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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. I stare at you with a poker face on and you give the cookie if I stop.
  2. Octavia, if cellos didn't excist, what instrument would you play? And Vinyl, how much do you love wubs?
  3. No video games. WYR: Play Basketball to the death, OR Watch all 3 HSM movies and never forget them, no matter how hard you try?
  4. Banned because you need a new avi. (not sure if I'm using that word right.)
  5. Fly WYR: Have Luna as a roommate Or Cadence as a roommate?
  6. Day after Christmas (Dec. 26)
  7. I'm a ghost. I pass though the locked bank, take control of you, knock you unconscious by making you run into a wall, and steal the cookie.
  8. Banned for Trixie with a hat. I thought that wouldn't make sence.
  9. DJShy

    Buff Helmit

    Buff Helmit
  10. You shouldn't be here because you are windy.
  11. "Don't worry, Fluttershy," I say with a smile on my face and a look into her eyes, "I'm sure the animals will be more friendly towards you this time. And even if they are not still, you have that dust that will let you talk to the animals, allowing you to tell them you are friendly. And if they still aren't friendly, well that's their problem for not wanting to get to know such a sweet pegusus.
  12. I use a double bladed axe to slice your arms off and take the cookie.
  13. I know that! But songs are more interesting to me when it has good visuals, even when I don't watch the video.
  14. 5/ 10 my rating would be better if the video had visuals to interest me.
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