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Everything posted by Musix

  1. Well guys, I've accepted you both in. When ever you guys and i are both online, Spam me with party invites and i'll try and introduce you to the whole team. Good to have you guys on board =D
  2. Oh- I see, Will it physically not let you join it? I am more than glad to accept you into our team, It'd be our pleasure if you could!!
  3. Bulletmag, Is that your name? If it is, Welcome to the team. If it's not, Get yourself on. I'd be more than happy to add you to our team, Buddy =D
  4. YOU DESTROYED THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD?! Answer: Yeah, Look behind you next time.
  5. Well, None of the guys in the platoon own a Play Station 3 (Or, That i know off..) But please join feel free to join, I'm sure we could still use you on the team! The more the merrier~
  6. I'd be Royal and die of awesomeness to realize i was in fact Shining armour?
  7. I hate you because you have a bubble pipe
  8. 11/10 for giving me 10/10. RIGHT. I'M OFF.
  9. Yes. 10/10 for me making an impact xD
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