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Tom Gallagher

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About Tom Gallagher

  • Birthday 2002-12-14

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Also owns a holiday home in Ponyville.
  • Personal Motto
    No matter what happens, your friends will always be there until the end. Because Friendship Is Magic.
  • Interests
    Michael Jackson, Westlife, Queen, The Beatles, Spider-Man, Doctor Who, theme parks.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Sugarcube Corner

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Mane Six (All of them) ❤️
  • Best Princess
    Princess Luna
  • Best Mane Character
    The Six of them, forever and always!
  • Best CMC
    Apple Bloom
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    You must be kidding.
  • Best Song
    Smile Song/Flawless/Pinkie's Lament/Hearts As Strong As Horses/I’ll Fly/Best Friends Until The End Of Time/We Got This Together/A True, True Friend/It’s a Pony Kind of Christmas/Let The Rainbow Remind You/I'm Just A Pony

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Yak (17/23)

  • MCM Party Pony

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  1. Forget Egyptian or Roman symbols, these are the most iconic symbols in the world. :ticking:

    1. Sparkly sparks

      Sparkly sparks

      at this point, i wouldn't even be surprised to learn this man speaks cutie mark

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