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Status Updates posted by null1

  1. I saw this years ago, just saw it again for the first time in awhile. If anyone needs a good laugh and has low standards for quality, follow the link.

  2. I actually liked the new Transformers film, better than the third one, and of all things, had an MLP reference in it.

  3. So I get to watch the Season 4 Finale. I see they got some influence from Dragonball Z, minus the long, dramatic pauses.

  4. Perhaps this will be the Alien Franchise's redemption after the last two games. Looks like Slenderman... IN SPACE!

    1. null1


      But I did enjoy Colonial Marines.

  5. Oh all I want for Christmas is a fcking Rarity episode, a fcking Rarity episode. Maybe some new teeth too. /sarcasm

  6. Bioshock Infinite: Buried at Sea Part 1. My good daily dose of brain screwing. I await the next part.

  7. Buy PS4. Can't find power button.

  8. So who's seen the Doomstar Requiem Opera from Metalocalypse?

    1. DaReaper


      I did and wondering if they releasing an album on ot

    2. null1


      The entire opera is on iTunes, downloaded it today. It's great.

    3. DaReaper


      Now i need mire money fir itunes

  9. It's a bit late to say this, but Apple should have stuck with the Cat names for OSX and save the California locations for OSXI. They could have named it OSX Nyan Cat or OSX Thundercat. Even Lasercat sounds better than Mavericks.

  10. Season 4 needs to get here soon... I could use some bliss right now.

  11. Once more into the fray Into the last good fight I'll ever know Live and die on this day Live and die on this day - Joe Carnahan (Director of "The Grey")

  12. The Grey is one of those films that is going to stick with me forever. It depends on the person on how it's interpreted, but it can get deep down inside there.

  13. Sad that the mission's wings are clipped, but I think it can still keep going. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/15/us-space-kepler-idUSBRE97E16B20130815

  14. How the songs in MLP are made.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. null1


      The first few videos I watched when I first discovered this guy almost killed me from laughter.

  15. Pogo stick across stepping stones over lava while playing the guitar solo of Freebird.

  16. Kids, remember to drink milk and don't run with scissors.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Remember to drink scissors and don't run with milk.

    2. null1


      Even better.

  17. I found out how to twerk.

  18. It's fun to hook up your old PS2 and play Ace Combat Zero. Forgot how great that game was.

  19. Apparently Ponies are Tanoshii, at 2:24.

  20. My cat smells of a mixture of pancakes and maple syrup.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. longgone


      Perhaps you might wanna set a plate of pancakes with maple syrup beside him, sir, and see if the smells are distinguishable

    3. null1


      I don't have any pancake mix or syrup on me right now.

    4. null1


      I mean, I'd love to make pancakes right now, but I don't have the time to deal with the mess.

  21. The Last of Us is a gaming masterpiece.

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