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Derpy Dash

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Status Updates posted by Derpy Dash

  1. 23,000 members? Dang this site has come a long way since I was here. Good for you guys.

  2. Seriously guise, going thought all my old stuff on here is bringing me to tears. makes me feel like the 8 days i've spent here really were worthwhile. Not even sure if anyone here even remembers me anymore...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      This place sure has changed a lot. It's been well over a year since I was active on here.

      Back in ye olde times. When there was no Alicorn Twi drama or anything like that. Everything was happy. Then the dark times came. The evil Hitler dictator moderators came to power. Posts containing opinions were being removed left and right, there was even a... 100 character minimum! (Gasp) Then there was the Great Migration, were probably half the people I knew, including myself, fled thes...

    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      these forum, and have been drifting from place to place ever since.

      Upon my return, I expected to see the smoldering remains of a place consumed by hate, but instead find that what I left as a small little pony forum has bloomed into a hangout of friendship and magic.


      what am i even saying

    4. Sunlight


      I don't know... xD

  3. Ah this place. It's been so long. Everything has changed.

  4. If one of you artsy peoples on here could draw me a picture of Derpy holding a Black Ops II combat knife in her mouth, that'd be swell. <3

  5. To any singers on here: I'm in the process of making a song and need someone to sing. If anyone is interested please send me a PM, add me on skype: nicholas_jackson97, or email indyfan97@aol.com Thanks

    1. Fender


      Just need a reply to my PM.

  6. Season 3 is just too much win

  7. Literally done nothing but watch Doctor Who the last 24 hours. My eyes are killing me.

    1. Homura Akemi
    2. Dragonshy


      Welcome to the Doctor Who rush. You will want to watch the next episode constantly and find yourself wanting to cry with joy. Resistance is futile.

  8. My friends and I are already planning an all-nighter for the premier of Season 3 :3

  9. I am slowly losing my brony drive. Season 3, please hurry...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Lawful Jordo~

      ~Lawful Jordo~

      HANG IN THERE MY FRIEND! November!

    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      acutally... nvm. There is no way on earth or equestria I could ever not love this stuff. <3

    4. ~Lawful Jordo~
  10. hey.. what happened to my 3 day weekend? :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HunterTSN


      it is? i need to check my schedule

    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      It is for me because we have a teacher in-service next friday. Only for our county :P

    4. HunterTSN
  11. Look at this amazing lightning outside my house! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j-BMUUUD5c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. None42069


      Something's coming...

    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      thats what she said:3

    4. HunterTSN


      A storm's coming Harry, and we best be ready when it does

  12. There needs to be a WWII Battlefield game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      I mean a new one. One that can compete with BF3. Cuz I love WWII and BF3, combine the two = :D


      BF 1942 looks like it was made in 1942 :P

    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Plus 1942 is only for computer, and my computer is a piece of crap

    4. Lonewolf


      Hey! Battlefield 1942 is still one of my favorite games of all time. I would have suggested playing Battlefield 2 with a WWII mod but since you say your PC sucks, I can only recommend Battlefield 1943 which is a console only game.

  13. The banner! Adorable overload! :D

  14. Home alone with none of my friends online... Time to put in BF3 and crank up the dubstep and brony music >:D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PegasisterTaco
    3. Fizz.


      Thats what I used to do till the stereo broke! D:

    4. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      ever drove into battle in bf3 while blasting the MLP theme song? Nothing matches it...

  15. Anyone wanna play BF3 on xbox?

    1. Fizz.


      I can't play now, but add me and I might sometime. GT: Fizzypup

    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Sent you a request. senorpepe120

  16. Good luck to all of the incoming freshmen! :3 It's not too hard.

    1. anythingmasterz


      Thanks :3 assuming you meant College cus I'm a College Freshman. So far my first day was awesome :3

    2. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet


      my little brother's starting his Freshman year of High School....and I'm starting my Senior year of High School >:3

      UNLEASH HELL!!!!!!!!

  17. Seems like everyone had a short first day of school today... I've been going full days for 3 weeks now :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngryGamer432
    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      by short I meant like actually short. I see alot of people say they only went for like an hour or two

    4. AngryGamer432
  18. Paintballing was so much fun, I already have plans on going again. Soon. :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Well the paint I got hit with did not taste good. At all.

    3. TheBronyHeart


      My brother got one of his friends to eat a paintball... he told him it was a gumball

    4. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      lol. I got my friend to eat dog food. He thought is was cereal.

  19. Bored... I guess tonight's gonna be anther fanfic reading night! :D. *sigh* I have no life...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NavelColt


      PM's, for now, methinks :3

    3. Purple Hays

      Purple Hays

      sup derp thought you might want to see one of my signatures

    4. Purple Hays

      Purple Hays

      look at my profile and you will see that my sig. describes me perfectly

  20. Goin painballing for the first time tomorrow :D

    1. Twiliscael


      Make sure to wear a helmet. Paintballs to the forehead have a tendency to knock people out (like myself)

  21. I had to do a double take then had a little heart attack when I saw this at Target. http://a.yfrog.com/img814/1849/d1ram.jpg Too bad they were all sold out. :( Wait, does that mean there are bronies where I live?!? :D

    1. Fizz.


      or little girls

    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Well, they weren't being sold when I looked 2 days ago, so unless little girls were also stalking the shelves waiting for them, then I doubt it.

  22. Twilightlicious banner

  23. Rainbow Factory by WoodenToaster is defiantly my favorite brony song, followed closely by The Living Tombstone's remix of Discord

  24. Made this based off of my friends reaction to MLD. (PewDiePie fanart) http://i50.tinypic.com/18c3nm.png

  25. Going to a paintball/xbox party on Sunday. Gonna be SOO AWESOME!!!

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