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Posts posted by lomk

  1. 431831

    So I've been thinking about replacing my phone for a while. But then I wiped it. It's almost lunchtime and I'm at 77%. Previously at this time of day I would be closer to 50%. 

    Now I'm considering holding on to this phone another year or two if this keeps up. :squee:

    I must have had too many apps draining it. 

    4 minutes ago, Dawnchaser said:


    Ken Block? Sure he can throw a car around but he's no McRae/Loeb/Makkinen/Blomquist...


    Getting around the track? Flashbacks to the Suzuki Escudos in GT2 (?) with stage 4 turbo *bwaaaaaaaah*

    Yo I don't know much about rally or F1. American here. We watch NASCAR. That's it. :derp: I was just pulling the only name I could think of from my ass. :P

    (Don't worry, I think NASCAR is boring)

  2. 431825

    So have you guys heard about the whole Elsagate thing?

    I've known about it for months but its good to finally see this stuff getting the attention it deserves. 

  3. 431588

    I love the Apple mindset. Like, hey, you know how headphones were always easy to use and maintenance free? How about we take away the simplicity of a headphone jack and make you have to navigate menus to use your headphones? Oh yeah, and remember to charge them. Because that's how you upgrade your earbuds. But hey, if you want it the old way like a Neanderthal, go ahead and pick up an adapter at no extra charge! Because our post-Jobs motto is: There's an adAPPter for that. 

    Also the release of the iPhone 8 and X at the same time is nothing more than a ploy to get people to pay more for what they already have and get them comfortable with the idea of paying $1,000 for a smartphone. It's very smart. No thanks. I'll stick with OnePlus for now. 5T is releasing at $499. I might get that if I get this job. 

  4. 431583

    Thank you. :squee:

    *sweating profusely*

    Is it hot in here or is it just the cocaine?

    *ceiling falls, walls close in*

    But seriously, I am unbelievably nervous. Because social anxiety. 

    Like, knowing me, I'll probably walk in there, barf and die, and that'll be a normal day for me. 

  5. 431547



    Man, I hope their stock drops like a rock. 

    Would be cool if they went out of business and someone a lot more trustworthy bought their best IP's. I quite like The Sims. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Da(wn)s Capschen :3 said:


    who tf thought making cars with rwd was a good idea? :dry:

    Playing Dirt Rally. I just accelerated, didn't touch the steering wheel... did a 360 :fiery:

    Good luck getting 600 hp to the ground with fwd. :derp:

    Ever seen those guys with turbo Honda Civics? One second, their speedo is at 40 mph, one second later it's stuck at 170 mph for the next minute because the wheels can't NOT spin. :lol:

    Everything has its ups and downs I suppose. :derp:

  7. 52 minutes ago, Fillypino Fries said:

    I've been replaying NFS Most Wanted 05 lately. :wacko:

    That sexy engine sound though. The whine makes me wanna :nom: 

    431520Which platform? I'm on PS2  :D

    I mean, the dialogue is horrible, but I remember this game warmly. Seriously, the sound guys at Gran Lawnmower could take a hint from the guys at NFS. 

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