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Everything posted by Jinx

  1. I'd rather that my head ends up on a spike, I'll never bend the knee.
  2. The apocalypse is upon us, the end is nigh. The world will be a barren wasteland, and we can all blame it on @,
  3. Wait what's going on now? I don't get it, besides I hate suits. We'll make them fear our name, they will bend the knee or they will break.
  4. Yes, yes you do. I'm no soldier, I'm a great sage of sorts. They don't care about us ;-;
  5. That is glorious. I'll gladly give my life in the name of the Bari Republic.
  6. Mondays are always the worst days. Everyone always seems to be in a bad mood, mostly because the weekend just ended. Everyone wishes the weekend would last longer, that's just the way the world works.
  7. Everyone starts from nothing, you have to build your legacy. Flustered Bari is best Bari.
  8. I have a few times, although lack of a steady income puts a damper on that plan. That was the longest it's been in years, I'll come back to it later and hopefully I can get it looking decent. You are unique though Bari. :3 That it should be, we'll blow all of their minds with our great unique idea.
  9. My hair is unmanageable, too curly and hard to do anything with it. I'd like to, but I haven't found anything to help me with it.
  10. I feel odd today, farewell hair for you will be missed greatly. From 6 inches to 2 inches, this may take some getting used to. It could be spontaneous, as long as we decide on a theme to go with. I just hope that it will last longer than the Fruity fad did.
  11. Poor Dinky has no idea what's about to happen.
  12. That was sad, ah well April Fools isn't that important anyways. We could always do something just to do it out of nowhere. Odd name but I like it. .28 - .47 is the catchiest part.
  13. Sounds fun, too bad I'm already doing that exact thing. All of my days are like that, but Sundays are the worst.
  14. @, Cotton Fluff of the Clouds huh, sounds like this could take off. You just need a good marketing campaign now.
  15. Let me fix that, yeah? Although I'm biased towards one pair.
  16. Time for a daily dose of adorableness, feel free to let it distract your mind from all of your worries.
  17. Feeling helpless is the worst feeling that someone can possibly feel

    1. Nohbdy


      I know that feel

    2. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      Yeah,tell me about it...

    3. Jinx


      The goal you want to achieve is nigh impossible, then it sets in just how hopeless your dreams really are

  18. The thing I despise about them, is that I already knew what I was doing. There was really nothing new that I was taught, it was just rehashed from high school. 3 classes and it was the same thing in all of them. If you made it though high school, you can write intelligently. There's still some professions that require a higher knowledge of the subject, but most can get by with high school English classes.
  19. You're a funny guy. No second thought needed, the pieces have already been set in place. Because I'll totally be using that in my future job... Reports maybe, but not much else besides that. If you can speak intelligently, you can write intelligently. Just get your point across, no need for fancy schmancy uses of the English language.
  20. I knew you were exaggerating, Bari. Yet I said that anyways, because that was how I truly felt. Maybe I should find a way to define my sarcasm from what I mean more definitively.
  21. I guess so, but we can't fit everything in a nutshell. That's just ridiculous. Love is a strong word, only a few of us encompass that. I'm full of sarcasm and odd sayings, but some of the things I say I truly mean.
  22. It was simple enough to break the ice of this thread, I was just too hesitant to do it at first. Just general chattiness, something interesting happens, post it. Mental breakdown or sadness, post it. We'll talk about it, then jump onto the next thing that pops up.
  23. To be honest, English was the hardest subject I had to take in college. Even going so far as to fail one of the classes, I still think it was because they didn't like the topic of one of my essays. Maybe I'm wrong, but the teacher never responded to my e-mails I sent her.
  24. I only got hand cramps from college English courses, those things were brutal. Especially when you decide to do all the research and write the entire thing in a day. I'm not one of those people who waited until the last minute to do things though. I paid for it, I did it when it came out. I was just mocking the hashtag, but I'm sure you already knew that.
  25. Well to be honest, it's not entirely accurate. For two of the days, I have to make 2 posts over 100 words. #handcramps Haven spams that everywhere, that and I saw what the cool kids were doing so I wanted to fit in. It wasn't exactly a game, it was more of a journey. No one knew how bad a game could get until that came out, and it's still the standard for just how bad a game can be.
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