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Rainbow Dash Loyalty

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Status Replies posted by Rainbow Dash Loyalty

  1. I got banned from LoL for one day...lol.

  2. Can't decide who is better: Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle?

  3. I love my new avatar so much. o3o

  4. when your a newer member, and your flank is very bare!

  5. Thanks for the friending! :D

  6. Oh that's right...good morning to you guys! :D

  7. Changed my avatar...I really liked my last one better, so hopefully I can get some opinions.


  9. is it me or is the site really inactive right now

  10. I finally did it, I made a mod so that a pistol shoots out other pistols..that explode

  11. Good Night You Awesome and Cra-azy Ponies!

  12. I like the new badges :3 Too bad no one ever reached the Certified Brony badge

  13. Check out my profile, I'm almost to 1,000 views ^.^

  14. Just came back from my 4 day ski trip >.< I'm tired as hell, but it was like the funnest thing ever :D

  15. Goddammit, I was talking to myself for like 10 minutes because I just realized my friend left the call on skype xD

  16. Two. More. Days. Two. More. Days. No more Chaotic. In two. More. Days.

  17. Two. More. Days. Two. More. Days. No more Chaotic. In two. More. Days.

  18. Well, Skylars gone. Now I have you guys. Help me.

  19. punching a leprechaun with my lemon foot beret

  20. It's been more than a month since I joined this place already. Best pony forum right here ^_^

  21. Dat feel when you're singing Everytime We Touch to your toaster

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