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Lord Valtasar

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Posts posted by Lord Valtasar

  1. 8 minutes ago, An Admirer said:
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    There are two characters in coverart.
    Human boy

    Age: 19
    Hair color: black
    Eyes: dark brown
    Skin: fair
    Hair style: Messy hairs
    Clothes: dark blue T shirt and grey jeans
    Luna (you know the details)

    Coverart details:
    Luna hugging the human boy cheek to cheek while one of her eyes are closed and boy is smiling with a blush. Dark grey background where there are two giant evil reptalion lizard like green eyes gazing upon them. (No need for full body picture only neccessary part)
    Hope you got the idea.


    a human huh,i'm not sure i'm in the mood for human anatomy i wanted a change of pace with ponies i hope you understand.

    15 minutes ago, Nye said:

    I will DM you with the details of my request. :P 

    sorry i'm new to the forum scene what is a "DM"?

  2. fan made pony songs is what got me to finaly check out this show, but i'd like to find more so here i am,i'm looking for ones in normal mlp style like the ponyphonic and duo cartoonist stuff or "the siren and the seamare"so please no tecno,metal,instrumental etc. thanks in advance

  3. i take the general feeling of characters i like in movies and series,i add some traits then, i try to imagine them in different situations and how they would react based on their personality and lastly i put many of them together and see how their chemistry develops

    • Brohoof 1
  4. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


    How did you find MLP Forums?


    How you became a fan of My Little Pony

    i've been in DeviantArt for some years and ponies are everywhere there,then i found "the moon rises" animation and i decided to check the series out

    hey there everypony,i'm Lord Valtasar and i'm new to mlp in general,not only the forum,i'm an artist so feel free to check my Deviant-Art and sent me yours or your favorites'
    looking forward to meeting you all

    • Brohoof 9
  5. even with the expanded map there is very little information about the original alicorns lands so i thought it would be an awesome Daring Do adventure to find their lost city
    I find it very intresting that Twilight's cutie mark apears to exist even before she does,on the tree of harmony so i thought it would make an awesome symbol of powerfull magic for the alicorn temples
    i just got into this series/fandom so if there's official information about this stuff and i have it different don't read too much into it
    p.s. I only made the picture i don't have a story or anything
    you are free to use the image in any way (non-profit)

    daring do2.png

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