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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. Anyway, how does it feel when Fluttershy gives you 'The Stare'? Maybe I AM a therapist.
  2. I gotta know! Was Princess Cadance in power when you took over?
  3. Blackwater blackway MY PHONE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! Pokemonforeverawesome
  4. Banned for baning someone who banned someone who banned someone who banned himself.
  5. If you say 'loco in the coaco' when you mean 'crazy', you might be a brony!
  6. Granted. It is now even catchier. I wish my mom wasn't in jail. (that is true. Sad, but true.)
  7. Moosen moosen moosen moosen moosen moosen moosen moosen moosen loosen moosej Phineas
  8. Twilight Sparkle: 17 (-2)Rainbow Dash: 8 Applejack: 13 Pinkie Pie: 23 Rarity: 0 Fluttershy: 21 (+1)
  9. That is two words. Anyway, Adam Adam adan ...FUUUUUUUUUU... platypi
  10. I'm not sire who you guys are, but if I'm right, Minty, you mind if I call you Colgate? And Sunny Daze, you mind if I call you Carot Top?
  11. Granted, bit you have no bits, no friends, no house... Basically your a hobo. I wish I didn't have to go to school today.
  12. No, I haven't. But I'm sure that was just a one time thing that happened during the whole 'Iron Will' thing.
  13. Gets the magic of friendship Inserts a desperate need for a hug. (i really need one. Some jerk said something that reminded me of my sister, who lives in another state, I never get to talk to, and I never get to talk.)
  14. MY BIG BROTHER, BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! Oh, god can we please start a new song now please? I know I started this song, but I forgot about this part of the song, which makes me think about my sister who lives in another state and I never get to visit. *starts to tear up, wimpers*
  15. Granted, but there is nobody here to rule. I wish this wish would get corrupted.
  16. Yeah, yeah! You know, I wonder if Fluttershy already knows. It would explain why she is so caring for you, even during the worst of attitudes you can get. No offence.
  17. anypony else see the foreshadowing of the CMC during the Nighrmare Night reveling scene of MLP season 1, episode 1

  18. But there was one colt that I cared for.
  19. I don't know what your talking about. WYR: Fall in love with the pony you hate the most OR Be hated by the pony you like/love the most?
  20. ^ dosen't know what or which one you are taking about. >Has a bad feeling that Raritty is calling me weird. v Thinks that Raritty is calling me weird.
  21. loves to eat Scootaloos. (hope you get the joke!)
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