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Everything posted by PlNKlE PIE

  1. Gorgeous drawing. I'm in love with your style thus far, the physics of Fluttershy's blowing hair coupled with her eyes look very reminiscent of some old animes.
  2. Poor pony noses are sooo sensitive, it mustn't be pleasant to take powder and dust clouds to the face so often. Geez, Ponyville must be a sanitation disaster during the winter.
  3. I don't know much about it, other than it's based on FiM and bears a repetitious, yet strangely catchy theme song. I should give it a go later tonight.
  4. Wow, they did! Broohoof at 1:04! Her glee-overflowing voiced coupled with the heartwarming message of the song almost always manages to paint a grin on my face.
  5. I can't imagine the distress she must have been in after her standards were likened to the personality of one of those filthy vermin.
  6. I thought Cranky Doodle was a swell guy and moderately physically appealing. The species of choice could have been worse. After all, Celestia forbid you should have to watch one of THESE for near twenty-two minutes: Those...MULES. BLECH, just saying the name makes me cringe! I'm glad nopony will ever again have to see one of those lesser individuals.
  7. Aside from the direction of the Smile Smile Smile montage turning out exactly as I envisioned it when initially listening to the song, I loved the two, uniquely stylized, felt and profile worlds during their short instances on screen.
  8. I too am lovin' the Patch Land thought region.
  9. Now you all know how exhausting my morning routine is!
  10. How their massive heads do not fall off is truly a wonder. What lunatic designed those suites? Most homemade pony costumes look better than them. Why, the whole play is horrific. Now, this, on the other hand, this is true beauty.
  11. It's /mlp/. I don't care much for 4chan in general, so the pony board doesn't do anything for me. Ponychan is a nicer place anyway. :3
  12. It's pretty funny that some people are getting mad over it and trying to raid the board. "HOW DARE YOU REMOVE SOMETHING WE HATE FROM OUR BOARD?!"
  13. There are no thumbs up/down buttons on YouTube comments anymore? D:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. FLARE


      Sad but true.

    3. Fghik


      "When you upload a video there's an option to allow comment-rating, so the uploader could have not checked it or something." "option to allow comment-rating" "comment-rating." Yeah, I knew you were talking about comments, and I had just refreshed a page and thumbs-upped one of those stupid 'if I get 20 likes..." things. It was still there. I don't know if it's still there now, but it was when I made the post.

    4. Pinkie Diane Pie
  14. You have four coins. Put the coins in two rows so that there are three coins in each row. You should be able to solve this.

    1. Tom The Diamond
    2. Jokuc


      Two at the bottom and two in the middle on top of them? Or did I missunderstand it?

    3. PlNKlE PIE

      PlNKlE PIE

      A little more thought is in order.

  15. McDonalds would run out of Luna toys within minutes of restocking due to bronies ransacking the restaurants for them.
  16. All I'm envisioning is some average paced jaw movement. What ever cou- OH YOU SLY DOG YOU.
  17. I don't usually analyze these things. But when I eat cake or anything else that's baked, or generally sweet, I che- MASTICATE quickly. I don't know why.
  18. Swoop is trying to bury the evidence. There's actually mass conspiracy in the works that seems to revolve around multiples of three. The numbers... what do they mean...?
  19. Submit... submit... resistance is but a fantasy...
  20. spikenooo.mp4 I can deal with it. Those glorious ponies are well worth multiple trips.
  21. THEY'RE GORGEOUS!!! I can't wait until fall, I'm going to die if I can't get my hooves on them soon.
  22. I'm going to barge into McDonalds, slam my hoof on the counter, and demand they sell me one of each pony. I will then after walk out the doors with my head held high in pride, beaming with happiness from the thought of my new pony toys. Oh, and I might also buy some hot chocolate too. :3
  23. Adblock exists for this reason, silly. YouTube's homepage layout is okay. It's very simplistic, yet it remains easy to navigate. Now, the 2012 channel layout is what irritates me. It's atrocious. Prior to the update, channels were heaps easy to navigate. The previous design managed to bundle everything into a one place, and kept things easy to access quickly. Videos could be viewed using the sidebar, with the above panel to choose which of the user's playlist to select a video from. Profile info was easy to see and organize, with any section you wanted to add, be it other channels, or friends/comments/etc., all at your fingertips and without switching any pages. Also, channel customization was tremendously simple, anyone could paint their channels with any colours they pleased. Heck, the traditional GUI style didn't even need to be used, someone could design an alternate style and upload it as a background image. It was stylish overall. The current channel design is a giant Easter egg hunt. Have a lot of videos, or visiting a user that does? 1,000 sorrows, if you can't remember the name of the particular video you seek, you're going to have to switch to a different page and dig through pages of giant thumbnails until you find the correct one. You know what? That's pretty much the eternity of the new layout, pages and giant thumbnails, sometimes unnecessarily encapsulated in white blocks. Anyone can post comments, sure, but now the area used to do so hangs out in the right sidebar, and the only way to view any comment is by flipping to a separate channel page. Oh, how could I forget, the current "customization" selections. Users are forced to choose one of four possible layout options, despite each one looking nearly identical to the rest in every aspect. Words are insignificant in describing my animosity towards this disgrace towards expression. The colour scheme is unchangeable, and any person using this redesign is forced to face a dull collection of black and grey gradients. Honestly, YouTube is trying to lock everything into this box that limits expression, and we have no choice but to conform to their unreasonable layout decisions. ...but, you could, um, you know, s-send YouTube some feedback. I'm sure they w-would appreciate it...
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