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Everything posted by Nouth

  1. I do believe that one could quite easily claim that it is true that I would not actually have a single problem with dating the person above me. (BTW, what you've just seen was ,,Yup, no prob in datin yew" extended to 115 characters.)
  2. A rather wise fool. I'm still wondering how much braggart and unhumble it sounds D:
  3. Yup. That's the way you've got to look at it, because if you believe your opinions matter, they will.
  4. Nouth

    Tap is fixed :(

    Nothing lasts forever... *sniff* not even broken taps.
  5. Good night Coco :) Didn't catch you at the synch.

    1. Cocodrillo


      Good Night and thanks. ;3

  6. Synchtube awaaaaaits :D

    1. thegoodhen


      I'll hop on in an hour or 2, I'm kinda busy. :X

    2. Nouth
  7. Nouth

    Ask Coco

    Hnnng Question : Your opinion on Pacifism ? Appllyable* to our society or not ? * Because googling up the correct spelling is manestream.
  8. Browsin' through the awesomeness in your odosketch :D

    1. Cocodrillo


      Awww, enjoy, I´m glad. THANK YOU ;3

    2. Nouth


      Gotta go make tea for mother, she's returning from Prag in 10 minutes :D Then, I shall navigate my submarine to calm waters of synchtube :D


    3. Cocodrillo
  9. Euphoria, Euphoria everywhere ! That's what you get from watching synchtube with awesome people :3

    1. Cocodrillo


      I was giggling during the lessons, because I remembered some of our "slogans". ;D

    2. Nouth



      Teacher : Hey! What are you gigglin' at ?!

      Coco : Porn : Your fammily will love you


  10. There is something odd going on. It's the second day after a chapter of FHFH has been posted, and I still have not read it. Gotta read it tommorow :D

  11. Screenshot, or it did not happen. And it's not MY problem YOU can't take screenshots in real life.
  12. I usually really dislike humanized ponies, but I love this one :3 Great work as always, Coco. I especially like the Wrench-Staff thingy she's holding, and her dress. I can see a few cutie mark patterns there
  13. So, is there going to be a Trainloads of Moderators : Members Strike Back episode too ? Always glad to see good people being promoted. I hope you guys won't get your souls sucked away by moderating all this enjoy moderation and improve the staff overally
  14. Allright, time to move both seasons from my laptot to my pc. Funny thing's that none of USB ports on my laptop works D: Not screwed at all.

  15. Nouth

    Happy b-day :D

  16. Nouth

    Happy b-day :D

  17. This idea sounds awesome... And about the legal problems : I think that copyright problems could be easily avoided by not using original show characters, but using some custom mlpforums charactersinstead (e.g. : The Feldicorn. I do not say that Feldicorn should be used for shirts (although it would look bad-ass imo), but as far as I know, if the artists who made it allowed Feld0 to use and sell the picture... I can see no legal problems there.). I think that it would kill two birds with one nuke - you avoid legal problems, and also get absolutely original T-shirts. Also, imagine MLPforums community attending to BroNYcon / any other big convention in uniform like this
  18. Good night everybody, I love you all. Don't worry, be happy :)

    1. Cocodrillo


      Even me? O.o

      Good night, Nouthie.

    2. Nouth


      One does not simply disqualify themselves from Notuhie's everybody :3

      Yup, even you :)

    3. Nouth


      Achivement get : Fail at spelling own nickname


  19. Fuck, I think Slendy got me again. Answer : But I thought you wanted us to do that !
  20. Hello, welcome to the best place on the web :3 An artist, huh ? Be sure to show us some of your work, there's an art section for that Stay active, and have a great time .
  21. Welcome, welcome, welcome .'D The community indeed is quite loveable, and so is this great forum Hope you'll have awesome time here
  22. Welcome to the very best place on the whole internet I hope you will enjoy your stay here, make new friends and stay active .
  23. Annoyed ? Sad ? Losing faith in humanity ? Please head this way : -> http://mlpforums.com/topic/34575-make-mlp-forums-a-better-place/#entry812068

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