical features, but ends up drawing their faces to resemble more like dogs than horses? What if that was totally unintentional due to the artist not fully understanding equine anatomy? What if another pony artist aimed for 'beautiful' but ends up drawing their faces vaguely lopsided?


    I can't say i know everything about what the artist was doing with this particular art style, but I think there are a few things we can bring up.


    Shading is actually not done correctly. It is hardly there, but for something where shading is more visible, look at Celestia and Luna. They are pillow-shaded. You do not shade by darkening around all edges of a shape. Look at the moon - you will not see this sort of shading on the moon; only one side of the moon will be darkened/lit. Pillow shading is only correct if you have a very, very close light source.


    We should also be very careful about the direction the ears are pointed at. For AJ and AB, it appears they are pointing their ears to their sides, but what little I've read about Equine behavior suggests that the direction the ears are pointed do not carry the message the art is intending. By not pointing ears in the direction to their sisters but to their sides instead, the effect I see suggests that they're not interested in each other or are really boring each other.


    And as for AJ's back side, I do not recall seeing hind legs reaching higher up than the back. The tail is also breaking the illusion of anatomy because it is bent very, very far up. The tail is an extension of the spine. FiM-style likes to have tails raised up very high as it creates something more interesting to look at, but I think the angle they raise their tails is about the farthest they can go without breaking the illusion of anatomy.


    Again, many worse pieces, and even the best of the best brony artists have room for improvement.

  4. I as well need help making a desktop pony of my own Please help I would gladly donate some money for them  :D If you can. I just want my pony to do is what vinyl scratch's animation on desktop pony,thanks Again


    Do not offer money for a desktop pony to be made. The desktop pony team has been very aggressive to people who do not listen to them when they ask people to not make any profits off their work. :(

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_(visual_arts)


    ^ Knowing how to compose an image will help you in so many ways I literally mean what I say. There's plenty to learn, but the nutshell of what you ought to consider when making a sig is consider where you want the big focus to be, where you want people to look first. Then, consider other things you want the viewer to look at next. When you do enough research on composition, you should then be able to know how to create a more interesting, more professionally-done signature.

  6. Get a decent anatomy study for ponies (I recommend this one), print it out and pin it at your drawing place. Then start drawing. A lot. When you get to some good results, post them here and we will nitpick and point out what can be improved. Rinse and repeat.


    Definitely one of the best anatomy studies, but an aspiring artist should be aware that the eyes are stylized from FiM style. Eyes are not vertically elongated - they're diagonally elongated.



    I've written a couple myself, but be aware that it's an incomplete WIP:






    Do not look at how-to guides too much. They can show you a workflow with intricate guidelines, but not all workflows will get you what you want. You have to understand the anatomy to even make guidelines usable. Studying how parts work and knowing how it compared to RL horse anatomy be far more helpful than even my guides that are written basically as a response to how I felt about all the pony guides out there.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. That's because you're vectoring stuff that's big, and therefore has more pixels and looks better when reduced to the size of an avatar. He hand pixeled this for the avatar size, 150 by 150 I believe. Therefore it would look more jagged naturally. He actually did a great job for the size he had to work with.




    First, it never needs to look jagged. Here's a pixel art avatar I've found from one of the more elitist pixel art forums:





    I can find no jags, but neither can I find any on my own avatar. I think the one big thing keeping my avatar (not the outdated version on the first post) is that I don't know how to make sure my work is smooth on ALL monitors. Different monitors for some reason do weird stuff with my buffering colors and expose my pixels more than I want them to. At this point, I will need somebody to literally redline where the jagged pixels are.

  8. That is beautiful. I was expecting something 8-bit, as well. This was a pleasant surprise. :) I'm wondering too, how long did this take? And what program did you use?


    I didn't keep track, so maybe two hours? But, I spent plenty more hours for super-perfectionism only to realize the reason why this might not look smooth to some is because people seem to have different monitors that display colors differently.

  9. It doesn't look like a vector to me, it looks like it was drawn on paint.


    It's pretty good and not to many flaws with it, and overall I like it.

    I've made a few changes since I posted this and it looks super-vector smooth to me... but it seems that I'm having issues with gamma on my monitor so on other monitors, the lines will look rough... and I'm not talking about the eyelash area which I will admit was very lazy with.

  10. and our fluttershy here is a 3d image

    whats the difference..well obviously Fluttershy here has a Light source, and Shading

    attachicon.giflisght and dark source.png


    Be aware that body parts can cast shadows on other body parts, so the lighting is not as accurate as it can be. The lighting suggests a light source that is farther away from us than Fluttershy, but if that's the case, the mane should be casting a shadow on the wing. Especially with the shorter layer of feathers, there should not be any highlights because her head and mane is blocking the way.


    It's great to see people help out, but be aware that there's always somebody better at what we do.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. This looks far less clear than a raw vector, if we're being honest. I don't mean to offend you, it's very nice, but in my experience, my vectors have always been clearer than this. The pixels in this are far more prominent than those in what I've vectored, and really what I've seen in any vector. 




    Here's my point of view. Here, we have two edges. The left edge is perfectly clear. If you zoom in, you see two clear bodies of color.


    If you zoom in on to the right edge, it is significantly blurrier. If you zoom in to that edge, you see two clear bodies of color, but there is a gray line running down between these bodies of color. What this gray line is effectively doing is drawing an edge that is not perfectly aligned to a pixel grid.




    By adding and removing this gray line, I'm basically moving the edge a distance of less than a pixel.


    As far as I know, vectors will not change their proportions to better align to a pixel grid. A pixel artist will always consider the very pixel grid used to display pictures. If a vector is adding extra buffer pixels, it's because their proportions aren't perfectly aligned to the grid.


    If we're still disagreeing, I'll give you permission to do a vector trace of my work. I've already posted a comment in the MLP-vector club on dA asking if I can have a vector trace of this work for the sake of comparison.

  12. It actually looks pretty nice. It's not very clear (probably because you hand-pixelled it), but it's still enjoyable and looks great overall!


    Not very clear? That's like saying my drawing has bad anatomy because I traced from a photo. Hand-pixelled or hand-optimized vectors will always look sharper than raw vectors.

  13. attachicon.gifImpossibru.png


    Sorry about the delay, procrastination strikes again, and I guess it doesn't help that I decided to make that ponified meme myself instead of finding a pre-made one (god knows there must be a ton of them lying around).


    No seriously, in order to use guidelines correctly, you have to understand faux pony anatomy and how the parts work and function.


    The very same skill and sense of proportions to put guidelines in the right places are the exact same skill and sense of proportions to draw from memory pretty easily.

  14. They are absolutely beautiful! All of them!

    They're to good to critique, they're simply amazing. wonderful.


    You keep drawing! You have a real knack for it :).


    Too good to critique? I am not sure if there are gonna be very many people at THAT level. You just need another good artist to be able to point something out.


    Such as... the OP shaded the 3/4ths mare nose which is actually a side-view nose. Adding shading on that nose will make the perspective error easier to spot.


    Plus, I'm a dedicated pixel artist. IMO, desktop ponies are really, really simplistic in style (like, beginner-tier) and isn't very much to show off.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Yeah, we're just pretending they have actual anatomy because otherwise we would have a hard time with proportions and perspective, we need to visualise how they would work in 3D so the illusion is accurate.

    I've traced a few more poses from pictures of Applejack. I noticed one thing and it bugs me: the curve of the ponies' belly goes over their thigh in some pictures where it seems like it shouldn't.



    It's fine if it's a front view, but from the side it looks really weird. so I'll probably draw it differently when I do make complete drawings.

    A couple news: I'm working on an improved version of the first drawing I did, with a slightly new style thanks to Jokuc's advice in another thread, I fixed the proportions but I still have to color it, which will take some time.

    I'm also doing a Flutterised version of Twilight's psycho grin from "Lesson Zero", I think it'll make a lovely avatar. I was thinking of doing some Christmas event where I could take requests but I figured I'd be biting waaaaaay more than I can chew at the moment, so maybe next  year...I'm still open to suggestions though, if you want a Christmas drawing of your OC or something like that, I'll see what I can cook up.




    If you ever referenced a picture of an actual horse in 3/4ths perspective, the belly curving into the leg is 100% anatomically accurate. In something I've written, there's a reference that shows exactly that: http://fav.me/d5lwqfl


    I also don't think this seemingly mathematical approach is gonna work out. I think one of the better ways to learn anatomy is to try to copy stuff by eye quickly, not trying to fix mistakes but draw over them instead. It will help get proportions into memory so you don't need to rely on mathematical constructions and at some point, you'll be able to draw from memory without guidelines.

  16. And for some reason its counting less than a hundred characters for this post without this paragraph. Dangit forums, stop toying with me.


    I don't do show style o -o;;

    That's how long I do adult mare legs by default~ I wouldn't say two, more like 1 and 1/4 or 1 and 1/2

    I think the OP was definitely going for a bit of show-style.


    Anyways, I found a vector to reference: http://fav.me/d5ma6d3


    That one is a bit less than three heads, but it should be exactly from the show. I measured your leg from the top of the rump to the hoof and counted a bit less than two heads but more than 1 1/2. Looking at this vector, that appears about 1 1/2 from top of the rump to the hoof.


    So, I guess your leg while fine if we wanted a proportionally smaller head, but probably not necessarily entirely perfect for show accuracy.


    Posted Image

    Very good, looks like you have real potential! 83

    Forgot to mention in the thingie that your shading isn't too great. What little shading there is it's too 'solid' if that makes sense? Like there's no gradient between light at dark. If you're going for a cellshaded kinda look, you need to make the shading thicker if that makes sense? Not blacker but wider so the audience can see if clearer. Also, you should add highlights into your mane and tail as well by using an eraser or white gel pen o wo;

    OH, when you move to colouring things remember this: Warm coloured light produces cold coloured shadows just as cold coloured lights produce warm coloured shadows.

    The red lining for the leg isn't the most correct if we wanted a style that resembles show accuracy. A mare is about three heads tall but your leg appears almost two heads long.... yeah.
  18. I've been procrastinating like crazy and haven't finished a single drawing since that first one. I've been playing around with the advice you guys gave me, I can't seem to do the face right however, it always come out weird when I try to do it by eye... I decided to go back to the basics and figure out the anatomy before I try making complete drawings.

    I took an image of Applejack from the wiki and drew some shapes to guide me, and I traced some parts I had trouble with so I can get used to them, I replaced her mane and tail with an improved version of my original OC's design. I've already found so many bits I got wrong, and if I keep tracing templates like this I'll probably get used to pony anatomy well enough to make drawing from scrach eventually.


    Here's what I came up with, although I think the tail needs some more work.




    I've also been thinking of a name and backstory for her, I'm thinking "Daiquiri". She'd be the owner of a beachside bar and restaurant.


    Kinda funny when I hear 'pony' and 'anatomy' in the same sentence as when you think about it... they have no proper anatomy. They're literally a bunch of flat shapes put together to create the illusion of having anatomy. I dunno if there's a more proper word though.


    I think it's more important to observe what you see and look at what their shapes are and where they're placed. For example, if we're dealing with 3/4ths perspective, the closest eye of a regular mare is ovals with a slant, with the bottom placed below the top of their nose. The eye slants back as far as the ear. If you have proportions like these memorized, you'll be drawing more accurately.


    Also, a funny thing about the nose. I think it looks off because your lines are very thin. In the past, I have confused myself wondering if the outer edge of the outline is part of the nose, or the inner edge of the outline being part of the nose.


    At some point, I realized that a mare's 3/4th nose is totally nonsenseical and I started considering coming up with an anatomical style that is easier to work with. Don't dive too deeply in drawing your own style as you'll be drawing better if your observational skills become good enough to emulate FiM-style to begin with.

  19. It screams adorable. I smell the screaming soda cup becoming a meme in the near future. Do you think you'll be making different character skins of this?


    Oh, why not? Not like there's a whole bunch of other stuff I gotta make. :mellow:


    I seem to be giving myself a bit too much to do lately. I only have so much time.

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