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Everything posted by Musix

  1. Eating or throwing at nearby pedestrians. A Sparkwobble.
  3. Right, Sorry, I see it. Thanks! Still gonna caption yours though. =3 Saluting Equestria!!
  4. Your dad is my dads...Dad!!
  5. Maybe it was a little harder because i thought it'd be the opposite of difficult. OHMAIGAWSH Dis 'ere is be 'ard. There, You can do it if you say it in slang!
  6. Yeah, Well, I did it before you were born!!
  7. I love the fact that everypony is so kind and welcoming. They'll discuss almost anything and each and everyone of them is interesting. In lots of ways. ^.^ Its also quite addicting. =3
  8. For instance, Mine could be 'Whats this over here...?' But try to make them humorous. Or not, Its up to you! GO!! ^^
  9. Whats the highest i've ever got in an IQ test? Answer: Orange with bubbles
  10. 9/10, Because I WANNA GO THERE =3
  11. I lav yuu moar than ai luv Glaze. ....Joking. 7/10. I like boxes.
  12. Well, I'm not too sure... It'd be an interesting date, At least... ^.^''
  13. Rainbow dash is 20% cooler than Flutter Shy She could take her in Ten seconds flat And most of all SHE IS AMAZING <3 <3 <3 So i'd vote for Dashie. Dunno 'bout you guys >>
  14. Great idea! But i'd make it a free roamer RPG (Role Playing Game) were you get to make your own pony and build up how they live and meet up with friends and all that. Yeah, That'd be great. =D
  15. Honestly, I thought the show was stupid. The idea of floating pony's and magic was all a little silly; I really didn't think that the concept of all that was... Appealing. But hey- Dont knock it 'till you try it. It was amazing when i watched my first episode.
  16. If your living in the UK, It'll be alot harder to watch it. Netflix maybe, But Sky/Virgin/BTVision dont seem to have it, Or only have one or two episodes. I use Youtube. If you got Youtube on your Xbox or Television, That'd help, i guess. I'm with you though, Its low quality.
  17. I haven't got anything in my wardrobe to wear that resembles MLP in any way, But i've got my eye on a Rainbow Dash T-Shirt... (*HINT HINT*) Some people have even created their own clothes for MLP, Such as modified shoes, Hoodies, Caps... I'm sure there are alot more, But they're what i've seen. Does anyone know a good place to buy these sort of clothes, anyway? ^^ Is there anything that you fancy getting your hoofs on? Or even anything that you have within the MLP merchandise? Or does wearing it make you feel like too much of a Brony in public? Tell me!
  18. Musix

    Musix Note

    Musix Note
  19. I prefer the first one. It shows how crazy she is and how much she likes to have fun, in a way. AND ITS ADORABLE =^.^=
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