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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. Um afraid he isn't, Applejack. A good number of people all around the world heard you sing.
  2. What are your thoughts on the shipping between you and Fluttershy?
  3. Twilight, do you know how to divine by zero?
  4. Banned because it is a internet radio. Therefore, If you have internet, you have Everfree Radio.
  5. Banned because I'm listening to Everfree Radio as we speak.
  6. Granted, but you are a toy transformer. Or you are now part of a car. Take your pick. I wish the next poster was awesome.
  7. DJShy

    Ask Fluttershy

    I just never was much of a talker face-to-face. I would just get so scared about what others would think of me that I try not to talk. Unless it is important. Even then I try to talk only as much as needed. Why did you laugh? There wasn't anything funny unless- *eyes widen* your laughing at me! *eyes tear up*
  8. Hey, hey, hey! 1st I would be scared as hell. (sponsor!) Then, I try to make up with her. (OOC) If anyone who reads this uses YouTube and doesn't understand the reference, your a noob for YouTube.
  9. Granted, but you don't know it was double bladed, and it stabs you in the guts. I wish for a teacup piglet.
  10. What are your thoughts on the shipping between you and Twilight?
  11. Actually, it is my other-dimensional self that likes animals.
  12. *blushes even harder* Thanks. Anyway, friends learn to forgive each other. However, the pain never went away, so o took up a "hobby".
  13. I'm hitting the hay for tonight and i leave you with a song. Goodnight, everypony!

  14. DJShy

    Ask Fluttershy

    Yes. Well, kind of. I grow it for nurse Redheart and she buys it from me. I don't know what she needs it for, but I don't want to seem nosy.
  15. Pinkie, I got you a present! It is a bouncy ball! And it is squeaky! Sorry Pinkamena, I didn't know what you would like. I could still go get you something.
  16. *blushes* You sure you are not confusing me for my other dimensional self? If only Rainbow could be like you. But anyway, Rainbow Dash can be pretty mean at times, but I still forgive her. She is my friend after all!
  17. DJShy

    Ask Fluttershy

    Aw, don't worry! I'm sure you will get one soon. That was a good song. Even Angel liked it! I especially liked the guitar solo.
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