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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. Again, Diamond, you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not saying you like Discord Like that, I'm saying maybe Discord does for you. Also, how can you overthrow somepony, or something in Discord's case, when that somepony is a king and you are just a princess?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlbeQxBBrJE&feature=youtube_gdata_player Your thoughts on THIS?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFV2riYeglA&feature=youtube_gdata_player Your thoughts?
  4. If it is possible that you can take a request, might I suggest that you make a Google Crome pony. Also, love the colors you chose!
  5. You know, when you think about it, Princess Cadance wasn't a princess until her kingdom was found and Sombra was defeated.
  6. To me, a good show I watch is "Randy Cunningham: 9th grade ninja" And not to give myself free advertisement, but if you too like the show, find my topic in 'Media Discussion'. It is called "The Cunningham Topic: FOR NINJA EYES ONLY"
  7. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the princesses? All of them please.
  8. Like I said, his way of fun was seen as the good kind of fun. Plus, check out this video: If you ask me, it is Celestia falt. She broke Discord's heart.
  9. I don't know about Discord. The way I see it, he isn't bad, just misunderstood. He was just a guy looking dor fun, even If that fun wasn't always well talked about. Sure he hid the elements of harmony, and sure, he "discorded" the mane 6, ending there friendship, but that was just so he wouldn't get turned back into stone!
  10. Banned because I feel like throwing up. *belches* false alarm!
  11. Okay, then. I won't make you talk about it. What are your opinions on the elements of harmony? The ponies i mean.
  12. Do you have your cutie mark? If you do, I can't see it behind you wing.
  13. What are your opinions on the elements of harmony? The ponies, I mean. Also, what is your opinions on Discord?
  14. Why do I have the feeling that Discord had other reasons? Think about it: he wanted to take over equestria, therefore making him a king, and if you are a princess... *wink* Anyway, that must of been awful, Silver Spoon! Is there something you did or didn't do so that made the antics like you more?
  15. Well, if you want to, I was thinking about going to the Cantrlot gardens, I'd you don't mine. I think the animals could be friendlier. Plus, I always wanted to see the "statue" of Discord. Also, I heard they have monkeys! Monkeys are my favorite type of animal.
  16. This song is a piece of artificial proof that Discord isn't evil, just misunderstood. A heartbroken Discord is new to me, but reasonable.
  17. This song "proves" that discord isn't a villan.

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Yup, he was truly only misunderstood... and Q

    2. DJShy


      Amen, brother.

  18. Hi, Peppermint. It is nice to meet you. I'm DJ Shy-3, but most people call me Shy3. I like your mane.
  19. I just finished watching it on YouTube, and I loved every minute of it! And it is no competition, the beat part was of baby Applejack! 'More Apple fritters?'
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